Aries New Moon: April 1

March goes out with a bang at the Aries New Moon at 2:24AM ET April 1. The New Moon at 11°30 Aries is conjunct Mercury, the messenger, and Chiron, the wounded healer, bringing our attention to what needs fixing in ourselves and the world at large. The tension has been mounting since Mars and Venus entered Aquarius on March 6. Venus was besieged, between Mars and Saturn, putting the focus on the pain in our hearts and creating difficulty in partnership. Venus conjoined Saturn on Monday, March 28, which was no one’s favorite day of the year, well maybe somebody’s. Now the focus is on Mars’ encounter with the Lord of Karma and that is trouble of a different nature.

In temperament, the malefics inhibit growth and movement because Mars is hot and dry and Saturn is cold and dry. There is generally a lack of moisture, which causes chafing and a sense of being rubbed raw. Mars is a force that wants to push through obstacles as a demonstration of strength. Saturn is a power that demonstrates control through erecting insurmountable barriers. This energy requires skillful navigation and a willingness to compromise. Mars is within three degrees of Saturn, and the conjunction will peak on 22°24 Aquarius on April 4. The tension is happening in Saturn’s sign so Mars will not win. This is a frustrating fact in Aries season.

Aries wants to demonstrate its strength and vigor by tackling difficult challenges. Since December 2020, Saturn has been restructuring the Aquarius area of your life. Perhaps you felt the call, after some exciting pushes from Uranus in Taurus. That is all well and good, but Saturn requires sustained effort overtime. There is a difficulty being worked out, and for some, a harsh reality that gets fully exposed. Whatever it is, we probably won’t like it. Discipline is required to persevere in the situation. Saturn and Mars can require us to work harder and go beyond what we feel like we had the capacity to give. After the last two years, no one is well resourced emotionally. In general, people are running on empty.

The Aries New Moon understands that we’re being tested and and is offering succor in the form of spiritual purification. Similar to the raising of heat in yogic practices, we’re asked to slowly and deliberately stoke the flames, and then submit our wounds to the fire of divinity for purification. This can feel like a terrifying proposition. The intensity of the warmth can be suffocating, and we may not be able to see through the smoke, but we have the best guides. Mercury is a messenger through liminal space, and Chiron, the wounded healer, is skilled in facilitating such processes.

Spiritual teachings around the world describe the crucibles we must go through to break entrenched habits or deep patterns. The more we struggle, the harder it becomes, but something profound can shift through such experiences. Mars is moving towards an inevitability it can see coming but can’t avoid. There is a fated quality to this confrontation that can feel like we’re being condemned, but don’t despair. Aries season gives us the courage to walk across the coals, no matter how bright, and the willingness to believe that life will continue after all this difficulty, no matter how great. Physical practices that help you sweat it out and contribute to spring cleaning of the stagnant chi in your system after winter, are highly recommended this week.

The Sun will conjoin with Chiron on April 1, and then Mercury makes its superior conjunction to the Sun on April 2. In some versions of the myth, Chiron tried to heal his incurable wound for a thousand years. He actually traded his immortality so that he could be released from the prison of suffering. We will not be tortured for that long, but if the next week feels long and hard, remember that Mars and Saturn will meet in the evening on April 4, just before Venus enters Pisces on April 5. Its always darkest before the dawn. When we surrender what we’re asked to sacrifice, we make way for grace to enter.

For more information about Chiron and the arc of the healing journey, see this first episode of Chiron’s Key.


Libra Full Moon: April 16


Virgo Full Moon