Virgo Full Moon

The Moon traveling through Leo from March 14-16, illuminated Venus’ difficult position across the zodiac right now. Benefic planets try to make things better whenever they go, but Venus is currently besieged between Mars and Saturn. We may find that our efforts to improve situations come to naught, as we are confronted with increasingly difficult challenges in the Aquarius area of life. It feels like a true sigh of relief when the Moon enters Virgo and comes into aspect with all the loving planets in Pisces.

There is a tremendous amount of joy and beauty in the sky, and a whole lot of magic at the Full Moon at  27°40 Virgo on March 18, Friday at 3:17AM ET (peaking Thursday night). The imaginative energy of Pisces season gets a clear focus with this Virgo based lunation. The ruler of this moon, Mercury, loves to organize and arrange life to perfection, but we’re taking a three week break from all that while it glides through Jove’s mutable water sign. Mercury entered Pisces on March 9, and is moving towards conjunction with Jupiter that be exact on the Vernal Equinox, March 20. 

Mercury’s departure from Saturn’s signs, where it spent the last three months, created a shift in our outlook from the concrete, tangible, and abstract, to the emotional, imaginative and felt. Mercury is the only planet that is both at home (in domicile) and exalted in the same sign–Virgo. Consequently, it is said to struggle in Pisces where details get lost and we speak in the language of metaphors. Yet Mercury is Pisces is a signature of poets, musicians, and artists that connect us with our deepest emotional truth. Aretha Franklin, Billie Holiday, Nina Simone, Yoko Ono, Lady Gaga, and Queen Latifa all have the planet that rules communication and verbal expression in the soft and supple waters of Pisces. 

We can feel that gentleness with this lunation. Normally the Virgo Full Moon would have us organizing our sock drawer, but this is more of a get out your dusty paint supplies and start your mural on the bedroom wall kind of moment. The mystical pool of Pisces offers a healing bath for our soul that calms the mind and refreshes the spirit. It’s a dreamy place, but one where we can easily get confused, especially with the presence of Neptune. The Virgo Full Moon reminds us of the need to ground our longing in reality. Nothing is too grand for Jupiter in Pisces, but it's not going to make money rain from the sky for most people. This Moon encourages us to take concrete steps to manifest the spells that have been bubbling in our cauldrons all winter.

The weekend of the Virgo Full Moon is an opportunity to get ready for the Vernal Equinox on March 20, by creating a vision board and then outlining a 6-12 month plan. Create a road map towards whatever you feel most excited about and break down each leg of the journey, week by week. Set tangible goals. If you notice yourself getting overwhelmed, take a break and go back to drawing, dancing, and delighting. Lists can feel daunting but if we use them as a framework for engagement, they will build our self-esteem over the long haul. By crossing off each small good act over the next six months, we develop a sense of personal accomplishment and creative engagement. In this way you’ll arrive at the fresh beginning of the Virgo New Moon with a renewed faith in yourself and the universe. The best of both worlds is what this Moon offers. That is what I hope flows forth for you. 


Aries New Moon: April 1


March 2: Magical Pisces New Moon