January 29: Aquarius New Moon

Aquarius New Moon January 29, 2025

The New Moon at 09°51 Aquarius on January 29, gives us a little breathing room, a reprieve during a time of great upset and chaos. Luna is renewed at 7:36AM waking us up to an inspiring vantage point from which to observe from a safe distance with an open heart. The trine from Jupiter in Gemini is encouraging us to take a step back and a deep breath into our lungs. Go ahead, take a moment to breathe in deeply for 3 breaths, then hold it for 3 breaths, then exhale slowly for 3 breaths. You've just sent fresh oxygen to the cells of your brain, signaling to your body that it's safe to relax for a moment.  

Aquarius New Moon on January 29, 2025

Aquarius is the innovative, independent energy of reformers and rationalists that march to the beat of their own drummer. Aquarius studies the systems so that it can enhance and improve them and believes in the power of the unique individual to change the world. Entrepreneur Oprah Winfrey, has the Sun, Venus, and Mercury all in Aquarius and has famously advised ignoring the limitations of social structures and playing by your own rules. 

If humans create the systems we operate within then we can certainly change them as well. In fact, it is our duty to maintain and evolve them for the betterment of all humanity. Pluto entered Aquarius in November 2024, for a twenty year transit, so we have no choice but to develop this area of life over the next several decades. 

Mercury sailed into Aquarius on January 27, and is in a partile conjunction with Pluto at the New Moon, bridging our awareness into the necessity for this evolution. Pluto brings pressure to the pain points so the keyword for this lunation is awareness through observation. Ask yourself what you've been shown since the Sun entered Aquarius on January 19. Pluto warns what happens when people in power abuse the system for their own gain and riches. 

Aquarius is ruled by Saturn in traditional astrology; the distant ringed planet that teaches humility, patience, and the benefits of discipline. Saturn is practical and prudent, seeking wisdom but staying low to the ground, like a monk who shaves their head, dresses simply, and forsakes worldly possessions for divine knowledge. Spiritual traditions around the world recommend practices of austerity in order to focus on what's truly important–divinity, the development of the soul, and doing good for humanity. We're encouraged to think global but act local while Mercury is in Aquarius until February 14

Aquarius has a communal focus and many religious people choose to withdraw and live in spiritual community, away from family and society, in order to cultivate detachment. Aquarius has a reputation for being cold and aloof, but Saturn in Pisces is showing us how to stay connected to our emotions while letting go of outcomes. In doing so we relinquish the illusion of control, which is quite hard. It's not that we don't have the power to affect change, we do but within a limited sphere of influence. And most of us don't have as much capacity for external reforms while Mars is retrograde in Cancer until February 23. We may be getting insight into what we need to modify within the family and home structure, but those changes will come in June. 

Saturn teaches us self-mastery through comprehending the nature of time in order to make the most of this brief sojourn on Earth. Life is a jumbled mess of experiences that can appear random and meaningless if we don't have a framework for comprehension. Saturn helps us to apprehend the mysteries of life by defining stages of phenomenon. Everything has a beginning, middle, and end, even if that unfolding takes thousands of years. Aquarius helps us to understand ourselves through unflinching introspection and investigation. But the transcendent air energy encourages us not to get stuck in the identity of being the watcher on the wall. 

Aquarius plays the role of the independent observer who makes shrewd and useful judgements, but can also become so cerebral that it forgets the power and importance of love. Overidentification with the mind can cause us to become separated from what's happening in the body and the emotions. Pain and fear cause us to disassociate, which is a natural self-protection response, but it becomes a very isolated place to operate from. The Aquarius New Moon wants us to heal the fissure between the mind and body by inquiring into ourselves, and the world, with a loving detachment while staying connected to the heart.

When we're observing, we're in the flow of awareness, an endless channel going in and out–like the stream of consciousness that poured from the cup of the water bearer, Ganymede. Love, care, and curiosity are all present, although with the observation of the flow of time. This energy is depicted in the tarot Major Arcana card associated with Aquarius, The Star VXII, that bridges us into hope for the future. The Star indicates a good omen, serenity, peace of mind, and openness. It promises a good time to make changes and heal old wounds.

The Star Tarot Major Arcana XVII

There is a spiritualizing effect to Saturn's difficult lessons. The guiding principle of Aquarius is, I know that I don't know anything. The challenges we face in the Aquarius area of life cultivates an appreciation for the complexity of creation. Divine intention is the power behind everything and when you touch the aliveness it is full of freedom, potentiality, power, and mystery. Our search for meaning, justice, and understanding it is a serious endeavor but there is joy when we are aligned with the flow. 

See what happens when you move through the next several weeks seeking to grow your awareness into where there is aliveness in your field of being. Let your attention be drawn to what feels most pressing and relevant and ignore the rest. Its too much to try to take in all at once, and if we are in the flow, we can trust we will get the information we need at exactly the right time. 

Mercury cazimi Aquarius February 9, 2025

Insight into your Aquarius quandary will surely arrive when Mercury goes cazimi in the heart of the Sun at 21° Aquarius  on February 9. This will be a turning point in the cycle so notice what messages come through. Trust the divine downloads you receive as they will carry you into the retrograde cycle in March


February 12: Leo Full Moon


January 13: Cancer Full Moon