June 2018: Marry Yourself to Mystery

June is the first month of the Summer, but it straddles the Spring and holds the highest Sun. Happily, the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, God of liminal space and time, entered it’s home sign just hours after the Sagittarius New Moon on Tuesday, May 29, so we begin June on a dignified note. For some, an immediate arrival of important information may have coincided with Mercury’s homecoming.

The Sun is certainly glad to have it’s host present in the airy realm as it ascends towards it’s zenith, but Mercury will struggle to be seen and heard during the first two weeks of the month precisely because of it’s close proximity to our blazing source of light. Gemini season is characterized by our desire and ability to connect with others. However, we may spend the beginning of June doing more receiving and processing information coming in, rather than being received ourselves. Notice what information is flowing towards you, especially on June 5.

One remedy to feeling invisible is to focus on listening to yourself and honoring what your body and emotions are conveying. Our subtle energy bodies are extremely attuned to the planets, yet our minds tend to be overactive during Gemini season. The uptick of mental activity can fatigue our nervous system leaving us feeling wired yet depleted. Spending time in quiet contemplation will benefit your physical body, which Gemini can tend to leave behind, and allow you to eavesdrop on ethereal epistles dropping down from the heavens.

The energy of the month markedly changes at the Gemini New Moon on Wednesday, June 13, when Mercury moves into Cancer and Venus enters Leo.Venus in Leo is feisty and fierce, but she’s being opposed by Mars in Aquarius conjunct the South Node, which can trigger tension between what you are growing into and what you are growing away from. With Mercury in sensitive Cancer ruling this Moon, there may be an impulse to purge your feelings in order to get relief. It’s great to pour it all out, just make sure you’re not draining other people in the process. Use this day to think philosophically about the struggles in your life. How are these challenges inviting (sometimes forcing) you to grow your spiritual practices and increase your faith? One interpretation of crisis is a moment when the past no longer determines the future. What life would you create if you were not bound and obligated by all that came before? Breathe into the liberation present in each moment of uncertainty, and let your breath anchor you as you navigate the new.

The Sun moves into Cancer on Thursday, June 21 at the Summer Solstice, also known as Litha, reaching the crescendo of light for the year. The ancients worshipped on this day with bonfires of purification. If you wish to do a ritual to honor this holy moment, build an altar adorned with sacred objects, flowers, if you like them, a cauldron (or some fire proof container--could be a pyrex bowl), and a red candle. Have a piece of paper and pen handy. Sit quietly and ground into the Earth, invite in the Goddess and God to your space, or any loving forces of the universe you wish to join you. Meditate on what has changed in your life since the last Solstice; what is working and what isn’t? Write down all of your cares, doubts, troubles, and fears. Write until you feel empty and all of it is gone. Then fold that paper up into a small square and tie it with a red ribbon. As you do intend to give all your troubles over to the care of the universe in a nice, tidy bundle. Then light the paper on fire with the flame of the red candle and toss it into the cauldron. As it burns imagine the Sun burning away everything in your life that is holding you back from living authentically and joyfully.

After you are finished sit quietly again and appreciate the space that has been created through that release. Savor the peace of the goddess in your heart. Remember that you can give your cares to her as many times as you need everyday. You may then wish to perform rituals of love, healing, or anything else you wish to grow next. Nature abhors a vacuum so rest assured that whatever opening was created will be filled with something for your highest good. The month of June is named after Juno, the Queen of the Gods, who’s symbol is the peacock. People traditionally married in June to receive her blessing. The myth of Juno and Jupiter reminds us of the importance of honoring ourselves first and foremost in relationship. If a partnership does not work for you then it does not work. Make a pledge of devotion to honor and care for yourself with loving kindness, and ask Juno to make it so!

The end of the month is challenging due to Mars stationing retrograde and Saturn opposing the Sun in the days before the Capricorn Full Moon on June 28. Tender feelings of vulnerability are always heightened during Cancer season when the sun is obscured through a watery filter. It could feel like we are under attack or being blocked the week of June 25, and indeed, we might be. Rather than rail against forces that may be unmovable, look for where there is movement and growth, and seek to align your efforts there.

We are coasting towards eclipse season in July and August, when life will begin to move you in unexpected directions at a frantic pace. The only way to sustain is to surrender. Intend to join your energy with the flow of the universe and see where it carries you.


July 2018: Pause and then Plunge


May 2018: Major Movements & Unexpected Arrivals