Aquarius New Moon

The action is back in Capricorn this week with Mars arriving at the beginning on Monday, January 24, and a retrograde Mercury coming in through the back door on Tuesday, Jan 25. They will both make significant conjunctions in Saturn’s earth sign, but not with each other. Mercury meets with Pluto on Friday, Venus’ day, January 28, at 26°51 Capricorn, nearly the exact degree where Venus stationed retrograde on December 19.

In the Mesopotamian myth of Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth, that’s been mapped onto the Venus retrograde cycle, the journey is a descent into the Underworld from which she nearly does not return. Inanna triumphs, thanks to the help of her friends, but she makes it back out altered. A part of her has been lost and a piece of her is missing. She has grown in wisdom and strength, had a spiritual experience and been reborn, but she has sacrificed her innocence for this knowledge. Things will never be the same. Her heart is indelibly marked.

Retrograde Mercury going back to the beginning of this descent on Friday, Venus' day, is a reminder of how far we’ve come this new year. Its also a confrontation with any lingering fears left to face. Venus stations direct at 11°04 Capricorn on Saturday, January 29, and the cycle concludes for another 18 months. Praise. Our heart has been exploring the same slice of the sky since November 17, and will finally get to move forward in the coming months. The Spring is for revival and rejoicing in love. But for now, we need to be where our feet are. The Moon is waning towards empty. This weekend is a time to let go. What are you grieving in this moment? What is your heart aching for? How can you honor what's been lost while celebrating your triumphant return? You might have a moment of insight when the Sun squares Uranus on Sunday, the Sun's day, January 30.

The New Moon in Aquarius on February 1, may be an alien pod sent from another planet to seed the solutions with need for harmony on this one. Aquarius takes a rational approach to life and needs space and independence to process its experiences. The Moon becomes new at 12°20 Aquarius in a conjunction with Saturn and square with Uranus. This is not a soft and gentle experience, but one born of fire and ice. It's a spiritual awakening that could short circuit our electrodes and knock our socks off. Saturn is about the constraints of life. The pressure we feel to achieve, conform, and deliver. Uranus wants us to live as our most authentic selves. The two have been in a battle for our souls since December 2020, but what they both have in common is honesty.

The New Moon in Aquarius wants us to want truth more than anything else. The truth is not always easy, but it will set you free, and liberation is both Saturn and Uranus’ ultimate end goal. If last year Saturn bound you and Uranus tripped you up, it was to show you where you’re stuck. This year you have the opportunity to cut the cords and release yourself from constraints, especially in the mind. Use this New Moon wisely and it will chart a course that spans the entire year.

Join me for the next New Moon Meditation Winter Lunation series on January 30, for the Aquarius New Moon and we will re-envision the world together. Sign up here.


March 2: Magical Pisces New Moon


Capricorn New Moon & Cancer Full Moon