Gemini Full Moon: November 27

“You are the sky. Everything else–it’s just the weather.”
-Pema Chödrön

The Full Moon at 04°51 Gemini at 4:16AM ET on November 27, invites you to be the sky through which the weather blows through. There’s some turbulent energy at the close of the month. The battle between air, fire, and water is activated at the Gemini Full Moon with a mutable t-square between Saturn in Pisces and the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius.

Gemini Full Moon on November 27, 2023

The Gemini Full Moon wants to reveal what’s new from a fresh perspective. The Moon in Gemini is clever, curious, and a bit critical. It enjoys investigating and doesn’t take anyone’s word for it. A conflict is evident from the opposition with a very opinionated Mars conjunct the Sun in Sagittarius.

Sagittarius seeks The Truth. It wants to know God, show God, and guide to other’s to this realization for themselves. This crusader energy may try to push us in a certain direction, but Gemini wants us to discover what is true for ourselves. The endless doubting of Gemini can be exhausting, but in this case it's helping us remain detached and open. This lunation asks us to consider what has lasting significance and what is hot air just passing through.

Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, 2023

The Sun entrance into Sagittarius at 9:02AM ET on November 22, activates tension in the mutable areas of life that will take the next several years to get sorted. Sagittarius is a confident, boastful, fire sign that doesn’t always know what it's doing, but somehow always manages to look good doing it. There’s nothing wrong with improv, spontaneous creative expression is fun, but we can get sloppy results when we’re always acting on the fly.

Saturn’s transit through Pisces from March 2023-2026, is rearranging the places where you prefer to play fast and loose. Saturn teaches us wisdom and responsibility through self-mastery and mindful effort. The square from Saturn to the Sun at 00°50 Sag at 4:47AM ET on November 23, is a shove in the direction of cleaning up your act. If you’re not living right, expect to hear about it this week. It’s not the ideal energy for a big holiday event. Spending time with family will always bring up issues. If you gather for Thanksgiving, it will most likely get heated around the dinner table if contentious topics are broached.

Mercury is ruling this lunation from Sagittarius, where it has been transiting since November 10, amplifying our interest in exploration but also our tendency to believe we are right. Our desire to share knowledge is amplified when Mars enters Sagittarius on November 24. People are being very loud with their opinions right now. This is not a time we can lead folks to places they don’t want to go. The square with Saturn on November 25 will reveal where you diverge. Just because we feel inspired to express ourselves passionately doesn’t mean anyone is going to give us the attention we desire.

The Gemini Full Moon weekend will illuminate if anyone is actually listening to each other. In many spiritual traditions it is customary to offer gratitude to the lineage of ascended masters who contributed to one’s self realization and transformation. We’re encouraged to acknowledge the people who are our teachers, even if we didn’t consciously choose them. When someone criticizes you and points out something unflattering we’re encouraged to say silently, “Thank you for being my teacher”. This internal reflexive process is a good challenge because it can shift the dynamic without having to say a thing.

Last year Jupiter presided over Sagittarius season from Pisces, the land of dreams. This year, Jupiter is fully embedded in Taurus, where it seeks growth, abundance, and enjoyment of life on a material level. Saturn stationed direct at 0°31 Pisces on November 4, and is moving into a sextile with Jupiter who is still retrograde. The two will be in an active sextile for most of January and February, supporting each other in creating something sustainable and beautiful between this area of your chart (book a reading if you’re not sure where that is).

The Sun in Sagittarius is the world’s citizen. It seeks to broaden our sense of what's possible and break down barriers. The generosity of the Sag heart is captured in the sentiment of Humanist Thomas Paine: “My country is the world; my religion is to do good.” Questions of where we belong and what matters most naturally arise during Sag season.

The Moon in Gemini is inquisitive and intellectual, preferring to analyze emotions rather than feel them.The mind is the path of the heart. There’s a lot of fire in the sky but we’re encouraged to be like the air and take a wide view of things. There can be no success in arguing when each side is already convinced it's correct. The t-square with Saturn encourages us to express ourselves creatively rather than get caught in intellectual mind games. December brings shifts and sign changes for Mercury and Venus so take deep breaths and remember that this too shall pass.


Sagittarius New Moon: December 12th


Sacred Scorpio New Moon: Nov 13