Energy Healing Package of Three
Ongoing energy healing sessions greatly improve physical health and vilality, and support a sense of emotional and mental well being. If there’s an issue or situation you’d like support moving through, a package of 3 energy healing sessions will create a significant shift in releasing energetic blocks, emotional charges, and mental fixations. The Energy Healing package of 3 is ideal for people who are fatigued, facing chronic illness, struggling with mental health, or just need a boost during a stressful time. Best if used over the course of 4-8 weeks. Give yourself the gift of regular loving care with an energy healing package and save $66.
All appointments happen online via Zoom. In-person appointments are available by request for people in the Boston area.
3 60-Minute Sessions ($400)
The Energy Healing Package of 3 confirmation email includes a code for your order and link to book each session. Simply click on SCHEDULE to set up each healing at your convenience or enter the code at checkout on my website.