December 2018: Faith in the Dark

November ends with a bang from the opposition of Venus in Libra to Uranus in Aries on November 30. The electricity will feel like excitement for some, and tension for others, and should linger throughout the weekend. If you’ve been planning to organize your feminist militia, today’s the day.

On December 1, Mercury moves back into Scorpio for the last week of their retrograde journey. With a trine from Chiron in Pisces and a sextile to the Moon in Virgo, Saturday (Saturn’s Day) is great for physical activity, cleaning, and doing whatever needs to be done to feel like your mental, emotional, and physical house is in order. At the start of Hanukkah on Sunday (Sun’s day), November 2, the Sun in Sagittarius will square Mars in Pisces and Venus will re-enter Scorpio. This interplay between fire (spirit) and water (emotions) will be a theme throughout the month as spirit invites us towards adventure and greater interaction with the larger world while our emotions guide us inward towards sensing and introspection. How we strike this balance will be unique for each of us. Be mindful of which part of you feels like it needs more accommodation and attention. We continue to ride this wave of balancing our drive and our dreams into the week as the Sun moves into a square with Neptune in Pisces on November 5.

The year of too many retrogrades concludes at last on December 6, when Mercury stations direct in Scorpio. Of course, they and Venus both need to clear their retrograde shadows, but the worst is finally over. The Sagittarius New Moon on December 7, in a square with Mars and Neptune conjoining in Pisces, continues to stir the elemental cauldron. If our emotions are a magic potion, and the heat is the spark needed to activate their power, then this Moon is inviting you to throw past, present, and future into the mix. Do a tarot reading for 2018. What did it all mean? What are you supposed to carry forward? What does the Goddess want you to leave behind? The seed you plant now will bloom at the Spring Equinox so set your intention wisely. Part of preparation for Winter is filling ourselves as full of the faith and hope of Sagittarius season as possible.

Mercury moves back into Sagittarius on December 12, and head towards a conjunction with Jupiter, which perfects on December 21, at the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, also known as the pagan holiday of Yule. Venus is in a trine to Neptune as the Sun enters Capricorn and the wheel of the year turns again to a new season. The Winter Solstice is the time of greatest darkness of Earth, but the light returns as the Goddess gives birth to the child she has been carrying since Summer. Although the God passed at Samhain, he has now been reborn through his son. This pagan mythology, which was adopted by Christianity and repackaged as Christmas, is a beautiful reminder that all life springs from death. The Sun, and allegorical son, will grow all through the long winter months, as light slowly gains on darkness. Many people struggle with the lack of sunlight during the Winter, but it is truly on the rise. The Goddess rests for three months after her labor, and the land lays fallow and barren, reminding us that the cold period is a time to draw inwards and restore ourselves.

Yule is celebrated with fire ritual using candles or logs, which you can inscribe with images of the Sun or God as you wish. As you gaze into the flame imagine the light within you growing stronger even as darkness covers the Earth. The night draws forth the light, just as our fears draw forth our faith. It takes faith to survive the Winter, to believe that Spring will come again. What do you need to sustain you through this period? Create a self-care plan for the next three months. The tension between water and fire, feelings and spirit, is present here, but Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign that wants you to initiate a grounding daily practice. Our ancestors couldn’t have survived the Winter without careful planning (am I right, Virgo?) and this Capricorn Sun encourages you to cultivate mindful habits to sustain yourself. New Year’s resolutions are a modern manifestation of this ancient instinct, but most of those intentions are quickly broken. Instead of trying to create a “better” version of yourself in 90 days, ask what you need to to feel your best just as you are right now. Gaze into the fire and imagine taking it into your body, into your heart, and then ask the Divine to help you connect with that light daily. For some people that'll be moments of quiet reflection in the morning, for others lighting a candle at the end of each day, or praying in the car/train on your commute. What do you feel called to commit to? Whatever it is, make it manageable and easily incorporated into your existing routine.

The Cancer Full Moon on December 22, is opposed by a formidable lineup of Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node in Capricorn. We’re going to start having eclipses along the Cancer-Capricorn axis beginning in early January, putting the spotlight on issues of family and work. This Full Moon may give us a taste of what’s to come over the next 18 months. The Moon rules Cancer, and wants to do her loving, nurturing thing here, but this lunation could highlight the forces blocking those tender moments in your life. The desire to care for others often emerges from a desire to be cared for, but for many people it is easier to nurture our partners or children than it is ourselves. Let this Moon speak to you about the places you need support and the ways you can practice receiving. Ask for help, even if it feels hard, and be extra kind to yourself, even if it feels undeserved (you deserve it).

Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on December 24, which could confuse things a bit. If you make a list, be sure to check it twice. The Roman pagan festival of Saturnalia, honoring Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, was held around the Winter Solstice, which is why Christmas is celebrated on December 25. Saturn was the ruler of the Golden Age, when it is said humans did not have to labor for the bounty of the earth, who signifies rules, traditions, and bondage. The human need for release, freedom, and equality was addressed during Saturnalia when social traditions were cast aside. Merrymaking went on for days with public feasting and dressing up carnival style. Gifts were exchanged, including gag gifts because Capricorns are the comedians of the zodiac. Gambling was permitted and slaves were treated as free people and the slave owners had to serve them at parties. Traditions are lauded during the December holiday season, but if they feel oppressive to you in any way, I encourage you to adopt a Saturnalian attitude and just do what you want. Flip things on their head and don’t take anything too seriously. See if that doesn’t infuse a bit more joy into whatever and however you celebrate.

New Years Eve begins on one note and ends with another as Mars leaves the chill waters of Pisces and enters the hot pocket of Aries on November 31, around 9:30PM EST. The warrior in his home sign could signal that a night which starts out mild could end on a more intense note. If you party, be responsible. Don’t go too hard, stay safe, and make sure you have a plan for how to get home. There's a new day just around the corner. Can't wait to see what 2019 holds in store for us.

Sagittarius: by Katerina Tsibouraki


January 2019: Earth Matters


November 2018: Light in the Heart