November 2018: Light in the Heart

We begin the month on a sacred note. November 1 is All Soul’s Day / Dia De Los Muertos when Venus enters the birth phase of her synodic cycle. Cultures around the world consider this to be the time when the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest. This is a wonderful time to visit cemeteries or build altars to honor your beloved dead. The spirit world reaches out to us now, and we have the opportunity to connect with loved ones who have moved beyond this realm and form. Venus reemerging on this day is a beautiful reminder that death is but a pause before a return.

Significant shifts start happening on November 6 when the Nodes of the Moon move from Leo and Aquarius to Cancer and Capricorn. The Nodes represent what we are growing into and away from; they are areas of gain and loss. Eclipses happen at these points, so they are places of power in the sky. This shift marks the end of of one eclipse cycle and the beginning of another. More will be revealed about what this mean for you in January when the next series of eclipses begin. Also on November 6, Retrograde Uranus will move from Taurus back into Aries until March 7, 2019. Uranus was in Aries from May 2010-2018, and is credited with inspiring the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street. Now he’s back to complete unfinished business and perhaps inspire more radical participation in democracy (vote!). Just before they all change signs, Uranus will square the Lunar Nodes infusing them with radical energy, letting us know that whatever is coming next year will have an even bigger dash of the unexpected and confrontational. On a personal level, November 6 is a great day to have a conversation about partnership with the Sun in Scorpio trining Neptune in Pisces. If the Venus retrograde has gotten you more in touch with what you do or don’t want in relationships--be they romantic, business, or platonic--this is a great day to share your visions and ideals for what you’d like to create. We’ll never achieve utopia, but it’s a beautiful dream to strive towards.

On the following day, November 7, we have a lovely Scorpio New Moon with Jupiter present in the final degree of Scorpio, giving us one last blessing of faith and emotional healing. This moon comes towards the end of the Venus retrograde, when our bright lady has just begun to show her face in the sky again. Wish upon this Moon for how’d you’d like to grow your self-esteem and what you’d like to cultivate in your community. Are the two intertwined? Where is the love for yourself reflected in your people? How do you show love for yourself by showing up for your people? Tell this Moon what you’d like to manifest and watch for the roots that take hold in the Spring.

The big news of the month--and I do mean big!--is Jupiter entering Sagittarius on November 8. The planet of truth and justice has been in Scorpio, the sign of sex and death, since October 2017, and during that time we’ve seen the rise of the Me Too movement and the public reckoning with the legacy of sexual violence in our culture. Jupiter rules judges, and the confirmation hearing of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court was one of the final manifestations of his work to bring consciousness to this issue. Jupiter takes 12 years to orbit the Sun, and was last in Sagittarius from November 2006-December 2007. Think back to that time for clues as to what this next year might be like for you. Sagittarius is a sign of philosophy, freedom, and adventure. With Jupiter returning to his grand domicile, we may feel an expanded sense of optimism and faith, and perhaps a restlessness to break free from the old and head towards the new.

The other major sign change of the month is Mars moving into Pisces on November 15. Mars has been in Aquarius for five months, since May 17, and spent much of his time there retrograde. The Aquarian patch of sky has been well worn by Mars, and it is a sweet relief to see him gone from this conceptual realm. Mars in Pisces has a more emotive flavor. We may feel motivated around artistic projects and find the necessary drive to finish something we’ve been working on for a while. He joins Chiron and Neptune in Pisces, where he will stay until early January 2019. Mars is the warrior, so his time may be spent examining battle wounds, and learning how to heal instead of hurt. It should be quite a ride with Mars motorboating through these emo waters for the next six weeks.

On November 16, Venus stations direct in Libra and Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius. We’ve not been without a significant planet retrograde for half the year, so if 2018 was not all you hoped for in terms of forward motion and momentum, you can definitely blame it on the stars. Venus emerges from her retrograde victorious in her home sign of Libra, as the triumphant Morning Star warrior queen. The demons she encountered on her journey to the underworld were not able to hold her there, she is reborn and radiant, ready to take on whatever forces tried to bring her down. You may be feeling similarly right now, proud of yourself for what you’ve survived since October 5. Venus will begin moving slowly soon, but she will not pass from her retrograde shadow until December 18, so there’s still another month before everything shakes out. If you’re feeling a little worse for the wear, give it time.

Mercury is in their detriment in Sagittarius, opposite from their home sign of Gemini, so this retrograde may bring a bit more confusion than usual (ugh-oh). Mercury will be retrograde until December 6, when they station direct at 27 degrees of Scorpio, continuing the conversation about the retrograde topics and putting a final emphasis on the work of Venus and Jupiter. Rx Mercury squares Neptune in Pisces on November 17, and things could get lost very quickly. This is one of those batten down the hatches, back up your hard drive, and double check the directions kind of situation because Mercury in Sag is notorious for getting overwhelmed by details and Neptune in Pisces is like a dense fog rolling in. If you like to do holiday shopping early, don't make big purchases or buy electronics while Mercury is retrograde.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, joining Jupiter at the great feast. We are in the darkest time of the year, but we do not despair because Sagittarius stokes our internal faith. The twinkling lights from the windows we pass reflect the shining of our hearts inside our chests. The following evening, November 23, is the Gemini Full Moon, illuminating the other size of the zodiac. Sagittarius is about the broad vision but Gemini loves the small details. Sagittarius asks why (and often answers, why not?), while Gemini accepts without question. Both signs are known for their appreciation of diversity, but with a square from Mars in Pisces, we may be urged to go deeper than either would prefer to delve.

The Sun conjoins Jupiter on November 26, and Mercury squares Mars. A planet in the same degree of the Sun is considered cazimi, to be in the heart, imbued with a sacred wisdom. Before and after this moment, the planet is being burned by the Sun, purified, but once enough distance has been gained, the seed that was planted grows in strength. In the days before Jupiter is cazimi, meditate on areas of life where you’d like to grow your faith and optimism. What do you long for but believe is not possible? The gap between the two can be filled by the light of the Sun in Sagittarius.

During Mercury retrograde we may continue old conversations or clear up unfinished business. The square from Mars on this day may give us a push to do just that, or it may feel like a needle in our side. If you feel compelled to communicate make sure your speech is not tinged with anger or anxiety, and if it is, take a pause and ground into yourself or the emotional truth of what you’d like to express. Think before you speak is generally a good slogan for Sagittarius season.

On November 27, Mercury conjoins the Sun and then Jupiter. Mercury goes retrograde more than any other planet and is cazimi three times a year. Even still, it is a significant moment when the messenger receives new marching orders. With this infusion from the Sun and blessing from Jupiter, the wisdom of Sagittarius season starts to integrate into our minds. You may feel divinely inspired on this day. Whatever flows in will help carry you through the darkness as we head towards winter. Honor the messages and those who deliver them, and most of all, heed the calling of your own heart.

Jupiter in Sagittarius by Johfra Bosschart


December 2018: Faith in the Dark


October 2018: Illumination from Within