Astrology Reading
Astrology is a framework for understanding and interpreting life cycles on earth based on planetary patterns in the sky. See all the options here.
Gift Certificates
Give the gift of magic to someone you love. Astrology and tarot readings or energy healings make unique presents that aren’t soon forgotten. Order yours online here.
Energy Healing
Energy healing channels the natural flow of divine love to facilitate a healing experience for peace and wellbeing. Schedule your healing here.
Tarot Forecast
Check out The Wednesday Witch tarot forecasts for what you can expect this astrological season from the stars and cards. Go to channel.
Tarot, Astrology, and Energy Healing Events
Join Laura for online and in-person energy healing events and tarot and astrology classes. Learn more and register through the website.
A Kids Guide to the Cosmos
Pagan Baby: A Kids Guide to the Cosmos is a richly illustrated children’s book exploring the rhythms of the earth and the cycles of the sky. This collaborative creation by Laura Campagna & Catherine Please explores the seasons, planets, and pagan holidays in lyrical language appropriate for kids ages 2-8. Get one for your Pagan Baby here.
About Laura
Laura Campagna is a writer, teacher, and healer who has been reading tarot and studying astrology since she was 13 years old. Learn more through her interview with WBGH Boston.
Interviews & Features
Laura Campagna has been interviewed and featured by outlets including the Boston Globe, Well & Good, and Nightlight Astrology.
Laura is available for private tutoring on an astrological or tarot topic of the student’s choice. Sessions are 1 hour and may focus on a concept or move through a text at the student’s pace.
Workshops & Parties
Laura Campagna has been providing astrology and tarot readings and workshops at libraries, universities, parties, and professional celebrations since 2017.