Capricorn New Moon: December 23

At the end of Sagittarius season we prepare ourselves for a mental and spiritual reset as the Sun wanes in power. The nights grow in strength and we ask ourselves, what is this darkness teaching us? There is a fear of the emptiness; a terror of the void. We don’t trust what we can’t see and question whether we’ll make it through the long dark season ahead. I’ve been enjoying Naomi Westwater’s album Yule, which beautifully captures the stark beauty of Winter.

The rebirth of the Sun at the Winter Solstice, pagan festival of Yule, symbolizes our own triumph over the difficulty of life and the challenges of our human nature. Sagittarius is unique amongst the signs in accepting imperfections and embracing the absurdity of life. Over the last year, Jupiter in Pisces has shown us the emotional truth of our experience from a private, hidden place. We’ve touched the tenderest parts we weren’t even aware still existed. As we bid adieu to Jupiter in Pisces until 2033, consider what shifts in consciousness you’ve been able to make this Sagittarius season in regards to welcoming what is, whether you wanted to or not. Jupiter enters Aries at 9:32AM ET on December 20, 2022, heightening our sense of new possibilities.

For the last month, Neptune in Pisces squaring all the planets in Sagittarius has increased fantasy, but it's also brought the dissolution of false dreams. Go deeply enough into anything and you’ll come out the other side. The quickest way to find your way back to reality is to rush down the path of delusion. Neptune stationed direct at 22°39 Pisces at 7:15PM ET on December 3, reminding us that not all who wander are lost. It’s not a problem if you can’t see the shore from the sea, as long as you trust your map. Mutable energy will have you take a meandering road, but eventually we find our way home in one form or another. Our epic adventure ends when the Sun enters Capricorn on the Winter Solstice at 4:48PM ET on December 21, and the wheel of the year turns again. You can checkout this handy guide to Capricorn Season for writing prompts, key dates, and tarot correlations.

Winter is an opportunity to rest and reset. Gaia models the wisdom we need to live well on Earth. Capricorn is about good stewardship of our bodies and the land we inhabit. Saturn is connected to our bones and foundation. The structure of our lives. During Capricorn season, we’re encouraged to consider what we’re rooting into, and whether the ground beneath us is nourishing. The Wiccan holiday of Yule is a festival of rebirth and renewal.

From modern Ireland to Mexico, indigenous people built temples and shrines to mark the days when the Sun was strongest and dimmest. The word Yule comes from the Norse “Iul” meaning wheel. This is the pagan start of the new year (although some witches mark on Samhain). We take time to honor what has passed and clear space for the new. By taking stock of all we’ve accomplished, we can celebrate our efforts for the last year. We also proclaim what we’d like to leave behind. Yule is an opportunity to say goodbye to all that! We give gifts to loved ones to wish them a sweet start to the new year. For inspiration on ritual and play, check out all the Pagan Baby Yule artwork here.

Jupiter in Aries is waiting for the Sun at the Solstice with a greeting and an invitation to adventure. The Sun at 00°08 Capricorn squares Jupiter at 7:50PM on December 21, and just like great Sol, our spirit is called to rise again. Resurrection never felt so real. 

We’ve been in a holding pattern since Saturn entered Aquarius. It was possible to make changes, but we were always working within a confined container. The two planets of growth and generation meeting at the sacred Solstice and Equinox points portend big potential, especially for cardinal signs, in 2023. All life emerges from sacred darkness, and at Yule we make new promises. This square is an empowerment of hopes and dreams within the powerful solstice container. Jupiter will be in Aries until May 16, 2023, bringing bounty and juiciness to Spring. The seeds we plant now will come leaping forth at that time.

All of this strength and potential is present at the New Moon at  01°33 Capricorn at 5:17AM on December 23. With five planets in Capricorn, there is tremendous power to root into the good in our lives. Earth signs want to build something real. They’re talent is evaluating how long things take to get done and what can be accomplished given the available resources. Capricorn is an initiator, and with Jupiter in Aries we’re inspired to build something new.

Now is the time to act on the spark that lit you up during Jupiter’s first pass through Aries from May 10-October 28, 2022. Mercury in Capricorn is giving us a practical assessment of the timeline. Cardinal signs enjoy getting things started but sometimes have trouble finishing. The Yuletide lunation is a consecration of the hopes you dared dream last Spring. The new beginnings we’ve longed for finally arrive in 2023.

Mercury will retrograde exclusively in earth signs in 2023 so expect your relationship to time, money, resources, and career to go through a three-part audit.  Mercury entered its pre-shadow on December 12, and will station retrograde at 24°21 Capricorn on December 29, 2022. This energy is quite supportive of ending the year on a contemplative note. Mercury retrograde can help you attend to details you’ve missed. Use the last week of the year to clean house and tie up loose ends from carelessness. Saturn’s spot check inventory will always point out the most obvious flaws first. Mercury’s retrograde through Capricorn indicates some minor delays in our cardinal plans, but nothing significant. Let yourself start the new year slow. Expect to explore your intentions from different angles throughout Capricorn season. 

The Cancer Full Moon is exactly opposite Mercury at the height of the retrograde cycle on January 6, will illuminate the culture inside of the structure we live within.The universe seeks harmony and the rules and restrictions of Capricorn exist to give safe shelter to the tender heart of Cancer. Our boundaries should serve to protect the vulnerable and young, including those parts of us. Mercury stations direct at 08°08 Capricorn on January 18, and depart the post-shadow on February 7. 

The new new of 2023 may not arrive till Valentine's Day, but it will be sweet when it does. Don’t let the slowness of Winter’s start fool you. There is much change coming in March. Go gently until then. Blessings on the longest night. 


Cancer Full Moon: January 6, 2023


Gemini Full Moon: December 7