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Virgo season gets us ready for the balancing point of the Autumn Equinox on September 23, when the Sun enters Libra, and the wheel of the year turns again. 

Don’t worry if life is feeling less than harmonious right now. Mars entered Libra on August 27, making us more indecisive, and throwing things out of alignment in relationships. The overlapping retrogrades of Venus in Leo and Mercury in Virgo have churned up big changes and it's not over yet. 

If you’re looking for a little support in finding your fulcrum, join me and VortexHealing® teacher, Lorraine Goldbloom for the 2nd to last astrology inspired healing event in the Shine On Series at EquiLIBRAtion on Friday, October 13th at 7PM ET. 

Libra is represented by the scales and is orientated towards partnership. They seek equity in all their affairs. Libra’s speciality is to find a middle ground between dissimilar positions. Libra asks us to consider other people’s point of view to create a more harmonious whole. 

Decision making can take time for Libras because they weigh all sides, letting things hang in the balance until they have located the sweet spot in the middle. Mediation is an art form, but Libra’s perseveration can result in inertia. There is a reputation for being indecisive, and they may go along to get along, capitulating to what others want to avoid conflict. 
Boundaries can be a challenge for Libra especially with Mars present until October 12. They can focus on others to the exclusion of themselves and easily fall into people pleasing. During EquiLIBRAtion we will contemplate how to connect while staying centered in self.

In astrological planetary days, Friday belongs to the goddess of love and beauty, Venus. The English word comes from her Norse counterpart, the fertility goddess Freya. Despite what patriarchal culture has popularized, the number 13 is sacred to the Moon because there are 13 lunations in a year. Come make merry on this magical moment, and celebrate the sign of the peacemakers at EquiLIBRAtion

October 12

Discover Tarot Workshop

October 18

Introduction to Intuitive Tarot