September 17: Pisces Full Moon Eclipse
The Full Moon partial lunar eclipse at 25°41 Pisces at 10:34PM ET on September 17, in a sextile with Uranus in Taurus, opens a window into a surprising aspect of our emotions. There’s love in the air because of the dissipating trine between Jupiter in Gemini and Venus in Libra and, who is ruling this eclipse, and squaring the Moon. Jupiter is ruling this eclipse and making a square to the Moon, offering us the opportunity to change our thinking about interdependence.
We have the opportunity to transcend what's been difficult over the past month by going deeper into beauty and connection. We should take advantage of whatever olive branch is offered now, as people will be less inclined towards peacemaking once Venus enters Scorpio at the Autumn Equinox on September 22.
Eclipses are mysterious because they open a portal to something hidden or usually inaccessible and suck us in. There is no telling where we will land but we can have a general sense of when this process will occur. Eclipses have always been meaningful to humans because they are a visual cue that something significant is going on in the sky. They played a significant role in early human history by spurring on the calculations of math and the development of astronomy and astrology.
“Sky and Earth both produce portents. Though appearing separately, they are not separate: Sky and Earth are related.” Diviners Manual, ME K.2847. British Museum collection of the Ashurbanipal Library
Some of the first astrological recordings were about eclipses. They were considered so detrimental to the affairs of the city state that an alternate King and Queen would be chosen during that time so whatever malefic manifestation would come to pass would happen to the stand-ins and not the real royal leaders. I recently visited the British Museum in London to view their collection of astrological omens from ancient Mesopotamia and was able to see some of these in person. I will share more about the Ashurbanipal Library Project on Patreon in the coming months.
“The man who was given as the king’s substitute will die, and the bad omens will not affect that king.” Ritual for the substitute king. ME K.2600 from Ashurbanipal Library
Ancient people understood that the energy of the sky must express on earth because everything going on in the galaxy, which seems so unfathomable, is happening within human bodies on a cellular level. We are made from the planets and each of them is contained in every living cell. Our bodies contain a cellular network that is both local and galactic. According to psychic teachers, the galactic cellular network has a vibration of joy. In fact, joy makes us more telepathic because it opens us up to connect more deeply with the web. Astrology is a symbolic system but it works because it describes an energetic process happening above that impacts us below.
Pisces is the sign most associated with Mystery as the true face of Divinity. The Pisces Full Moon is in a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, inviting us to connect deeper into galactic consciousness. Just as each of us has energy pathways in our body and a spiritual heart that connects us to divinity, so too does the cosmos. There are ley lines, deep energy pathways, that travel through the Earth that ancient peoples built sacred sites and congregated around during ritual practices. There are also ley lines in the cosmos. Stonehenge in England and the Pyramids in Egypt are sites of power that were constructed to anchor the galactic leyline to earth. The universal life force is love, but the connection to the galactic ley line was broken.
As human consciousness developed we went deeper into separation, individuation, cruelty, and isolation. Our ability to objectify people, places, and things, led us to do evil to ourselves and the planet, and to abuse the sacred sources of magic. The result was a disconnection from these primordial powers that had always sustained us on a spiritual level. We abused the natural world and the supernatural forces, and the nature beings and spirits moved away from us. Our hearts have cried out to heal that rupture but it requires a shift in consciousness. A return to indigenous practices and ways of relating to nature from Oneness: love, companionship, being-ness (as opposed to doing-ness), and unconditional friendliness.
The work of our lifetime is to consciously reconnect with what has been broken. Thousands of people pilgrimage to ancient sacred sites each year, though their true meaning is shrouded in mystery, and there is an energetic attunement that happens even if they are not aware of it. We are healed through love and magic by Earth energy and receive the ability to live more from our Gaia nature, in harmony with other living beings and the heart of the galaxy. The transit of Neptune in Pisces since 2011, has helped dissolve the barrier to living from Oneness. The arrival of Saturn in Pisces in March 2023, is making more explicit what is at stake if we fail to prioritize our spiritual awakening, which is the true purpose of life on Earth.
This lunation will clear your channel to connect with sacred energy. The Sun is currently ruled by Mercury in Virgo in direct opposition with Saturn, asking you to consider what direction the tide of life is going. Our species has gone as deep into separation as we are going to go, and now our evolution is towards the process of awakening. The world is waking up and it is a bumpy process. There is eons of pain stored in our body, but there is also the entire wisdom of the galaxy–imagine that. Our energy system knows what we need and will tell us if we can stand to get still long enough to hear it.
The call from the universe is to embody our soul. The embodied being is a universal being. And that can only happen in the Now. The Now transcends relativity, bridging us into the higher vibration of the cosmos. There is a point within you that is already there. The galactic leyline will connect you with what you can trust if you dare to believe in it.