Astrology of February: Aquarius New Moon

The pagan festival of Imbolc, mid-Winter, on February 1st and 2nd, when the Sun reaches 15 Aquarius, is a time of purification and dedication. We celebrate the Celtic goddess Brighid, lady of the forge, wells, and beasts. We remember intentions set at the Yule Log on the Winter Solstice, December 21, and recommit to our dreams. Imbolc marks the middle of the middle. We’re halfway through, and no matter how cold it feels outside in the dead of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere--Spring is just 6 weeks away. Ask Brighid to show you what you need to see and grant you the fortitude to get through. Imbolc reminds us that the wheel of the year will turn again. Perhaps even sooner than we imagine.

Look outside as the light grows a little longer, and sunset happens minutes later each day. Daylight savings is a little over a month away! To welcome the return of the Sun at Imbolc, it is traditional to light a candle in every window of the house to guide the way of weary travelers and brighten the roads. Once darkness completely falls, turn on every light, if only for a minute. If there is snow on the ground, you can go outside and draw a big Sun and write, Welcome Sun! Try doing this at a park or on your front lawn. You’ll spread cheer to your neighbors and help them remember. You can learn more about the origins of our modern February practices, such as Groundhog’s Day, with the children’s e-book Pagan Baby: Mid-Winter

Venus enters Aquarius on February 1, and our style and priorities for love change from earthy and grounded to far out and futuristic. Aquarius is one of the most introverted and aloof signs, but that’s not for lack of caring. It has a lasting vision of love that transcends time, space, and material limitations. A devotion that will go beyond the beyond and then bring you back again.

Venus will transit through Aquarius until February 25. For the next three (plus) weeks, follow your eccentric impulses and bring unexpected joy. Surprise your lover with a spontaneous adventure (locally, safely). Or, better yet, take yourself on one. Venus’ addition to Aquarius creates what is known as an assembly in Saturn’s fixed air sign with 5 of the 7 traditional planets present--except for the Moon who’s always changing and Mars who's making trouble in Taurus. This stacked house will create quite the stir at the New Moon on February 11, when Luna joins the gathering, and Venus is conjunct Jupiter. 

The first of the month is a big day. The Sun at 12’47 Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus while the Moon sails into justice loving Libra on February 1. The tension between these two fixed signs is the astrological signature of the year. The Aquarius assembly means that everyone is ganging up on Mars. We need a new world order and Mars is not getting into good trouble right now. The chaos it’s creating is more in the service of ego defense and self-protection. We can see this playing out in a myriad of ways, from a cowardly refusal by Republicans to back a just impeachment, to Wall Street tycoons trying to keep the wealth for themselves. On a personal level, there’s an inner conflict and restlessness that could spill out into the rest of your life. Whatever insight you gained at the Sun-Uranus square on January 26, this may be the moment you take action. Let your desire to dare greatly spur you in new directions, but avoid fights with those who can’t or won’t hear you.

Venus conjoins Saturn on 5’54 Aquarius on February 6, Saturn’s Day, which can bring feelings of isolation, unlovability, and alienation from the heart. A good guide for the first week of the month is the Marianne Williamson description of the alchemical process of love drawing out the pain: “Love brings up everything unlike itself, so the soul can purge itself of our barriers to love. The grief, loss, shame and rage we encounter can be devastating, but on the other side of the storm we emerge reborn.” Venus at 6’58 Aquarius will also square Uranus on February 6, inviting an unexpected response to our old narratives around desire and exclusion. There’s a longing for freedom that may feel at odds with the structure of your partnership. Going your own way can be lonely at times, but that sorrow can actually serve to drive us towards greater love. Let yourself experiment with notions you might otherwise not entertain, but try not to react from a place of feeling rejected before anyone has asked for space.  

