September 2019: Reap Your Harvest

Virgo season is a time for clarity, cleanliness, and assessment of resources. As a mutable sign, Virgo looks both backwards towards the glory that was Leo season, and forward towards the balance Libra brings in the Fall. The final sign of Summer, Virgo encourages us to take inventory of what has transpired since the Summer Solstice on June 22, and the Spring Equinox on March 21. By tracking these micro cycles we come into better alignment with the macro, and no one knows the value of a well executed plan better than Virgo. Ruled by the beautiful genderqueer God of communication, Mercury, their nimble movements are especially powerful during this period, and we’ll follow them closely over this month.

September begins with Juno, Mercury, the Sun, Mars, and Venus all gathered around the Virgo harvest banquet table. This enormous earth stellium is certainly a party, but in Virgo’s house the guests are being assigned chores for the next day. The good news is Saturn, the grand taskmaster of the zodiac, and his heavyweight pal, Pluto, are lending a hand from cardinal sign Capricorn. There’s also a jolt of the unexpected or innovative from Uranus in Taurus encouraging us to get ‘er done, but make it interesting. Whatever plan you hatched in April or project you began in July, now’s the time to finish because the strength of the solar system is on your side, and the emphasis is on building skillfully.

The first week in September is action packed so make a list and check it twice because we’re gonna hit the ground running. On September 1, there's a grand earth trine from Venus in Virgo to Saturn in Capricorn and Mercury to Uranus in Taurus inspiring us to do something amazing that no one's ever seen before, and do it well.You'll tap into new motivation as Mars conjoins the Sun on September 2, while Venus squares Jupiter in Sagittarius. Venus is in her fall in Virgo, making it hard for us to believe in ourselves, but Jupiter is delivering a loving reality check that reminds us to breath and remember who we really are. This boost of self-confidence helps us take steps in the right direction. September 3 is a day of power when Mercury conjoins Mars and the Sun in Virgo. You could receive a sudden insight or moment of clarity. Believe in the messages you get and what comes through at this time, but stay skeptical about invitations to conflict.

Venus opposes Neptune in Pisces on September 4, popping whatever bubbles of fantasy you may have overblown about love and romance. The upside is if you’ve been feeling creatively stuck or spiritually uninspired the Lord of the Seas may provide some nice juice to get you loose. Go devotional with these practices, and open your heart towards the Divine because human love is a lot less reliable this week. If you're involved with someone, feelings may intensify over September 6 when Venus trines Pluto. Passions run high and relationships can feel evocative, but remember that what is invoked is for your empowerment so wield it wisely.

The wisdom of Mercury, the Sun, and Mars gets major backing from the big daddies of the zodiac between September 5-13, when they square Jupiter and trine Saturn and Pluto. These are big forces. They make money moves. This whole week is an excellent time to get sh*t done. Just do it. Whatever it is. You’ll have the focus, inspiration, and stamina to take your passion and make it happen. Tangible results will feel extra satisfying so get busy. Things that were stuck in June and July start to move. You’ll uncover solutions where all you saw before were barriers and blocks. It'll start to feel like things are coming together and this will be a blessed relief.

Mercury conjoins Venus on September 13, just before the Pisces Full Moon on September 14, inspiring our minds with thoughts of love. Jupiter is direct and gifting us with the ability to show us how fully our vision has come to fruition since the Pisces New Moon of March 5. That lunation was conjunct Neptune and Vesta, asking us to tend to our sacred flame by dreaming a new world into being. This Full Moon has Mars opposing Neptune and Lilith, and forming a t-square with Jupiter. We’re moving away from simply imagining what could be into the tangible realm of doing and making. There's support for the next iteration of life in the Pisces realm. Venus and Mercury are with the Sun but about to hop ship for Libra. No more floating about on the waves. You’ve reached the shore, your feet are hitting dry land, and even if this is not where you imagined you’d find yourself, this is the place you’ve been guided. There may be some protestations from Lilith, who, if unhealed in our lives, keeps us rooted in a place of feeling marginalized due to past hurts, but sometimes we have to change things up to get a new perspective. This Moon will illuminate what is ready to be released in mind, body, and spirit. With a supportive sextile from Vesta, we’re reminded that by bringing a devotional heart to all seasons and phases of life, we stoke the fires of divinity within.

