February 2019: Power & Potential

Power and change is in the air. Everyone feels it. The news reports on various manifestations: the good--more people are identifying as empaths and getting in touch with their spirituality through paganism than ever before, and the deeply troubling--fascism and xenophobia are on the rise in governments throughout the world from Brazil to Russia and here in the United States. This challenging moment of uncertainty, heightened sensitivity and connection by some and a doubling down on separation and violence by others, has deep roots. The current expression is related to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn that we’ve been feeling since last Winter, which will culminate in a year, from December 2019-January 2020. This epochal alignment is the overarching context we’re operating within for the next two years. To understand what this means for us as individuals, we need to look at how this has historically manifested in the collective because the movements of Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto define generations.


March 2019: Begin Again


January 2019: Earth Matters