Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse: October 28th

Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Scorpio season comes alive at the Taurus Full Moon lunar eclipse at 4:24PM ET on October 28. This lunation at 05°09 Taurus is the final eclipse in a cycle that began in November 2021.

Taurus supports our impulse to grow, nourish, and accumulate what is good. It’s the part of us that wants the best for ourselves, family, and community. Taurus longs for things to stay the same and seeks to maintain high quality through nurturing conditions, sustained effort, and hard work.

Fixed signs—Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio—know what they like. Taurus says a hearty yes to what is delicious, sweet, and luxurious in life. If you were not sure what you wanted in the Scorpio-Taurus area of life (check your birth chart for the house with those signs on the cusp), or if what you believed would bring you happiness was not actually the recipe for lasting fulfillment, the eclipses over the last two years have changed what you’re saying yes and no to right now.

Taurus can be a lazy bull, but Venus in Virgo presides over this lunation with a ruler and a sharp eye. If we wanted the goodies, but weren’t realistic about what that would involve, this eclipse cycle has crushed our dreams of everything working out exactly as we planned. But it also gave us new and better dreams. Dreams that were actually achievable with the people and places involved. It may have also given us completely different conditions than we were in two years ago.

Eclipses bring chaos and activate an unpredictable energy. They are not good times for Full Moon rituals in which you set specific intentions, charge crystals, or imbibe energized food or drink. In fact, I am recommending you do not do any of those things. Instead, eclipses are an opportunity to witness entropy at work in the universe. This is not the weekend for big witch magic, but it is the perfect time for a witch to contemplate the mystery of magic.

Eclipses precipitate crises to bring about change. The nature of that change may be positive or not. The obscuring of the lights of our world represent an aspect of ourselves or regular life being withdrawn. The darkening of what is normally light and reddening of the Sun and Moon, indicate an unknown element emerging. This is not a time to exert our human will, but it is a time to open to more than what we understood was possible.

Consider what was happening in your life in November 2021. Where are you now? How did you get here? Appreciate the dedication and labor you’ve exerted, but also take a moment to connect with mystery. How this underlying force of the universe wove itself through your mind, heart, and spirit over the past two years. Eclipses bring sudden endings and open portals to unexpected new beginnings. What was taken from you and what was born? Where do you feel like you’re called to head next? This is the Chariot year in tarot, which reminds us that just because we didn’t chart the course, doesn’t mean we don’t have to show up to drive the bus.

The North Node has already moved into Aries so this is not an exact eclipse, but there is an incredible amount of cosmic power because all planets are currently inhabiting earth and water signs. This means every planet is aspected by sign throughout the weekend. The Moon is moving from a sextile with Saturn in Pisces, to a trine with Venus in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn, and finally a sextile with Neptune.

Most importantly is the dynamic activation with Mars and Mercury in Scorpio and the fortification from Juptier in Taurus. We aren’t asking the universe to deliver us a bunch of goodies, but that doesn’t mean it won’t. The Moon conjunction with Jupiter in Taurus is offering a parting present. It is also invoking all that Jove has been seeking to build in this area of life since May 16, 2023.

There is a blessing for the new beginning that’s possible now that the land has been thoroughly cleared. The laying down of nutrient rich soil and hay that will feed and fertilize all winter long.

The Mercury-Mars conjunction peaks at 11°54 Scorpio at 10:22AM ET on October 29. Our philosophical impulse is engaged as Jupiter is opposite this pair at the Full Moon, inspiring arguments but also helping us find solutions. Scorpio cares deeply about the felt truth and how situations impact us on a body level. We won’t come to resolution unless we can acknowledge the emotional impact the situation is having on the other side. Let your spiritual practices support your beliefs. Without heart, ideology lacks the power to transform.

We’re in Samhain season when we contemplate death, loss, and make space for our sorrow. There is a lot to mourn in the world right now. Give yourself time to grieve as needed and draw upon your ancestors for support as we seek to build a better world where all beings can thrive in safety. Expect the reverberations for this eclipse to echo until the Scorpio New Moon on November 13. 


Sacred Scorpio New Moon: Nov 13


Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse: October 14