The Saturn-Jupiter conjunction at 00 Aquarius, on December 21, 2021, ushered us into a new air era. Since then, all eyes have been on Aquarius, which is not its favorite position to be in. Saturn’s children prefer to work behind the scenes; Aquarius by nature is aloof and distant. It takes effort to understand its far out vision and vibe. Mercury signifies our reasoning, analysis, and communication faculties. It’s first mission of 2021 is to help us make sense of this powerful Solstice inception point in Aquarius. Mercury entered Aquarius on January 8, immediately squaring Mars in Taurus, and conjoined with Saturn and Jupiter on January 9 and 11, before squaring Uranus on January 12. That action packed week activated dynamics and struggles that will be in play all year with the squares between Saturn and Uranus. However, as any witch knows, there is always more underneath the surface of a situation if only we have the courage to seek it.

Our conscious mind has been introduced to the strain between fixed earth and air, but what lies beneath will be explored with the Mercury retrograde in Aquarius that began on January 30. Mercury will facilitate our understanding of the entire air trigon this year by retrograding through all the signs: Aquarius, Gemini, and, lastly, Libra. We don’t often think of Mercury retrogrades as “helping” but often it is by getting lost that we can best explore. We gain confidence in ourselves and knowledge of the terrain by being forced to find our way out. During Mercury retrograde, unconscious information that has been absorbed and stored will rise to the surface. Issues that have lain dormant for the previous three months will present themselves to be addressed. Time Magazine is already calling 2021 the year of the moderator. Air signs seek connection across difference and are invested in building relationships. Earth signs want security and resources. Expect Mercury to help us become more adept at civil discourse and finding a third road with these retrogrades. 

Mercury entered its pre-shadow period at 11 Aquarius on Jan 15, the exact degree it will return to at the end of its retrograde cycle. Decisions and deals made during this time are easily undone. Consider the issues of the last two weeks as a preview of what will be explored during the active retrograde. Mercury stationed retrograde at 26 Aquarius on January 30, and will go cazimi, in the heart of the Sun, at 20 Aquarius on February 8. This is the peak of the retrograde cycle, and the inception point for Mercury’s next phase. Considered a holy moment, you may receive a download of information or have a conscious breakthrough around the material Mercury has been reviewing. We are on the other side of the retrograde journey.

Mercury squares Mars on February 10, and re-activates issues from the first square on January 8. Note that the impeachment trial for Trump is scheduled for that week to account for events that happened at the time of the first square. We’ve gathered our intelligence, delved beneath the surface, and are now ready to exhume what we’ve found. The ruler of Aquarius and Mercury’s host, Saturn, is in the superior position to Mars and co-present with Jupiter. Collectively, they represent justice (Jupiter) and the system that holds individuals accountable (Saturn). This does not guarantee that the trial will go in the direction of democracy, but Mercury retrograde is about the big picture and gaining a broader perspective. The conversations we have and what we learn about the players involved will be significant. Part of this is simply about the public getting a clearer picture of the truth. Even if all that comes out of it is understanding which Republican senators are willing to back a facist coup. 

A new beginning will emerge once Mercury stations direct on February 20. However, it will not leave the post-shadow until March 13, and will not depart for Pisces until March 15. That is a long sojourn through Aquarius, but it gives us an indication of the importance of this sign, element, and modality. Stay present to what unfolds in that area of life. It will serve you well over the next two years. Aquarius is going to remain a big player until March 2023. If you’d like to learn more about the Mercury retrograde cycle, there is a longer treatment available on myPatreon.

Venus and Jupiter are in a conjunction at the Aquarius New Moon on February 11, giving us a wonderful sense of optimism, possibility, and promise, the likes of which we haven’t felt for a while. This is a powerhouse lunation, with 6 of the 7 traditional planets present.

The strength and energy is on the side of great humanitarian ideals and innovative instincts. The water bearer wants to pour wisdom down onto the earth. Jupiter and Venus are benefic planets, meaning they make good and bring fortunate events to pass. The two of them are sitting pretty next to Saturn, the ruler of the lunation, who is pleased by this proximity. Great things are possible if we extend generosity for the common good. Investing in the people who make the system run will pay off for decades to come. If you're inclined towards Moon magic, this is a fabulous moment to work with. The intentions you set at this time will reverberate for many, many Moons.


Astrology of February: 1st Saturn Uranus Square


The Astrology of Air: January 2021