Jupiter enters Pisces: the Astrology of May pt 2

Welcome to the best time of the year. Jupiter enters Pisces on Thursday, Jupiter’s day, May 13, and will stay through July 28, bringing some ease, pleasure, and magic sparkle to the land. Praise Jove! Pisces is Jupiter’s dreamy, sensitive water sign of great visions and transcendent beauty. The next two months will be a wet and wild exploration of the innermost parts of you. Jupiter is returning to its nocturnal home for the first time in 11 years. These transits often happen in stages, and we have just begun phase 1 of a 3 part series that is designed to restore hope to the land. Jupiter will transit Pisces from May 13-July 28, 2021, and then return next year from December 28-May 10, and October 28-December 21, 2022.

All mutable signs--Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius--will benefit from this transit. The house that Pisces rules in your chart will indicate where you’ll feel the most expansion personally. The last timeJupiter sailed through the mystical Piscean seas was January-June, 2010, and then September, 2010-January 2011. Think back to that time for an indication to what gifts are bestowed when Jove comes to town. Jupiter knows where the buried treasure is waiting at the bottom of the ocean for the intrepid diver. Over the next two months, it will guide you towards your heart’s truest longing. What pearl will you pluck as you navigate the mermaid waters and siren songs?

Jupiter is the greater benefic that proves much support for the flow of positive energy and resources throughout Earth. When Jupiter is in a sign that it struggles, or does not have great essential dignity, to use an ancient astrological term, opportunity, wealth, luck, optimism seem to shrink. We can see this in the phenomenon of economic recession that is linked to Jupiter’s transits through the sign of its debility, Capricorn, in 2008 and 2020. Likewise, when Jupiter is in a sign that it rules or is exalted, there is greater prosperity, abundance, opportunity, and favor available. Even folks who do not have as much access to resources can get a leg up. This is because Jupiter rules mutable signs, Sagittarius and Pisces, where energy disperses quickly, traveling in all directions and changing course without warning. Jupiter is exalted, raised up high, in Cancer. The sign of the Moon, that wishes to bring nurturing and sustenance to the world. Cancer rules the ocean--a fertile and mysterious place that is unfathomably deep and wide. Jupiter in Cancer can easily bring good to the masses by blowing favorable winds.

Capricorn is about structure and authority, and while 8 million Americans fell into poverty during the last 6 months of 2020, not everyone suffered economically. Those at the top of the pyramid, the richest men in the world, made out like bandits. US billionaires became 40% richer, adding 1.1 trillion to their fortunes in 2020, according to CNN. Material scarcity leads to emotional and mental suffering and mental health rates concurrently plummeted. Thankfully, Jupiter in Pisces is a master healer, capable of transforming the deepest psychic, spiritual, and emotional wounds. The Covid-19 pandemic is not just a global health crisis, it is now an on-going stressor. As society begins to open up, and Jupiter in Pisces will surely facilitate and encourage the freer flow of bodies and exchange, we make more space for the necessary processing of all that has come before.

Jupiter in Pisces desires endless expansion and infinite connection. Let yourself imagine the world you’d like to live in over the next two months, and then create it. Draw, paint, collage, build it into existence through art. Sing, write, recite, and laud the beauty of the land and spirit of the people. Escape the mundane reality that has become so oppressive by accessing the sublime state that lives within us--a heart full of wonder and gratitude.

There’s supportive energy flowing in the final days of Taurus season when the Sun trines Pluto on May 17, and Venus trines Saturn on May 19. The Sun is conjunct the formidable fixed star Algol, the mischief maker, who acts out from a place of inner wounding. This star is connected with Medusa and Lilith who’s myths tell of women’s oppression and betrayal by the patriarchy. Yet that energy comes back to haunt the abusers in the form of these fierce mythological figures. The Sun may shine a light on past hurts, while Pluto shows the shadow that wound has cast over your light, but also the way out of that stuck place. Venus is conjunct the North Node at 10 Gemini, further adding to the sense of growing away from outdated karmic patterns, and inviting us to view things from a new perspective. We’re in eclipse season and this transit may reverb at the Sagittarius Full Moon on May 26.

