Mars Enters Leo

If you’ve been feeling like you got less pep in your step for the past several months, blame Mars in Cancer. The planet of passion, drive, and vital force has been steeped in the emotional waters of Moon’s abode since April 23. Folks with Aries or Scorpio planets or points (Sun, Moon, ASC), will have felt this most acutely. The good news is that Mars enters Leo on June 11, bringing an infusion of raw solar polar into your gas tank. 

Mars in Cancer has a hard time expressing anger and its energy is turned inwards; similar to how the crab seeks safety when it feels threatened by withdrawing. Mars’ transits through Cancer can cause emotional wounds, especially those related to caretaking and how you were nurtured in your formative years to the surface. We often receive the message that our anger is not acceptable or it's disruptive to the groups we’re part of--starting with our families. Frustration builds up over time and when Mars goes through Cancer we can be drawn into the physical experience of rage in our bodies and the need to let it out. The crab scuttles sideways when it walks, and we may avoid or try to go around issues when Mars is in Cancer, rather than face them head on. Often to detrimental effects to our mental and physical wellbeing. 

Mars in Leo has none of those issues. With the confidence of the Sun behind it, Mars is undaunted by challenge. It wants to do the most and doesn’t mind being seen as a little extra. The Sun came to shine, and Mars wants to bask in the warm glow of success and praise. Ask for what you want and need and be unabashed about your desires. There is more energy to bring them into your grasp. More importantly, over the next 6 weeks, Mars will help you get in touch with what matters most to you on a soul level. We all came here to contribute and offer something to the world. Your connection to that spark of divinity inside of you, your soul’s purpose, grows each time we show up courageously and honor the path we came here to walk. Mars will be in Leo until July 29. Expect to feel much more motivated and enjoy the play of this new found power. You just had a very long swim through some salty waters with a strong undertow, but you’ve reached the shore. Let yourself dry off, get refreshed, and when you feel replenished, go get ‘em. There’s nothing you can’t do when Mars is in the sign of the Lion. 

The Sun squares Neptune on June 13, adding another layer of disorientation to the final phase of Mercury retrograde and Gemini season. Neptune wants us to believe there is an easier way to deal with the difficulties that have emerged during eclipse season, but often this is just a fantasy emerging from our subconscious. One of Neptune’s underlying beliefs is that life is too difficult to be dealt with head on, and we need to escape. What you escape into determines whether this transit is a little weird and woo in a fun way or in a self-destructive manner. Sun square Neptune can get you lost in a great work of art or poetry and spend the day in an imaginal realm all your own. Or it can inspire inquiry in a spiritual teacher, branch of esoteric arts, or divinatory practice. But it can also deluge you into thinking you need drugs to feel good and enjoy yourself. This transit is in effect over Pride weekend, so remember to stay safe, and watch out for those who look like they’ve lost their way. Keep anchored in reality and you can serve as a liferaft for those who’ve gotten swept out to sea. 

The second Saturn-Uranus square peaks on June 14, bringing us into a new phase of the cycle. We’re undoing a chiropractic adjustment in 2021 to allow for the energy to run more smoothly moving forward. The square has felt a bit uncomfortable, but there’s going to be a lot more space and mobility once it's finished. The first square on February 17, highlighted the topic Uranus and Saturn are working on, and brought into your awareness the tension underlying this great adjustment. Ideally, you’ve been able to identify the themes of Aquarius and Taurus, whether by the house topics they rule, or just observation of your own life. Perhaps you’ve started moving in a particular direction towards resolution. The Mercury retrograde gave you more information, brought up new considerations, and generally asked you to dig deeper and think more broadly. 

Gemini season helps us to think creatively and imagine intelligently. To delight in possibility. The second square between Uranus and Saturn is a building block that will serve as the linchpin for the rest of the year. The final square will not take place until December 24, Christmas Eve, letting us know that this restructuring is a slow build that will carry us through to the New Year. We can expect things to resolve next Spring, so don’t worry if all of this takes time. Good things do as both Saturn and Taurus well know. This is worth doing right. We have a clear map before us and you’re going to get important information about how to proceed in the coming weeks. The Saturn-Uranus square will close out Gemini season and be felt at the Solstice on June 20. See you in Summer, friends.

If you’d like help tracking the Uranus-Square and delving deeper into its significations, you can check out my Patreon post here.


Summer Solstice: Sun enters Cancer


june astrology pt 1