April 23: Scorpio Full Moon

Scorpio Full Moon April 23, 2024

The Scorpio Full Moon at 7:49PM ET on April 23, illuminates the revolutionary change and creative breakthrough you’ve experienced since last Fall. A seed was planted at the New Moon at 20°43 Scorpio on November 13, opposite Uranus and conjunct Mars, that erupted in cascades of blossoms at the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 21°50 Taurus on April 20. 

The Scorpio New Moon was the first sans eclipse in years. We’re now living in the bounty and blessings of what is possible when we allow an area of life to be completely transformed. Taurus and Scorpio exist along the axis of life and death. Although we wish it was not so, we can not have one without the other. And although it's hard for us to fully appreciate, they define and support each other in a mutually beneficial relationship that upholds the balance of existence on the planet. 

Scorpio correlates to the Death card XIII in the tarot Major Arcana, which depicts a pandemic scene, most likely the Black Plague. The angel of death has arrived and many lay fallen. Grief stricken people are on their knees, and a priest is beseeching God for mercy, but already in the background a new day has begun to dawn. The relief that death brings can be a sweet release from suffering. It also clears the way for something new to manifest in its place if we can hold on through the emptiness and be patient with the process.

Death card tarot Major Arcana

The Sun’s entrance into Taurus at 10AM ET on April 19, moved us out of the harrowing eclipse season Mercury retrograde intensity that has defined this month. But the earth shaking once in a decade transit of Jupiter conjunct Uranus will keep the ground beneath our feet rocking and rolling for the next 14 months. The Full Moon at 04°18 Scorpio, ruled by Mars in Pisces sextiling Jupiter and Uranus, is highlighting the creative awakening. 

Taurus season sparks sensuality. The slow soft kiss that has you linger over a lover’s lips so long you lose track of space-time. It's a time to revel in the innate enjoyment of what is good. To taste the sweet bounty that the earth provides and offer your own body and heart up to those who would caress and cherish it well. The delicious taste, smells, and touch of Taurus draw us deeper into embodiment with our form, and make us fall in love with life all over again. 

What manifests this weekend is a blessing from the conclusion of the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle from November 2021-2023, that obliterated what was holding us back from authenticity and freedom. We’ve felt the rumblings of change since Uranus entered Taurus in March 2019. The big bang with Jupiter on April 20, promises to deliver uplifting opportunities, inspired revelations, and revolutionary outcomes. The last time these two met in Aries from 2010-11, we saw global movements for liberation sweep the globe, including the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, and the DREAMers. These Millennial movements hold many lessons for the political maelstroms we find ourselves in today.

Uranus in Taurus demands the freedom to enjoy life according to one’s own tastes and preferences. To express ourselves authentically through aesthetics and the right to access material comfort and possessions. We can expect the April 20th conjunction to spark protests and social overhaul that will last for the rest of the decade including: labor uprisings, disruptions to the supply chain, innovations in green technology and food production, and regulations with crypto currency and housing inflation. 

The Scorpio polarity reminds us that all good things must come to an end. Greed is currently driving the planet into environmental collapse. History is marked with times when the pleasure principle and the death drive have gotten exacerbated towards the extreme. The opulence of ancient Rome and the colonial brutality of its military are some examples. Whenever humans go too far in our preferences and prejudices, the earth returns us to homeostasis. The square from Pluto at 02°05 Aquarius casts a grave shadow over this lunation. Whether we can successfully adapt to the humanitarian and climate crises currently raging will determine the quality of life for centuries. 


April 8: Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse