Aquarius Full Moon: August 1, 2023

Aquarius Full Moon August 1, 2023

“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine,” is the motto of Leo season. When the Sun passes through its home sign from July 22-September 23, we’re encouraged to embody our most radiant selves. Glory is associated with magnificent deeds, but Leo helps us to see all of life as a spectacular stage, and the sacred in the mundane.

During Leo season we consider our life’s purpose and sense of destiny–is there something you feel like you’re on Earth to accomplish? Do you have a singular focus or is your life’s work multifaceted? How has your concept of what’s most important changed throughout the years? Who and what are the people, places, and things that make your life meaningful?

Leo asks us to believe in ourselves and boldly follow the path most in alignment with our inner truth, no matter what other people believe. This year, the Venus retrograde in Leo from July 22-September 3, is a 40 day and night exploration of whatever is dimming your light. Are you comfortable being seen? Does visibility feel safe–when and where? Do you have an articulated public persona? How are you moved to recreate your image, through a rebrand or makeover, at this time?

The Sun is the singular visible star by day. The sign of the leader can get caught up in status because Leo wants to be number 1. This Venus retrograde in Leo is reminding us that our lives don’t need to be grand to be significant. The proud lion wants us to feel a sense of dignity in our work no matter what our title. All labor is honorable when performed with intention and care. CEOs have appointed themselves as the modern day monarchy, but everything that’s created by people at the top is made possible by millions of folks whose names we never hear but whose performance is essential. The egalitarian Aquarius recognizes the interplay between the elite and the polis. It celebrates those who live in alignment with their personal ethics, and simply do the right thing without fanfare or requiring praise.

Aquarius Full Moon August 1, 2023

The Aquarius Full Moon at 2:31PM ET on August 1, illuminates the structural support we have in living our dreams. This lunation is ruled over by Saturn in Pisces, asking us to consider the emotional quality of our relationships within the context we do our work.

Aquarius correlates to The Star card in tarot. The Seer who has clear sight and can read the symbols the universe is revealing. The Star card has a natural relationship to trust because we don’t just watch the sky, we act according to the signs. The Venus retrograde is changing the way we do things. The Star card inspires us to bring it through to completion. As a fixed sign, Aquarius energy fortifies us to go the distance. What began at the Aquarius New Moon on January 21, is coming into bloom now.

The Full Moon at 09°16 Aquarius, reflects back the concrete steps you’ve taken since Winter. Appreciate yourself and feel proud. What can you let go of in August? What do you need to recommit to over the next 6 months to bring your vision into completion?

The Leo-Aquarius polarity encourages the cultivation of creative intelligence. Consider your home and work environments. Do they promote a calm atmosphere where your mind can innovate? Is there enough dynamic interaction to feel lively. It's easy to get caught in routine, but the Mercury retrograde cycles in earth signs this year are revising our relationship to the material realm. Mercury enters Virgo on July 28, and moves into its retrograde shadow on August 3. The next retrograde will begin at the start of Virgo season on August 23.

The Aquarius Full Moon is spotlighting the audience that witnesses your final product. A core question for Aquarius is what is society’s responsibility to people and what does the individual owe to society? Saturn in Pisces has a different answer to this query than Saturn in Aquarius did in January. How has your thinking changed since then around what you need to pursue your path?

The ideal social structure doesn’t just encourage us to be our best, it facilitates us in doing our best. Pisces cares about the emotional quality of experiences, how it feels inside the container Aquarius designs. Are you abundantly supported by your community? Who gases you up? Where do you turn for sincere praise and honest feedback?

Saturn is retrograde and moving back through the first decan of Pisces from now until November. Thankfully, Saturn is out of aspect with Mars in Virgo. The opposition between the two difficult players of the zodiac that peaked on July 20, caused all sorts of trouble.

The partile opposition between Saturn and Mercury on the Aquarius Full Moon represents a mental barrier we must overcome. When we reach the limits of our thinking, its not always useful to try and logic our way through. Saturn in Pisces encourages us to draw on our imagination when our motivation flags. Its not realistic to be enthusiastic along every step of the journey, but if we stay grateful for the opportunity, we'll gain the sustenance to see it through.


Leo New Moon: August 16


Cancer New Moon: July 17