Capricorn Full Moon: July 13

The Full Moon at 24°07 Capricorn on July 13, asks us to consider how we’re managing our reality. Capricorn is the bones of the container that the Cancer emotions exist within. What’s propping up the tent we’re huddling within. On a collective level, Capricorn correlates to business and society with its laws and governance. The folks at the top who call the shots. After the seeking Sagittarius energy that spreads in all directions, and wants many things at once, Capricorn gets real focused and hyperlocal. It may have lofty goals, but it's willing to buckle down, bide its time, commit to the goal, and do what it takes to ascend the summit. Step by tiny, cloven hoof step.

Capricorn’s powerful essence is expressed through The Ruler archetype. But the Ruler does more than just boss people around (although Capricorn does love to do that). Within each individual, the Ruler plays a crucial role in the creation of psychological wholeness. We can identify this as our Reality Manager, which is dictating our understanding and experience of reality. This is necessary because otherwise life would overwhelm us. Our Sagittarian desires carry us in many, often contradictory directions, because within each of us are competing priorities. Needs, wants, and obligations that are in collision. Part of us wants to do good, and the other wants to break the rules. How do we choose? One of Capricorn’s talents is evaluation and assessment. Identifying the priorities of any given situation and the next right action to take.

Earth signs are the Reality Managers of the zodiac, who organize the disparate pieces of our personality into a unified whole to create a coherent identity. Their underlying goal is always stability because water requires protection, but productivity also tops their list. Just as the Ruler wants to govern a harmonious realm where people live in peace and prosperity, Capricorn seeks to arrange our lives so that we can function optimally in society. It is the contribution of our personal gifts and talents for the highest good of all that will generate the deep sense of satisfaction Capricorn seeks. On the most internal level, the Capricorn Full Moon is illuminating the contradictory forces within our psyche that keep us from effectively working towards our purpose.

The dynamic tension we’re wrestling with this lunation is exemplified by the personal planets Mercury and Venus. Mercury as our mode of communication and method of analysis is deep in Cancer’s waters, having already dipped under the beams of the Sun. At the Capricorn Full Moon, Mercury at 16°25 Cancer squares Chiron in Aries and sextiles Uranus in Taurus. The proximity to the Sun represents a stripping away of how we’ve previously thought about caring for ourselves. Childhood wounds create immature reactions and Chiron is making sure that Mercury can see where we’ve gotten arrested in our emotional development.

The Sun at 16°23 Cancer squared Chiron in Aries on July 8, and President Biden signed an executive order protecting abortion access. The reach of this order is limited. Its designed to ensure access to abortion medication and emergency contraception, pledges to ensure the safety of abortion patients and providers, and set up moble clinics near the borderns of states with restrictive laws. It also promises to provide pro bono legal assistance for those crossing state lines for abortions. However, the plan for implementation is vague. Mercury’s square to Chiron may move development forward. However, planets that are hidden by the Sun’s rays are not as effective in doing their work, so we can expect there may be technological challenges. Even though Full Moons are quite illuminating, we should expect there are conversations happening in secret that we only find out about once Mercury has moved out from under the rays of the Sun in August.

The Ruler of the Capricorn Full Moon, Saturn, is retrograde and in a trine with Venus at 24°50 Gemini on July 13, lending support to feminist endeavors. Venus in Gemini wants to take a poll, gather intel, and get everyone on board with its plan. Saturn is happy to assist with these efforts, but retrograde planets don’t have the power to bring about new endeavors. We have to work within the scope that has already been delineated. This aspect adds a softening to Saturn, and, therefore, a little support to the Moon who struggles in Capricorn.

The Moon wants to prioritize all the Cancerian care activities, but when it's in Capricorn, the sign of its detriment, is forced to focus on public life responsibilities and obligations. Luna is in a conjunction with Pluto, so our feelings about the USA Pluto return may feel magnified and also especially terrible. The doingness of Capricorn can deplete our Moon when it is coming from a place of survival because from this point of view there is never enough safety, security, power, and money. We can use this lunation to meditate on how our Reality Manager, the inner voice within, is arranging our consciousness. What past history and experiences can we release so that we’re not seeking to prop up our identification with past pain and suffering. The competency of Capricorn, when it is functioning optimally, sets us free from the fear of what will happen because we trust that we have the capabilities to meet what life brings us.

Full Moon Blessings.


Leo New Moon: July 28


Cancer New Moon: June 28