Astrology of February: 1st Saturn Uranus Square

February is known for its icy chill, but it's also a month when we celebrate love and romance. Named after the Roman holiday of Lupercalia, which took place from February 13-15, also called dies Februatus. Lupercalia (from “lupus” Latin for wolf) is connected to the legendary twin founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, who were said to be suckled in infancy by a she-wolf. The children were born to a vestal virgin, Rhea Silvia (“Silver Queen” connected to the Moon), and taken from her. Rhea Silvia’s tragic story is part of the fall of goddess based religions and rise of the patriarchy. The twins were considered a political threat, and ordered cast out into the wilderness. They were deposited by the river Tiber, but survived through the nourishment of a lactating mother wolf who had just lost her own cubs. She protected the children and cared for them in a cave known as the Lupercal. They successfully grew into adulthood and went on to found Rome.

During the festival of Lupercailia, purification rituals were held in the sacred Lupercal cave, which were believed to promote fertility. Nearby was a sanctuary to the goddess of breastfeeding, Rumina. Cleansing in mid-February was considered beneficial for overall health and increasing chances of conception. People flogged themselves with a goatskin strap, februa, to stimulate circulation, chase away Winter stagnation, and prepare for the Spring rebirth.

The pagan practices evolved, adapted, and continue to this day with our own Valentine’s Day. Love will certainly be in the air as Venus conjoins Jupiter on February 11, sweetening the power and potential of the Aquarius New Moon. Mercury gets in on the action with a conjunction to Venus and then Jupiter on February 13 & 14, giving V Day a more delightful feeling than one would expect during a pandemic.

Any day Venus and Jupiter are together is a great time for love. The presence of Mercury adds a touch of sweetness to our thoughts and speech. If you feel creatively inspired be sure to set aside time for your art practice. There may be a sense of optimism around the path forward for whatever you’re swimming through with Mercury retrograde. Together, Venus and Jupiter remind us that pleasure brings us closer to God, so be sure to enact ritual worship. But go creative if you celebrate V Day. These are unusual times, and Venus in Aquarius does not want that same old love. Think outside the box when it comes to romantic overtures and you’ll have the most fun.

The main event of the month is the square between Saturn and Uranus on February 17. The first of three that will take place over 2021: February 17, June 14, and December 24. The further out a planet is from the Sun, the slower it moves. The less frequent its aspects occur, the stronger we feel them on earth. A transit becomes active whenever a planet enters a particular sign, and will not fully conclude until it departs, but each exact aspect represents a peak in the cycle. Squares are associated with Mars, and, as such, push us to move in a particular direction.

The dynamic tension of the Saturn-Uranus square began as soon as Saturn entered Aquarius on December 17, but the first active phase starts on February 17. Characterized by awareness and observation, what occurs during this time will reveal the nature of the situation and provide the foundation for the circumstances that will unfold over the course of the year. Nothing should be a grand surprise, since Mercury has been doing its due diligence digging up detritus in your Aquarius area of life, but since Uranus corresponds to shocking events, what you discover could be hard to assimilate. If what you’re shown feels too out of the ordinary, you may not know what to do with the information. Hard aspects between Saturn and Uranus often provoke a confrontation between the desire for emancipation and breaking free, and the impulse towards control and holding on.

This transit to Uranus may trigger a crisis in consciousness, or sudden insight and awareness about patterns of behavior that have become overly restrictive. Too much Saturn creates rigidity, isolation, and stagnation. Uranus has the potential to liberate us from confining conditions through strange and unexpected occurrences. Exactly where this seismic shake up will happen depends on your birth chart. But one thing is certain, over the next year, you’ll have the opportunity to radically reconfigure areas that previously felt fixed. If this square feels like a hard shove, remember that through rising to the challenge you’ll grow your confidence and discover what you’re truly made from. For more information about when and where these peaks will occur, including aspects from the Sun and Mars, see my earlier post on Uranus in 2021: The Anatomy of a Square.

The Sun enters Pisces on February 18, and a sense of idealism and possibility return as we enter the final sign of Winter. The Sun’s departure from the airy Aquarius intelligentsia, moves our internal energy towards the magical vision quest of Jupiter’s mutable water sign. Pisces always draws our attention towards the importance of dreams and ideals. For many people, 2020 was such a long slow grind that hope began to feel impossible. The Sun in Pisces reminds us that there’s just four more weeks till the Vernal Equinox. It looks like we might just make it to Spring after all.

Venus squares Mars on February 19, so despite it officially being Pisces season, the end of February isn’t all that chill. This aspect can stoke the fires of passion and cause us to take action in the direction of desire. Mars isn’t in the best mood in Taurus though, so Venus might have to do some damage control with the martial houseguest. Remember that Venus in Aquarius values innovation and originality so don’t be afraid to compromise in strange directions, as long as you don’t sacrifice your integrity.

Mercury stations direct at 11 Aquarius on February 20, bringing to a close the technological disaster that was this retrograde cycle. Mercury ends where it began, at the exact degree of the pre-shadow, and begins working its way over the second and third decan of Aquarius for the final time. At this stage in the journey our winged messenger is wiser, a bit more weary, but also ready to take on the world. This is when we start to incorporate the lessons of the retrograde and re-orientate towards life integrating this new knowledge. Over the next three weeks, you’ll resolve any lingering issues, and choose whether to fully commit yourself to the modifications that unfolded during the retrograde. You can expect things to start getting back to normal, but you won’t be fully in the clear until Mercury passes out of its post-shadow, the degree in which it stationed retrograde, on March 13. For more info about this retrograde, check out the astrology of February pt 1 here.

Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn on February 24, churning up some powerful earth. Pluto magnitude provides Mars with an extra dose of drive, so make sure whatever your gunning towards is a destination you want to reach. Politically, we could see more struggle or protest from those supporting the insurrection on January 6.

There’s better days ahead when Venus enters Pisces, the delightful water sign of its exaltation, on February 25. Venus in Pisces wants to make love, art, beauty, and peace of a transcendent spiritual nature. This is the moment when our hearts reawaken to the joy of living. Venus will be traveling close to the Sun during its time in Pisces, so a lot of the healing may be felt internally, but that’s where we need it the most. Over the next month, romance, pleasure, and all such good things will flow freely. Show up for the special moments and watch what you wish to create manifest magically. Venus will stay in Pisces until March 21, all of Pisces season, helping us close out Winter with a renewed sense of connection.

The clean and clear Virgo Full Moon closes out the month on February 27. This Moon at 8 Virgo is witnessed by the Sun and Venus in Pisces, and informed by the visionary planets in Aquarius. Saturn’s influence on Jupiter and Mercury will ensure this lunation lives up to its Virgo desire to illuminate what is useful and sweep away the rest. Health is always a priority for this mutable earth sign. You’re encouraged to reorder your life in such a way that increases your overall sense of wellbeing. If what you’re going through feels difficult, consider reaching out to others. Virgo derives the most satisfaction from being useful. This magic Moon promises that there are open arms waiting to embrace you, if you move towards them


Astrology of March: Universal Reality


Astrology of February: Aquarius New Moon