Libra Full Moon: April 16

Mars enters Pisces on April 14, changing the depth of experience of Aries season for the remaining days. If Mars in Aquarius felt like a harsh burn at the end, let the healing waters of Pisces serve as a balm for those raw places. Mars is sensitized by the Pisces touch, making us all more emotionally oriented over the next six weeks. If you’ve been feeling foggy about relationships, Mars can have you driving right towards the bullseye. Tenderhearted Venus has been creating some lovely encounters in Pisces, but Mars is going to demand to know what they mean. People can become avoidant or overly attached with this kind of transit so notice if you’re doing either and try to stay swimming in the center of your lane. That’s where your perspective will be the clearest.

The Libra Full Moon on April 16, is hosted by an exalted Venus in Pisces. This is the best placement Venus has been in all year. Although it can’t make up for what transpired from January through March, the affection of Venus in Pisces inspires us to consider the kind of partnership we want now that we’re on the other side of the retrograde and besiegement. Venus in Pisces is compassionate, intuitive, and idealistic about relationships. It's easy to get swept away by romance when both benefics are in such an impressionable sign. This Moon asks us to consider balance for the sake of harmony.

The Sun in Aries is now ruled by Mars in Pisces, adding a lot of water to the mix between an airy Moon and a firey Sun. The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12, opened up our hearts, but its easy to get overwhelmed by the emotional deluge with all these planets in Pisces. Mercury in Taurus is moving into a conjunction with Uranus on April 18, which can result in sudden outbursts or upsets. Avoid circumstances that don’t feel safe or could provoke strong reactions this weekend. It's harder to come back once the current carries us away than it is to stay safe in the shallow end.

Justice is always a priority for the Moon in Libra. The Sun is gliding through the third and final decan of Aries, which is ruled by Venus, further adding to the emphasis on how we treat others. The interplay between Libra and Aries reminds us that equality is a goal worth building towards under all circumstances. Love and war co-exist simultaneously, but it is the symbols of hope and the striving towards peace that can tip the scales decisively towards the good. We can use the magic, creativity, and mysticism of Pisces to inspire ourselves and invoke solutions for others. The emotional wisdom of this moment is the deeper current from which the spiritual accord of Libra emerges. Touch it and bring it forth.

Check out the latest installment of my Decan’s Walk on 3rd Decan of Aries and its connection to the four of Wands and read more in-depth astrological analysis of April on The Wednesday Witch Patreon.


Taurus New Moon: May 11


Aries New Moon: April 1