Libra Full Moon: March 28

Life likes to teach through contrasts and the Libra Full Moon on March 28, is a balance of opposites, or, rather, oppositions. If Venus was present with the Moon in its cardinal air sign, there would be an emphasis on the Libra values of love, justice, art, harmony, cooperation, togetherness, and peace. However, Venus is transiting through Mars’ sign of Aries from March 21 to April 14. As Aries is the polarity to Libra, this lunation is asking us to be in relationship with topics and people we don’t normally get along with. To reconcile opposites by finding compassion for what we don’t like in ourselves and others. It is also asking us to get uncomfortable by taking a stand in areas where we are usually silent to protect and defend that which we hold sacred. Often Libra will go along to get along, but, although Venus is considered in its detriment in Aries, there is a power and potential here to stand up for one’s rights--a great Libra goal--in a righteous way. 

Venus is currently traveling very close to the Sun, having just made its superior conjunction in the early morning of March 26. Venus entering the sign of the Vernal equinox on the first full day of Spring put a special emphasis on the seasonal themes of rebirth this Aries season. Venus’ cycle is 584 days. It goes retrograde every 18 months, and the superior conjunction marks the midway point between retrograde cycles. It is also a powerful moment of transition when Venus moves from its morning star form, rising in the East just before sunrise, to its evening star form, setting in the West just after sunset. We are halfway through the retrograde cycle in Gemini from last Spring, and can now reflect clearly on how far we’ve come since the inferior conjunction. 

Last year, Venus stationed retrograde at 21 Gemini on May 13, 2020, and went cazimi, in the heart of the Sun, on June 3, at 13 Gemini. The inferior conjunction cazimi, when Venus is closest to the Earth, is a moment of inception when something new is learned or a gift is received, and a fresh cycle is initiated. After that, Venus stationed direct at 5 Gemini on June 25, and began its emergence as a morning star, traveling farther and farther away from Earth. Venus takes a full 9 months to process the wisdom the Sun has bestowed. Although Western society is most familiar with Venus in its evening star form as the great lover, Venus as a morning star is known as the warrior goddess--fierce, independent, and wrathful. It has a lot of similarities with Venus in Aries, and it is fitting that the period should end there. The sensitive point of the last cazimi was reactivated as Mars was conjunct the North Node, at 13 Gemini on March 26, 2021, ruling the superior conjunction in Aries. The significance of what we learned last year have now been assimilated, and we are ready to bring that wisdom out into the world and connect with others. 

For the majority of Venus’ cycle, it is seeking to create harmony and bring unlike things together. Never more so than when in Libra. However, the Venus retrograde is a quality control mechanism that reviews the deeper functions of relationship (for more detail about the retrograde cycle of 2020-2022 see this Patreon post). Sometimes we uncover wounds that can not be healed, and we must grapple with how to live with them. The Sun and Venus are conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer at 8 Aries on the Libra Full Moon on March 28. This lunation shines a light on any relationship grief that has gone unprocessed, especially from last year. Coinciding with the one year anniversary of the world shutting down, this Moon is asking us to be in relationship with the pain of all that was lost during the pandemic so we can find a better way forward. 

Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini are making a grand air trine with the Libra Full Moon. The strong influence of air can have us in our heads, but also encourages us to speak out truths with tact and diplomacy.  Libra knows that there is no winning without compromise, so seek the grace of the middle way. Chiron teaches that our greatest wounds can become our greatest teachers if we move towards them. Chiron also espouses the value of harm reduction and learning to bear what must be withstood. If you’re feeling activated and far from balanced, try engaging in gentle mindfulness practices that allow you to stay centered in the present moment. The greatest blessing of air is that it disperses quickly. (I’ve recently written and shared a lot on Chiron, which you can find on Patreon and Youtube). 

Seek symmetry this Full Moon by embodying the best of Libra’s ideals from now till the end of the month. We’re in a process of rectification, which involves facing the truth. The path to greater peace and justice grows when we can increase our ability to sit with discomfort and keep breathing. Libra takes pride in partnership and making things look pristine. Remember to honor your own sense of beauty and order, and reach out to those you love. Change is here, and we’ll weather this transition best together.


astrology of april: part 1


The Vernal Equinox