March 10: Pisces New Moon

March 10th Pisces New Moon

The Pisces New Moon that dawns at 5AM ET on March 10, will speak to you in symbols. It is an opening to intuition that bridges into the place inside you that hasn’t forgotten the truth of who you are. Pisces is the archetype of the medium. The channel that opens to Divinity and brings messages from the great beyond.

Pisces New Moon March 10, 2024

The Moon at 20°16 Pisces offers a mystical experience for the seeker who desires communion with All through the natural world and the Self. Intuitive thinking is based on insight, and we need to know ourselves in order to recognize when something is significant for us. We also need to be comfortable with ourselves as part of the Oneness in order to open to it. 

The spiritual teachings of Pisces proffers there is an innate harmony to the universe and a meaningful connection between ourselves and all of Creation. The square between Mars at 19°52 Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus that peaks on March 9, challenges us with its discord and upset. But Pisces is always urging us deeper. Drop out of mind, and the endless fluctuations of the material world, and into heart to discover the truth that’s abiding. 

The Moon is in a loose conjunction with Saturn and Neptune, forces of structure and dissolution that feel like opposites, but the polarity helps us to accept that our past, present, and future coexist all at once. Neptune wants to transcend the pain and suffering of the world by numbing out, but Saturn asks us to stay with reality in order to glimpse the pattern. 

Saturn entered Pisces last March, and has been encouraging the development of our intuitive abilities in a systematic way. The next 2 years are an ideal time to devote to spiritual studies, psychic sensing, or artistic creation–whatever feels most resonant for you. Clearing the channel so we can hear the messages the universe is sending is a necessary step. This lunation reveals the ways the world is talking to you. What practices help you harmonize with that vibration?

The Pisces New Moon invites you to deliberately set aside time to explore dreamwork, divination, or any kind of spiritual practices that facilitates reflection of the un/subconscious realms. Tarot is my preferred method of self-inquiry because the archetypal symbols speak to us in a universal language beyond words that everyone can understand, but you have to attune to their frequency. What is it for you?

Use whatever tools feel inspiring for your exploration, and don’t worry about evaluation, but do write down your results. Saturn wants you to record your progress on the path of self discovery. Consistently documenting your process in a more formal manner will grant you greater creative and spontaneous facility later. 

The sextile from Jupiter in Taurus is encouraging us to seek out teachers. New Moons are the perfect occasion to set intentions. Perhaps you have been doing the research and now is the time to commit to a path or area of study. Ideally, this is a course you can follow for at least 2 years. Saturn will remain in Pisces until March 2026, long enough for us to experience the cumulative effects of building confidence and faith.

The Pisces area of life becomes activated in new ways when the eclipse cycle kicks off at the Full Moon in September during Virgo season. The Virgo polarity represents the rational and logical thinking we’re indoctrinated with at school and in society at large. Together, the imagination of Pisces and the practicality of Virgo facilitate the use of both intuitive and analytical thinking to achieve balance and wholeness. This dynamic will be explored in greater depth in 2025-2026.

Before all that, and the chaos of the Libra-Aries eclipse season that starts at the Equinox, use this moment to go within and find a place of peace. A space you can return to when the world becomes too much. A refuge for your delicate sensibilities and safe haven for your soul. We need beauty and spiritual sustenance as much as we need sunlight and sleep to survive. Maybe this place is your bed or meditation cushion?

Mercury retrograde Aries 2024

Mercury enters Aries on March 9, and stations retrograde on April FOOL’s day. We’re saying goodbye to Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, before we jump in full force to Spring and everything it will bring. Take time for quiet reflection so your guides can reach you when you need them. 


March 25: Libra Full Moon Eclipse


February 24: Virgo Full Moon