june astrology pt 1

Mercury switches things up just before June begins by stationing retrograde at 24’43 Gemini on May 29. Mercury retrogrades don’t usually feel like the most loving moments, but the conjunction with Venus helped ease the transition. Mercury retrograding through its home air sign is more like an inventory than an exploration. Get your papers filed and your drawers organized because anything that can go missing will during the next three weeks. Air signs govern ideas, information, social experiences, and technology. Don’t be surprised if projects or proposals get retooled from now until Mercury stations direct on June 22.

Last year Gemini season broke down the barriers of quarantine and had us all pouring back into the streets. This year many of us are blessedly vaccinated, and this retrograde will serve as an opportunity to evaluate how we want to reemerge. Many folks are excited about unmasked social connections, but also overwhelmed about how to fit friends and fun back into the flow of life. Gemini is happiest when it gets to experience a little bit of everything. Remember you can take small bites, chew thoroughly, and savor the flavor of every moment you choose to show up for, not worrying about missing anything. Our pre-pandemic world was full of a lot of filler. We don’t need to bring back all the chaos and running around that occupied a lot of our time and effort. Gemini season is host to eclipse season this year and we are advised to take it extra extra easy when the forces of the universe are moving the chess pieces of life around.

Venus leaves Gemini for the Moon’s salty abode of Cancer on June 2, joining Mars who has been making trouble in the waters since April 23. Venus in Gemini enjoys connecting through conversations and concepts with a multiplicity of partners. It was an enjoyable skate through Gemini with Mercury present, but with the retrograde in effect, Venus gladly departs for Luna’s domain. Cancer is concerned with the emotional resonance of relationships, and feels the reverberation across time and space as easily as sound travels across water. Our friendships and romantic encounters take on a poignant significance for the next four weeks. Cancer cares deeply about those in its purview and wants to know that connection is felt and reciprocated. Venus will stay in Cancer until June 27, and be present at the Solstice on June 20, adding some sweetness to the first week of Summer.

Venus trines Jupiter in Pisces on Thursday, June 3, which is a wonderful day for love, romance, and increasing intimacy. Take full advantage of the good vibes between the two benefics by planning something delightful out in nature or of a mystical variety. For example, having an impromptu tarot salon for you and your friends. Mars in Cancer has explored some emotional wounds over the past month. It hasn’t been easy, especially for the Aries or Scorpio folks. Mars goes hard for what it loves and often exposes places in us that are in need of protection or reconciliation. Now Venus has arrived to replace any bitterness in the heart with honey on the tongue. The scars Mars has reopened are best healed through showing up in a vulnerable open hearted way, as Cancer knows how to do best. Venus assures us you will be met in tenderness and love, the way you’ve always longed to be embraced.

The Sun in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius on June 3, which grants us the ability to work in powerfully strategic ways. Unfortunately, this meeting of the minds is a bit foggy due to retrograde Mercury in a square with Neptune that perfects on June 5. The Sun is also in a sextile with Uranus so the best possible outcome is a reevaluation of the plans that were initiated by the first Saturn-Uranus square on February 17, before the second becomes exact on June 14. The best possible outcome is greater inspiration and a more expansive vision of what is possible. Be on guard for delusions of grandeur, escapes into fantasy, and opportunities that seem too good to be true. Neptune is adding a disorienting element to the first half of the month, as the Sun squares Neptune on June 13.

Mars opposes Pluto and makes a cardinal t-square with the Moon in Aries on June 5. This aspect can feel dry and chafing, but also spurs us into action. We’re invited to dig into our hidden resources to unearth what lies beneath the surface. Mars in Cancer struggles with its relationship to anger. Don’t be surprised if repressed rage rises to the surface. Remember, it’s OK to get angry. Anger is a normal, healthy, natural response to life’s challenges. Patriarchy teaches us that only some people are allowed to get angry (white, straight cis-men). If other people get angry, we’re labeled dangerous and disruptive. But you know what? Anger is a built in protective mechanism that alerts us when we’re in danger or our boundaries have been crossed. Cancer will swallow a lot of grief to maintain a feeling of togetherness, but that isn’t always what’s best. Repression leads to congestion, stagnation, and eventually eruption. Pluto magnifies situations and increases feelings of pressure and constraint forcing us to confront with we’ve been hiding from. Find outlets for your anger that do no harm, but don’t be afraid to be difficult if the situation calls for self-advocacy. The Moon in Aries will help you show up and kick butt.

Hold on to your hats because the Mercury retrograde peaks at the Gemini New Moon solar eclipse on June 10. The Sun and Moon will conjoin at 19’47 Gemini, close to the North Node eclipse point at 10’46 degrees at 6:52AM ET. Mercury goes cazimi, entering the heart of the Sun, at 20’21 Gemini at 9:13 PM ET. Expect an influx of information and pouring down of potential at this time. Jupiter is sending inspiration and faith from Pisces and Saturn is lending support and structure from Aquarius. This is a Moon meant to expand your mind to the farthest reaches of the galaxy and then help you come back home for a landing.

This eclipse season is a doozy, but its also propelling us forward by leaps and bounds. Whatever has felt like it was going backwards in your life since Mercury stationed retrograde on May 29, you’ll see the reason why or a new way forward at this time. The Venus retrograde last Spring showed us the shape of difficulty in the Gemini area of life. Our patterns have been shifting like a sliding kaleidoscope since then. Things finally fall into place in new and inventive ways with this eclipse cycle. Stay open and curious about what is possible, and don’t assume you know how things will go till the final turn. Rocket ships were built to shoot for the stars. Which direction is your true north? This Moon will surely take you there.


Mars Enters Leo


Jupiter enters Pisces: the Astrology of May pt 2