astrology of april: part 1

Much to everyone’s great relief, the first major movement of the month is Mercury’s entrance into Aries on April 3. Thank the Goddess. Mercury in Pisces was a straight up nightmare. It's never easy. Last year Mercury was retrograde in Pisces, creating the ultimate experience of under-the-sea unruliness. Even though this year Mercury was direct during its time in Pisces, from March 15-April 3, it was rife with technical challenges, spacial disorientation, and communication confusion. The square with Mars and the lunar nodes from March 23-25 created a sense of tension and anxiety. The nodes are eclipse points that bring our awareness into uncomfortable material, and Mars creates a sense of urgency around action. Mercury’s conjunction with Neptune on March 29, inspired us to move towards creative solutions for healing, but also exacerbated feelings of being lost or cast adrift. 

If the last week of March was a bit of a baffling puzzle, the first week of April should help. Mercury in Aries is clear and quick where Pisces was murky and memorizing. Mercury is moving over territory that the Sun and Venus have just passed through. Venus and the Sun were conjunct Chiron on the Libra Full Moon on March 28, seeding the lessons of the wounded healer into our heart and soul. Mercury conjoins Chiron on April 9, and what was planted below the surface begins to poke its head above ground. Little shoots of possibility for how to love those neglected and painful parts of ourselves show their greenery. You’re being led down a path of wisdom and these seedlings are your bold, intrepid guides.  

Mars squares Neptune on April 9, increasing our capacity to get lost in fantasy and our desire for release. Most humans have a predilection for escape, especially with all our Chiron material activated right now. Mars rules will, passion, and drive. When it meets with Neptune, the planet of ideals but also illusions, there can be movement towards something grand that ultimately turns out to be a mirage. Let off steam in constructive and creative ways, but don’t go chasing waterfalls. The quick fix that seems too good to be true definitely is under this transit. 

Venus squares Pluto at the Aries New Moon on April 11, highlighting the vernal themes of subterranean shifts causing pressure and regeneration. The Moon in Aries activates our body, mind, and spirit. It inspires us to move in the direction of our passion. While the dark Moon is just the promise of the potential that may arise in this area of your life, the conjunction with Venus is giving some much needed love to this part of your chart. Aries is the eternal youth of the zodiac. Forever seeking out new challenges and avenues for expression. Mars in Gemini is in a close sextile with this lunation, which it rules, putting an emphasis on communication and self-expression. Aries prefers to witness itself (being brave and bold), but Gemini wants the world to see. Let yourself do something daring but also share it. Don’t think twice about what others have to say, but give yourself a shout out on social media. Phone up your friends and family, let folks know what you’ve been up to what you’ve got cooking. Don’t talk to anyone who isn’t a super fan and doesn’t know how to be your best cheerleader. Use the enthusiasm of your beloveds as fire to carry you forward to Taurus season when life erupts in color again on April 19. 

Venus enters Taurus on April 14, and life takes on a much rosier hue. Taurus is Venus’ fixed earth sign of sensual pleasures and grounded reality. If your relationships struggled while Venus was in Aries from March 21-April 14, never fear, a kinder, softer day has dawned. Over the next three weeks, Venus will be in its home sign until May 8, expect your desires to develop along the lines of luxury. Taurus knows what's good and it doesn’t want to settle for less. Quality is more important than quantity. Show people how you feel with acts of love that make them feel like you really mean it. Good things take time to grow, and one of Taurus’ great gifts is patience. Let yourself unwind into the wisdom of your body by treating yourself to a massage. It will help give your nervous system permission to unwind. 


astrology of april pt 2


Libra Full Moon: March 28