October Astrology of Libra Season

Happy Libra Season, friends.

We begin the month with Mercury retrograde at 24’19 Libra in a square with Pluto in Capricorn on October 1. If this feels like dejavu it's because you already lived this aspect last month when Mercury in Libra made its first square to Plutoat the Autumn Equinox on September 22. Mercury is the genderqueer God of the middle path for whom things always happen in threes. The initial pass of the cycle, when Mercury is direct in motion but already in the retrograde cycle, brings awareness or sparks the action. The second visit while Mercury is retrograde and moving backwards, is the reconsideration when more is revealed. The third and final aspect is after a revision has occurred and we can bring things to completion. You can learn more about the phases of the retrograde cycle here. The habitual mind operates from an unconscious place. The challenges of Mercury retrograde serve the function of making us aware of our programming. It breaks us out of habit by dispensing with business as usual, and forces us to look at why we act the way we do. Meditation teaches that if I am always reacting then I am never free. Read more about the importance of mindfulness this Mercury retrograde here

Mercury aspects to Pluto draw us into the depths of our subconscious to analyze hidden material. Power dynamics are Pluto’s forte so some of this may come up at work or in partnerships. Don’t get into a struggle, but notice what's being revealed. Pluto can make us obsessive and suspicious, but avoid jumping to conclusions. We definitely won’t have the full picture while Mercury is retrograde. Trust that nothing will be settled until the third square from Mercury to Pluto on November 2, just as its departing the retrograde shadow. Before then, the Sun will square Pluto on October 17, and Mars will square Pluto on October 22. Expect to see these themes heavily activated by the Aries Full Moon on October 20. It's going to feel like Scorpio season before it's even begun. 

Mars opposes Chiron in Aries on October 1, and the Sun follows suit on October 3. These aspects ask us to consider the numerology behind the signs. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, #1!, and represents the individual and singular nature of human experience. Like the creator at the beginning of time, this #1 exists without awareness of itself or its form. Aries knows that we are all created in the image of divinity and hold within us a sacred creative spark. That is the power of our greatness. Like God, Aries is interested in seeing what it can bring into being. Divinity is everything, the One, but once it creates a field of experience--time and space--now you have two. Libra represents the principle of the pairs. Nothing within the material world exists outside the energetic duality. Aries is focused on the Self, and Libra prioritizes partnership. According to Joseph Campell in The Power of Myth, there are three ways in which these two can relate: Aries can be dominant over Libra, the traditional way of patriarchy, or Libra can be dominant over Aries--the myth of a violent matriarchy, what patriarchy fears will happen if it relinquishes power. But the third way is to live in “balanced accord” with each other. It is “...out of these three manners of relationship that all things within the four quarters of space derive” (35). The triangle is a perfect symbol of the stability and heights that are achieved when we co-exist. The wisdom of the higher mind lives at the top. Chiron in Aries is showing us what doesn’t work about domination, and the Mercury retrograde in Libra is teaching us what we need to refine in order to live in balanced accord. 

The New Moon in Libra on October 6, in a partile conjunction with Mars at 13 Libra, draws us into a contemplation of our own personal values. Whenever a planet meets with the Sun it begins a new cycle. Both the Moon and Mars are starting over. Together the three of them ignite our passion for life, but in Libra they ask us to consider not what we can do for ourselves, but for others. Air signs are about connection and free and easy movement. The universal human truths, global ethics, that cut across boundaries. Climate change and the pandemic have reminded us of the power of air. Things just spread. Whether they are nourishing or detrimental for our health does not matter. I knew it when I woke up with a sore throat and headache in Massachusetts from fires that were burning in California and Oregon. Air reminds us of basic truths of interrelatedness and interdependence because we all need to breathe. It is a requirement for survival. 

In An Appeal to the World: The Way to Peace in a Time of Division, his holiness the Dali Lama writes, “Ethics run deeper and are more natural than religion” (9). There is a spiritual wellspring in each of us, and nurturing a shared ethical basis can help us live in harmony with all beings on the planet. His Holiness advocates an education of the heart, and a revolution in how children are taught. This Libra New Moon asks us to consider the oneness of humanity. Not in a Neptune place of getting lost in the sea of eternity, but from a place of civic engagement with your local community. The values of peace, compassion, mindfulness, forgiveness, carefulness, tolerance, and justice are what is required for us to progress away from self destruction. Concepts which exist in the mind are more universal than language or culture. Mercury retrograde in Libra in a trine with Jupiter in Aquarius reminds us that we all have the ability to choose peace in small acts everyday.

Pluto stations direct on October 6, and Venus enters Sagittarius on October 7, and the tone of the month becomes more upbeat. While Venus in Scorpio brings a sexy kind of probing passion, Sagittarius down to ride energy puts a little gallop in our trot. Venus in Sag is funny, fantastical, and curious. Let yourself cut loose and go on adventures with friends and lovers. Venus in Sag collects experiences and desires to learn through carnal knowledge. Praxis makes perfect, and our lust for life is activated over the next four weeks. Try not to spend too much but let yourself have a good time. Venus will enter Capricorn on November 5, where it will turn retrograde in December, so the remaining fun of 2021, will be brought to you courtesy of Venus in Sag. Venus will sextile Saturn on October 13, bringing some substance to the constructive possibilities emerging. The sextile with Jupiter on October 28, will give us a nice boost that day. Mark your calendars because there’s lots to look forward to with Venus in Sag. 

