Sagittarius New Moon & Gemini Full Moon

The New Moon solar eclipse at 12’22 Sagittarius on December 4, holds special significance for the USA collectively. There is no consensus amongst astrologers about the inception point for the nation, as, indeed, all life has complex origins. The popular Sibley chart gives the birth time of 5:10 PM ET with the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia, PA, giving the United States of America the Sun at 13’19 Cancer, in the 8th house, the Moon at 27’10 Aquarius, in the 3rd house, and the ASC at 12’21 Sagittarius. The conclusion of the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse cycle with the New Moon in a partile conjunction with the USA’s ascendent indicates a rebirth opportunity for the country. Our identity is at an evolutionary crossroads. Who we are, who we uderstand ourselves to be, and how we are percieved by others is undergoing a transformation. 

New moons sow the seeds for fresh beginnings, although we may not see the results until far in the future. Eclipses as catalysts usually obscure or remove something in order to rapidly accelerate development. The United State is a very young country, and has not lived through the full transit cycle of all the outer planets. Pluto takes 248 years to complete its orbit, and our first Pluto return is exact in February 2022.

In the Sibley chart, Pluto is at 27’32 Capricorn, the sign of foundations and tradition, in the 2nd house of wealth and assets. Pluto is connected to the shadow and what lies beneath the earth. The bones of our country are being exhumed in order to understand the soul sickness that afflicts our nation. The issues raised over the past several years are Pluto themes that must be dealt with: indigenous sovereignty, environmental justice, land rights, genocide, the brutal legacy of slavery, late stage capitalism, reparations, and state sponsored violence against people of color. These ugly truths are baked into the fabric of our society, yet they have been publically and popularly denied due to cultural amnesia. Denial is a powerful weapon of manipulation and control. It has helped maintain the status quo for 245 years.

Sagittarius as the philosopher knows that we can not continue to live at odds with our espoused beliefs--guaranteeing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness--and claim any kind of moral superiority in the world. The hypocrisy of injustice under the greatest democracy ever known must be rectified if we are to maintain our position as a global leader. It is imperative that we move away from the Sagittarius shadow of imperalism and manifest destiny, if our people and planet is to survive. 

When out of balance, Sagittarius can tend towards exaggeration and aggrandizement. The Sagittarius New Moon solar eclipse is a humbling process that asks us to get honest about where our own personal philosophy is out of sync with our behavior. We’re asked to come into alignment spiritually so that we can get our house in order when Venus stations retrograde conjunct Pluto at 26’27 Capricorn on December 19. For a deeper exploration of Pluto’s themes when confronting the shadow, see this post from July 4, 2021.

There’s lots of change afoot in the final week of Sag season. On Monday, December 13, Mars enters Sagaittarius and Mercury departs for Capricorn. Our winged messenger is is moving quickly, dashing through the snow. Mercury is already at 8 Capricorn on the Gemini Full Moon on December 18. Mercury ruling this lunation from a Saturnian sign indicates that whatever inspiration flows through will be in the service of getting things done. This Moon is all about life’s little details. Gaining clarity and refining the smaller bits in the Gemini area of your chart in order to make a more exquisite design. Mental health and immune system support is a top priority the final weekend of Sag season. Gemini energy can get your mind racing with too many facts and figures, causing us to get anxious and overwhelemd. Talk things out but don't try to solve problems all by yourself. Jupiter in Aquarius is sending a supportive sextile to the Sun at 27 Sagittarius, indicating there is behind-the-scenes support from Saturn’s house available. Seek out wise counsel and people with insider knowledge to accomplish your goals. 

This is the first Gemini lunation without an eclipse since November 30, 2020. The nodes will depart Gemini and Sagittarius on January 18, 2022, and will not return for another 9 years. There has been rapid growth in the Gemini area of life, but it has not come easy. We’ve faced disillusionment and a crisis of faith with the South Node in Sagittarius. But there have also been many lessons learned, victories hard earned, and tiny triumphs that should be celebrated.

The Gemini New Moon is an opportunity to recognize what you’ve done well and everything you’ve learned this year. If you like rituals, make a list of all you’ve accomplished and everything you’re grateful for in 2021. Gather with friends (like your coven!), or just share it with one person you trust. Gemini loves feeling witnessed and heard. This moon wants you to connect through communication about what’s real and what’s working in your life. The rest will take care of itself in 2022. 

Venus stations retrograde conjunct Pluto on December 19, and the Sun enters Capricorn on the Winter Solstice on December 21. The Capricorn area of your chart is undergoing a major review and revision throughout January with with both Mercury and Venus retrograde. The Sun and Pluto are playing important roles, and the last two weeks of 2021 are helping you prepare for that reconstruction. For detailed exploration of Venus' synodic cycle and the Capricorn retrograde phases, visit the Wednesday Witch patreon. I’ll be sending out a full write up on Yule for next week.

Full Moon Blessings. 


Capricorn New Moon & Cancer Full Moon


Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse