March 2: Magical Pisces New Moon

The New Moon at 12° Pisces on March 2, is infused with magic. It's not just a meeting of the luminaries, Jupiter, the great giver of gifts and bringer blessings is present too. This sacred moment of renewal is an opportunity to connect deeply into the heart of possibility and commit to a dream that has been burgeoning for some time. Jupiter first entered Pisces last year, from May 13-July 28, 2021, setting the stage for expansion and growth in this area of life. For some people there was a clearing of the decks. For others, there was a laying of the groundwork. Jupiter returned to Pisces on December 28, and will stay through May 10, 2022.

The winter solstice is when we plant seeds that germinate all through the fallow season, only to burst forth in life at the vernal equinox. Think back to what you were yearning for at Yule on December 21. Where are you now in relation to those visions? Spring is nearly here, but the hope of that fresh arrival has felt far away with devastating global events this past week, such as the invasion of the Ukraine by Russia and the passing of legislation attacking LGBTQAI+ youth in Florida at the Mercury-Uranus square on February 24. 

This Moon is bonafide by Jupiter’s touch, but there are challenges surrounding it. Mercury is conjoined with Saturn at 19° Aquarius on March 2, putting our focus on the problems. But Jupiter is all about solutions. Mercury is helping us understand the structural challenges before it brings joyful tidings of new possibilities. Mercury enters Pisces on March 9, and conjoins with Jupiter on March 21, on the first full day of spring. However things seem right now, trust you will be looking at them quite differently in less than a month. 

Mars and Venus are currently traveling together, and in a conjunction with Pluto at 27° Capricorn. There is a deep resonance with underground power and finding a fortitude you didn’t know you possessed to get through the end of winter. The protection and favor of Jupiter does not extend to every area of life, but this Pisces New Moon is asking us to make the most of what we have where we can. Pisces as the artist, romantic, and dreamer invites you to engage with the emotional realm, and enter into an imaginal space to explore possibilities to the way things are right now, both personally and collectively. Jupiter will make one final tour through the end of Pisces from October 28-December 21, 2022. What you move towards now will come to full harvest then. 

The spirit of Pisces is the magic that hides just behind the veil. There is a longing in our hearts to touch it. Ask yourself what’s possible to create right now. You are the perfect instrument for divine intention to move through you and create something beautiful in the world. Something that is essential and absolutely needed. Remember your dreams. 

Come explore the Pisces New Moon and meditate in the spiritual heart on Tuesday, March 1, at 7:30PM at the next Winter Lunation series.Register here.


Virgo Full Moon


Aquarius New Moon