Saturn stations direct at 6 Aquarius on October 10, and we start feeling some forward motion in the month. This is big news for folks with planets or points in signs ruled by Old Father Time--Capricorn and Aquarius, but also any of the Millennials going through their Saturn return born between Feb 1991-Jan 1994. For all of us, the squares between Saturn and Uranus are the peak transits of 2021, but Saturn has its own process. Saturn entered its fixed air sign on December 17, 2020, drawing up plans and engaging assistance for massive renovations that will not be completed until March 2023. 

Known as the practical idealist, Saturn in Aquarius wants to make a better tomorrow by living right today. Capricorn knows the rules and loves to follow them. Aquarius respects the rules, but believes in evolution and improvement. While Saturn transits Aquarius, we’re encouraged to be innovative but strategic, play the long game, and cultivate patience. What do you want to see come to fruition in the Aquarius area of your life? For fire signs this will relate to friends, lovers, and community; earth signs your career, coworkers, and income; air signs your sense of self, creativity, and long reaching goals; water signs your family, where you come from, and where you’re rooting now. There are phases to all astrological unfoldings, and Saturn has yet to make it even halfway through this sign. There’s so much more to come.

The Aquarian impulse is to go beyond the bounds of human understanding towards what we dare to dream is possible. Saturn transited Aquarius from March 19-July 1, 2020, giving us a preview of themes for the longer stay. During that time, we had mass demonstrations for racial justice in defense of black lives. Alternatives to policing that had been happening in activist and academic circles for decades entered mainstream discourse in a serious way. Although the long term ramifications have yet to be determined. All air signs are invested in social wellbeing, and Saturn is exalted in Libra, the sign of justice and harmony. We’ll especially feel this mutual support when Venus sextiles Saturn and the Sun trines Jupiter and the Moon in Aquarius from October 13-15

Saturn stationed retrograde at 13 Aquarius on May 23, and has been moving backwards for the last three-plus months, putting some of our initiatives on pause. Jupiter has been co-present with Saturn for most of 2021, bestowing blessings to these endeavors. Jupiter went retrograde at 2 Pisces on June 20, and will station direct 22 Aquarius on October 18. A lot has been put on hold during this Mercury retrograde, but don’t get discouraged. Mercury stations direct at 10 Libra, in a trine to Saturn and Jupiter, on October 18, so things should start flowing in a positive direction after that. Jupiter will reenter Pisces on December 29, and will not return to Aquarius for another decade. Take advantage of everything being offered overy the coming months to make the most of Jove’s bounty. Consult your chart or your local astrologer for how to make the most of this transit. 

The Sun squares Pluto in Capricorn on October 17 and Mercury stations direct at 10 Libra on October 18, bringing an uncomfortable retrograde cycle to a close. The last three weeks have been tough, especially for Libras. All planets are teachers and each has their own pedagogical method. Mercury shows us what we were previously unaware of so that we can name them and claim them. Meditation and mindfulness was strongly advised during the heart of this retrograde cycle. Now we're at the end, which brings a synthesis. In the coming weeks we'll have the ability to put to words what we’ve learned. It's so powerful when we can articulate the lessons for ourselves. That's when the magic happens.

I find the tarot to be of immense benefit in showing me what my mind has overlooked. Here’s a spread to reflect upon the final Mercury retrograde of the year designed to bring awareness into the Libra area of life:

  1. Your Libra area of life

  2. What’s out of alignment

  3. Your Libra Ideals

  4. How you’re living them in the world

  5. Relationship to Mars (conflict, self-assertion, desire)

  6. What’s being cut away

The Aries Full Moon on October 20, packs quite a punch but reminds us of the importance of restraint. Mars is ruling the lunation from conflict avoidant Libra and is in a weakened position due to its proximity to the Sun. The trine from Jupiter in Aquarius is providing support, but the square from Pluto in Capricorn could feel like another push. This is a blossoming of intentions set around the Vernal Equinox on March 22, and the Aries New Moon on April 12. Full Moons are an opportunity to appreciate development and due to the illuminating nature--they show everything--where we should let go. Cutting away the old is Mars speciality, but Libra has a hard time being decisive. Making a decision that severs permanently is incredibly painful for relationship oriented Libra. During Libra season we’re asked to consider the ethics we need to live life with integrity, to not take things personally, and to focus on principles above all. 

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23, and we enter the witchiest astrological season of them all. I’ll be back around that time with guidance for how to navigate the upcoming eclipses and honor the dead for Samhain. Many blessings. 


Scorpio Season: the witchiest time of the year


Autumn Equinox: Sun enters Libra