The Sun enters Gemini on May 20, and the Spring prepares to give way to Summer. Gemini is like a broom that sweeps away what’s come before and disperses all the little bits like so many seeds and pods scattering in the Spring wind. The purpose of Gemini is to find the inner twin, and reconcile the contradiction. The polarity between dark and light is a dance that we can only do for so long. During Gemini season we are drawn into the both/and to examine the usefulness of bifurcation and the wisdom of synthesis. Gemini enjoys variety, analysis, and is endlessly curious. Over the next four weeks you’ll become more open and adaptable to changes in your environment as you seek to engage with the world in new ways. This flexibility is a very good thing as Gemini is currently home to the North Node eclipse point. Whatever has been growing for you in this area of life will get a big boost at the Gemini New Moon solar eclipse on June 10. Until then, stay alert and have fun, but remember to breathe. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and both our mind and our nervous system can move into overdrive when we’re in the sign of the kids.

The start of Gemini season is extremely lucky as the Sun immediately squares Jupiter in Pisces on May 21, giving a magic sparkle to the fourth weekend of the month. The Sun is passing through the Pleiades, the seven sisters stars, increasing our intuition, insight, and psychic abilities. Mercury squares Neptune on May 22, adding to our inverted sense of reality as rubber. This is a great time to create, meditate, make connection with the ancestors, and call in your guides. Trust your instincts, listen to the wind, and let yourself be drawn down a rabbit hole. You just might discover the buried treasure you stored away in a past lifetime.

Saturn stations retrograde at 13 Aquarius on May 23, and begins to retrace the path its cut through its fixed air sign since entering on December 17, 2020. This is a bit like the teacher giving you an assignment and then coming back to the study hall to see how much you’ve accomplished. Its fine if you’ve been doing the work, but, if not, you may be in trouble. Best be sure that Saturn will notice and point out any sloppiness or places where you cut corners. Not all retrogrades function the same way, and Saturn’s significations don’t alter much when its moving backwards. Saturn will be retrograde for the next five months and station direct at 6 Aquarius on October 10. This transit will be felt the strongest by folks who have planets within a degree of the station points in fixed signs.

Change comes galloping into town with the Sagittarius Full Moon total lunar eclipse on May 26. There’s a lot to like about this lunation that Jupiter is ruling from its well dignified position in the magical outpost of Pisces. Mercury and Venus are conjunct in Gemini, beaming back love and applause from across the solar system. Happily, Mars in Cancer can’t see or touch either of the luminaries. The Moon in Sag loves adventure and socializing and will have you feeling optimistic about plans for the future. Feelings arrive strongly but flame out quickly when Luna is located in this mutable fire sign. We’ve been having eclipses along the Sag-Gemini axis since last Summer, which will conclude this winter.

This is a great night to take stock of what has developed in this area of life since the Sagittarius New Moon solar eclipse on December 14. Let go of anything that doesn’t want to stick. Sag knows that stallions like to roam and what's yours will return if it's meant to be. Normally I would encourage magic workings during this time, but it is an eclipse so ritual and intention setting are not advised. This Moon will provide an exciting catalyst for the Sag area of your life. You’re not holding the reins, but stay loose in the saddle and you’ll enjoy the ride.

Besides hosting eclipse season, Gemini is also home to the next Mercury retrograde. We close out the month with the winged messenger disappearing from its home sign in search of greater truth and meaning. Mercury enters the retrograde pre-shadow on May 14, and stations retrograde at 24 Gemini on May 29. Mercury is conjunct Venus who went retrograde in Gemini last May. What arose from our hearts in 2020, will be further explored over the next three weeks as Mercury goes cazimi at 20 Gemini on June 10, and stations direct at 16 Gemini on June 22. This transit takes us well into Summer as Mercury will not exit the post-shadow until July 7. The trine from Saturn in Aquarius indicates that what we’re exploring is crucial to the overall restructuring of our lives. Think of 2021 as a chiropractic adjustment and Mercury as the doctor who is going to work out those kinks so that you can dance, flit, and fly with greater freedom.

Gemini season is for soaring. The Sun is ascending towards its highest height at the Summer Solstice, and is supporting you in doing the same. The Mercury retrograde wants to make things crystal clear. Even if you feel like you’re floating on the breeze for a while, the view is gorgeous from way up there. Enjoy the fresh air.


june astrology pt 1


astrology of may: pt 1