March 2019: Begin Again

The first two days of March belong to Venus as she departs Capricorn and the powerful forces she encountered there for the still space of Aquarian air. On March 1, Venus in Capricorn squares Uranus in the last dangerous degree of Aries. This dynamic tension may produce interesting results in your love life and creative world. Stay flexible and be spontaneous. The following day, on March 2, Venus enters the calm, cool, and collected fixed sign of Aquarius where she’ll stay until March 26. This transit lends relationships an analytical and detached vibe this month.

Venus also sextiles Chiron in the first degree of Aries on March 2. This passing note offers an indication of what the Chiron’s time in the cardinal fire sign will encompass. Chiron re-entered Aries on February 18, where he will stay for the next 8 years. Chiron reopens old wounds to allow in greater healing. The shadow of Aries is the ego: violent, selfish, and petty. We’re grappling with the results of this force unchecked in the collective. Chiron has arrived to bring a balm and shepard us towards greater expression of the healthy ego.

On March 5 the world turns upside down as Mercury stations retrograde for three weeks. Just kidding. It won't be that dramatic, but it will be almost that dramatic. Not all Mercury retrogrades are created equal and this is one for the classic playbooks. Mercury is in their detriment in Pisces so we've already been at a disadvantage around communication, technology, and travel since they entered on February 10. This experience is similar to trying to find a penny you dropped in the ocean. You'll probably find a bunch of other stuff, some great, some not, but even if you really look, you won't find that coin. Neptune, the outer planet of psychedelic trips, is adding some additional haze to Mercury's mind. The retrograde will last until March 28, and Mercury will station direct conjoined with Neptune. The combined effect of these bewildering influences is that March may feel like you're trying to find a penny in the ocean while tripping on acid wearing flippers put on backward. Chances are you’ll fall down even in small waves. This is a great opportunity not to take life too seriously. What's a plan or a deadline really? Things are only as important as we decide they are. If time is rubber then allow yourself to be stretched.

The Sun in Pisces will amplify these far out vibes with a conjunction to Neptune on March 6, the Pisces New Moon. This is a fertile Moon ruled by Jupiter in his home sign of Sagittarius, and an excellent night to set intentions you'd like to see come to fruition over the next six months. March 6 is not a chill day though, as the earth shaker Uranus will ingress into Taurus for a seven year stay. Wherever Uranus goes he brings innovation and upheaval. Taurus is a Venus ruled earth sign associated with all things Gaia: food production, money, animals, sexuality, and environmental stewardship. We can expect big changes in these sectors on a global scale. Uranus has an affinity for technology so expect an increase in debates over crypto currency, lab grown meat, and the global labor force. Check your chart to see where this energy is going to land for your personally, and then notice if there's any activity around the New Moon.

Water facilitates earth the weekend of March 9, as the Sun sextiles Saturn in Capricorn, and we gain better perspective on what was initiated in early January. Mars in Taurus gets slippery with Neptune on March 10, and we lose an hour of sleep but gain some joy as the clocks spring forward. This is prime retrograde time so don't schedule anything crucial if you can avoid it.

The week ahead is not light and fluffy, but full of potential. The Sun will square Jupiter and sextile Pluto on March 13 and Mars will trine Saturn on March 14. This energy came to work and does not play. It’s important to cut through the Neptune fog and have a plan because you’ll want to make the most of these days of power. Illumination comes at the end as the Sun conjoins Mercury, and our beloved messenger is reborn in the waters of eternity.

The seasons magically and mercifully change, once again, as the Sun enters Aries on March 20, initiating Spring. Aries is first sign of the Zodiac. Symbolized by the ram who crashes through the gates of winter. There’s a struggle to emerge inherent in the sign of the warrior. Aries asks, Who am I? And, indeed, we may all be wondering that ourselves, as we shake off the doldrums from our long winter’s nap. The Sun begins moving into a conjunction with Chiron that will perfect on March 22, so this Wiccan sabbat is rooted in the fiery healing of our wounds around identity. With the ruler of this Sun, Mars, in earthy Taurus, we may explore the connection between our consumer consumption and personal values this Aries Season.

The Vernal Equinox, known as the pagan holiday of Ostara or Eostre, celebrates life returning to the land. The Goddess has rested and is now renewed. The God has matured, and desire stirs between them. This is a young time of year, but one bursting with promise, excitement, and a passion for experience. The fields are greening and the Sun’s strength is gaining. Ostara is one of two sacred days of the year when there is perfect balance between day and night, dark and light. This is a time of beginnings, taking action, and planting seeds for future goals. Traditionally, pagans dyed or paint hard boiled eggs and then balance them on their ends to symbolize equilibrium. Part of this practice was incorporated into the Christian holiday with a similar name, Easter.

Appropriately, the Libra Full Moon takes place on Ostara on March 20. Libra is signified by the scales because it’s the sign of justice, harmony, and the collective good. This is an excellent night to work magic to rectify any imbalance in our lives. This Moon is ruled by Venus in Aquarius in a sextile with Jupiter in Sagittarius and a square with Mars in Taurus. This mixture of spiritual empowerment and healthy friction will point us towards what we need to harmonize in relationships and the resources we have to do it.


Go to a green space and celebrate the life springing forth by noticing and appreciating each bud and leaf that you see. You can begin by grounding into Gaia using these video instructions. Walk in nature with no other intention than being present with her. Tune into each flower/tree/shrub you’re called to by approaching slowly and staying with it for several minutes. You can connect with its life field by intending to have your consciousness merge with its own. If you relax your eyes enough, you may be able to see the white outline of its energy field. Ask if the flower/tree has a message for you about Spring. Walk deliberately, aware of your steps and breath, collecting your missives from nature. Bring a journal to record any words or images you’d like to capture. Make this walk a ceremony in reverence of life: yours, Gaia’s, and every being that you encounter.

If you can’t get outside, you can work with the earth by planting an indoor magical garden in a box. Imagine you’re planting qualities you’d like to grow in your life with each bean or seed you press into the soft brown dirt. Or, make a sacred meal out of seeds, sprouts, nuts, leafy green veggies, and salad with flowers. Thank Gaia and the thousands of hands that brought the meal to your plate. See if you can sense through smell, taste, and vibration the unique life force of each food.

Mercury will conjunct Neptune on March 24, as they slow down and prepare to station direct on March 28. The worst is over by that point, but we have yet to reach the shore. Expect to feel the ripples of this retrograde for longer than usual.Venus enters Pisces, the sign of her exaltation on March 26. Normally this is an unequivocally lovely time, but adding Venus to this bubbling cauldron may improve things or cause you to feel it more deeply.Mercury will conjunct Neptune for the 3rd and final time on April 2, and will not move into Aries until April 17. Splish, splash, we’ll be in this befuddling bath for nearly another three weeks.  

The month closes out with Mars entering the mutable air sign of Gemini on March 31. Life takes on a quicker and more dynamic speed as he moves into an opposition with Jupiter. There’s still a lot of heavy earth in the mix, but we’re planning what we’re going to make with it.

Ostara Blessings to all of you!

Ostara Goddess by Helena Nelson-Reed


April 2019: Rebirth & Revolution


February 2019: Power & Potential