Venus and Mercury enter Libra on the morning of the Full Moon, September 14, changing the tone and texture of Virgo season. Libra is Venus’ home; her autumnal air abode where she brings harmony to discord and presides over all matters relating to justice. Over the next three weeks, our mental concerns shift towards creating peace in our relationships and beauty in our environment. There may be a reprisal of topics from the start of Summer when Saturn stations direct on September 18, as Mercury and Venus move into squares with him. There is a tension here between doing what is best for everyone and following the rules. In the courtroom of the soul, love and justice trump the laws of humans, so do the right thing, even if that means disagreeing with those in positions of power. Mars trines Pluto on September 19, adding to your motivation to take action.

If you’re starting to feel burnt out with all the Virgo focus on work, things begin to chill on September 21, when Jupiter squares Neptune in Pisces. This is the final piece of the enchanted tapestry Jove has been weaving with the Lord of the Seas between his mutable home signs. Mercury squares Saturn on September 22, so we need their help to keep it light and fresh because your mind will tend towards the negative.

Leave all that behind because the Sun moves into Libra on September 23, at the Autumn Equinox, Wiccan holiday of Mabon. The Fall Equinox begins the lunar time of year when there's more hours of darkness than light. This is the Moon’s time to shine and for the next 6 months we’ll be drawn inwards towards a more personal and subjective experience of life. But for one perfect day, the Sun and Moon are gorgeously balanced. Mabon, also known as the Second Harvest, is a time to complete what was begun, and come into right relationship with the world and your place in it. It is customary to take the day to settle debts, fulfill obligations, and make peace with yourself. Observe Mabon by taking a walk in the woods, or any place sacred to you, and observing the changes of the natural world. Gather leaves or pods to decorate your altar. 

MABON TAROT SPREAD: Here is a pentacle shaped tarot spread, with optional four corners, to be done at the Fall Equinox or anytime you feel called before or after:

  1. The top of the star: Where you are right now (September 23).

  2. Bottom Left: What you initiated at the Spring (March 21).

  3. Middle Right: What unfolded over the Summer (June 22).

  4. Middle Left: How to come into alignment.

  5. Bottom Right: What you need for completion.

You can add four more cards at the four corners for additional information about what you’re moving towards:

  1. Above: What you’re building/working with this Fall

  2. Below: What’s lighting you up and stoking your fire

  3. East: What’re you learning

  4. West: What’re you healing

Take time to record what you've learned in your journal. Thank the Goddess for the wisdom she has granted. 

The Sun in Libra is impacted by Venus’ condition, so her square with Saturn on September 25, could leave you feeling isolated and a bit sad. If big fears arise, try to ground yourself in the reality of what is, rather than what your mind is telling you could be true. Mercury squares Pluto on September 26, and Venus will square him on October 1. These chthonic transits may draw your awareness into things you’d like to change about relationships and your own ability to act. 

These influences are present with the Libra New Moon on September 28, but this is a lovely lunation none the less. Venus is conjunct Mercury and in a supportive sextile with Jupiter encouraging us to think, talk, and believe in love in a big way. There is a sense of being able to overcome difficulties and find a new way of relating. All of us concerned with justice are seeking better solutions, and this Moon offers new avenues towards genuine solutions that benefit all without exception. 

September is not a month you could miss but it may fly by. Take life as it comes, and don’t be surprised by how much has changed by the end.Fall Priestess: by Tara Reynolds


October 2019: Balance & Bounty


August 2019: Fire Trine Trifecta