Chiron’s Key

Astrologer and energy healer, Laura Campagna, teamed up with therapist and educator, Maura McDonald-Brown, for a series of discussions on healing, psychology, astrology, mythology, magic, and more called Chiron’s Key: A Healing Journey.

Myths are stories that were told and retold for millennia, and, as such, reflect universal human experiences--core lessons, foibles, and values. Myths, like humans, change over time, reflecting our own evolution in consciousness, and they continue to do so today. 

The popularity of astrology reflects a reawakening of these archetypes in our collective consciousness. Humanity is in the process of reimagining our relationship to fundamental models and modes of being. We’re moving away from a survival based pattern, towards one of love. Many of us are showing up for this process and ready to take the leap, but it means that many things are shifting. We need new stories to support our process of transformation and reaffirm what else is possible. Each of us contributes to the creation of 21 Century mythology as we connect, reflect, and share about how these patterns speak to and move through us. 

Many clients, friends, and students have expressed an interest in learning more about the origins of archetypes and how they express in our modern world. Chiron’s Key: A Healing Journey felt like the best way to address these topics. We have explored questions like, what is energy healing, astrology, tarot, and delved into the Empress card of the major archana. We have lots of interesting topics planned such as the moon, death, addiction, energy healing, self-protection, psychic sight, and more. Please let us know what you’re interested in hearing about.

Chiron's Key: What is Energy Healing?

Astrologer, Laura Campagna, and therapist, Maura Mc-Donald-Brown, sat down with VortexHealing® teacher, Lorraine Goldbloom, to answer the fundamental questions: what is energy healing and how does it work?

Chiron's Key: A Healing Journey

Join astrologer, Laura Campagna, and therapist, Maura McDonald-Brown, for a discussion of the mythology and astrology of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, as it relates to queerness, early childhood development, sobriety and recovery, social justice, and initiation into spiritual development.

Chiron's Key: What Is Astrology?

In this episode of Chiron's Key, therapist Maura McDonald-Brown, interviews astrologer, Laura Campagna, about the fundamentals of astrology. Chiron's Key: What is Astrology offers an introduction to astrology as a cosmology and provides a short overview of the basics of your astrological identity--Sun, Moon, & Rising.

Chiron's Key: The Empress & Embodiment

In this episode of Chiron's Key, astrologer Laura Campagna, and therapist, Maura McDonald-Brown, explore the Empress tarot card of the Major Arcana as it relates to Taurus Season themes and challenges of embodiment. Below are links to resources and references made during the conversation.

Chiron's Key: What Is the Mind/Consciousness?

In this episode of Chiron's Key, a healing journey, therapist Maura McDonald-Brown and astrologer, Laura Campagna, explore the nature of the mind by defining what is consciousness, the subconscious, and the unconscious and what planets are they connected to in astrology.