Virgo Full Moon: March 7
Our relationship to time is going to change radically over the next 3 years when Saturn transits Pisces, the sign of infinity and totality, and opposes Virgo, the home of specificity and categorization. Pisces represents the primordial chaos from which the universe emerged and Virgo the sacred project of ordering the divine mess. Humans fear the unknown and there is nothing more terrifying than the vastness of Mystery. Our mind does everything possible to avoid sitting with stillness because even just a glimpse of incomprehensible Source can trigger fears of annihilation. The Virgo in us prefers to stay busy less we have to confront our insignificance.
The dynamic tension of Pisces and Virgo is a dance between the mundane earth realm that requires much attention and effort to function well, and all that lies beyond this finite life. The Virgo Full Moon is usually a moment in Pisces Season when we’re reminded that we can’t just blob out into nothingness for a full month. We’ve got to keep it together a little bit. It shows us where in the Pisces area of life we could benefit from more diligent engagement. But not so this year.
Mercury entered Pisces at 5:52PM ET on March 2, bringing bewilderment to Pisces season. Our ability to reason and communicate goes from direct and useful to lyrical and subjective when Mercury is in Pisces. Virgo wants to confirm what is correct. Pisces prefers to explore how things feel. Virgo verifies facts and Pisces explores unknowns. Virgo is Mercury’s favorite sign. Full stop. It is the only place in the zodiac where a planet is both in domicile and exalted, that is how much Mercury loves its earthy home of analysis. Mercury is moving quickly and will enter Aries at 12:24 AM ET on March 19. Our perspective is altered for a little over 2 weeks, but its a crucial moment of major planetary shifts.
The Virgo Full Moon at 7:40AM ET on March 7, in a square with Mars in Gemini, peaks one hour before Saturn enters Pisces at 8:35AM ET. Mercury ruling this lunation from Pisces has us dazed and confused as a big boulder comes splashing into our pond. We may not even be able to tell if we're wearing a safety vest, let alone which direction to swim. The question this Full Moon poses is not the usual Virgo quandry of how to do everything perfectly. Its how we keep it together when life feels like a sopping mess?
Virgo tricks itself into believing it has control by doing things correctly and being “right.” On the other extreme, Pisces pretends nothing matters by opting out of life and floating into oblivion on a sea of apathy. At its best, this Moon can help us cultivate faith that even when things are strange and uncomfortable, we can find our footing through appreciation of the small good things.
Mercury in Pisces speaks of matters of the heart. For the last 7 months, since Mars entered Gemini on August 20, arguments and combative words have been flying. People have been quite identified with what they think and have taken up contrary positions in order to cut others down. Mars will depart for Cancer on March 25, and show us the emotional toll these conflicts have taken. The square from Mars at this lunation bridges us into the feelings beneath the tension, and asks us what alleviating steps we can take before the end of the month.
Sun square Mars 2023
The Sun, Mercury, and Neptune will conjoin at 25° Pisces in a square with Mars in Gemini on March 16, bringing us into confrontation with the puzzle of this lunation. Use this Full Moon moment to consider if there's any moves you can make to improve things before the situation gets worse. Virgo can be rigid but one of its great virtues is humility. Feelings aren’t facts, but when we take stock of what feels true, we’re better able to discern where we went wrong and how things got out of alignment.
The Full Moon at 16°40 Virgo isn’t asking you to do things for the sake of appearances. In fact its asking you to give up looking good in order to feel better. Saturn is already stirring up a lot of fear and anxiety for folks with Pisces placements. It's totally fine if you don’t have your ‘ish together right now. In fact it's great. Saturn is connected with thresholds, and everytime it enters a new sign we become aware of what’s holding us back from self-development. We’re asked to surrender a little bit of something we believed we can’t live without.
Saturn in Pisces is asking us to give up our concept of linear time as the only method of unfolding in the universe. We’ve been unconsciously holding tight to expectations from 2019, and the truth is, many of those dreams have been scrapped. A lot of those beliefs no longer apply. Trying to live according to an outmoded sense of rules creates fear and pressure, especially the nervous system.
Over the next 3 years, Saturn wants us to let go of our attachment to the past and future in favor of the present. We’ll be asked to abandon a specific plan and embrace something more free from. It's going to be a spiritually and creatively juicy time. Virgo can support this endeavor through refinement of skill, but its not going to be running the show. Let all that conscious mind attachments go now because Pisces understands that time is a spiral. Giving over to a different way of relating can be scary. Saturn will help us weave a new pattern in the web, but first it needs to untangle some old knots. The Virgo Full Moon may go after a few of those, but Mercury in Pisces wants us to be gentle in how we brush, spritz, and smooth out the rough edges that emerge this month.
Saturn in Pisces is going to teach us to surf through blocks that’ve been holding us back from creative expression and spiritual development. The sport of surfing is very meditative beacuse while learning the basics is crucial, and refining technique is great, it's all about listening to your body and attuning to the movement of the ocean. Just like when we relax by the water, expect your intuition and psychic sense of knowing to naturally increase in the coming years.
Saturn in Pisces is a way to attune to the clock of the world’s soul. It operates differently than human time and illustrates rich meaning and patterns that we’d normally miss. If we let go of needing to know where we’re headed, we’ll be more able to be present for what already is and discover the wonder of all thats before us.
Check out this post for a longer exploration of what Saturn will bring in Pisces.