Taurus New Moon: May 11

Love is in the air and under the sea when Venus conjoins Neptune at 24°28 Pisces on Wednesday, April 27. This is a dreamy and artistic transit that brings good vibes annually (or at least while Neptune is in Pisces), but this year the magic is amplified. Jupiter is hosting this mermaid party from his beach house so our extrasensory ability is increased to 10. Neptune dissolves the boundaries of time-space reality so that we can perceive a wider field. Jupiter conjoined Neptune at 23°59 Pisces on April 12, opening us up to higher dimensions. 

We humans exist on the denser 3th and 4th dimensions, but there are benefic beings in the higher realms that seek to work with us. High dimensional beings are energetically lighter, their movement is not restricted by the limits of matter, and of an elevated frequency. The spirit being that inhabits the Earth, Gaia, is from the 7th dimensional, Angels exist on the 8th dimension, and God/Goddess forms are on the 10th. Throughout the ages humans have sought to accelerate our own spiritual evolution and connect with these beings through the development of our energetic system and consciousness. Yoga and meditation are two consistent methods to open ourselves up to channel divine energies. There’s so much pouring in from the universe to Earth right now and more of us are able to perceive it because of these consciousness expanding planetary transits. What does it want you to know, be, create? 

One challenge is an increased susceptibility to our environment. The more porous our field, the more sensitive we become, the more influenced we are by the energetics of people, places, and things around us. The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction brought another spike in Covid cases because it's easier for viruses to travel across a dilated field. Neptune requires vigilance around health with regard to substances as well. Jupiter and Venus in Pisces want us to feel good and can have us turning towards substances to facilitate euphoric states. We’re already a bit under the influence with this transit, so it's advised to be cautious when imbibing. A little can go a longer way than you expect. 

Venus will conjoin Jupiter at 27°58 Pisces on the Taurus New Moon solar eclipse on April 30. Venus and Jupiter have not met together in Pisces since February 2010. This is a special moment that happens once a decade, but this time it's coinciding with an eclipse in a Venus ruled lunation. Eclipses are times the universe throws our life into warp speed. The chaos underlying all of creation is activated and a little burst of potential blasts towards an area of our chart. In this case, whatever houses fall along the Taurus-Scorpio axis.

There’s an elevated quality to this lunation due to Venus’ exalted status in Pisces, but there’s also a lot of unpredictability because the New Moon is conjunct Uranus at 14°18 Taurus. The political upstart of the zodiac brought a lot of upheaval last year. Uranus can have us changing our minds and moving from one place to the next without warning or clear cause. Uranus acts suddenly and the impulse can be overwhelming. It can be hard to know how we really feel, or if our desire is coming from a deeper place of truth. The close contact with such an erratic planet to this fresh start in our favorite fixed earth sign is seeding unpredictability into what would otherwise be considered the most amorous weekend ever. That’s not to discourage anyone from going on a super sweet date, or spontaneously heading out of town for a romantic adventure. Even more props to you if you randomly decide to get married this weekend, maybe to a total stranger. (Actually that’s kind of exactly what Uranus would have you do, and as your astrologer I think we can use the reality TV show Married at First Sight as a cautionary tale against that). It's just a warning that the fun that finds you might not be the flavor you ordered. Don’t be surprised if things go a little awry. Channel the energy of the Fool card and try to enjoy the unpredictability. It should still be possible to have a transcendent experience, even if you have no idea how you ended up where you are.

Magically, it's not advised to conduct traditional rituals during eclipses, especially those so heavily influenced by Uranus. Actively trying to impress your will on an eclipse to influence the outcome of a situation is kind of a set up for anything but what you want to manifest. However, these are special moments that happen every 6 months, which set the tone for the coming half year. Eclipses are containers that are portals for experience and we can absolutely imbue them with meaning. The big topics for this New Moon are love, romance, art, creativity, pleasure, physicality, and presence. I suggest spending some time over the next three days meditating on what you’d like the universe to bring in that area of your chart. On Friday, Venus’ day, April 29, you can draw, paint, dance, create a vision board, or whatever you like. And then let it all go. Once you’ve spent good time connecting with those qualities, then leave it up to the divine to decide how, when, where, and why they arrive.

New Moon Blessings. 


Scorpio Full Moon: May 16


Libra Full Moon: April 16