Leo New Moon: July 28

Cancer season is over but Venus is staying true, moving through the first decan of Cancer, and reminding us of the emotional priorities we set less than a month ago. Venus in Cancer relates from a place of care and concern for the interior world–both the home life and our inner landscape. Venus entered Cancer on July 17, focusing our relationship priorities on secure attachment. For the duration of Venus’ swim until August 11, love is more than a feeling, it's a felt experience. We want to know we’ll be embraced when we reach out our arms to envelope another. We don’t need a lot over the next three weeks, but we need to be able to touch and hold what we’ve got. Connection comes easily on Monday, the Moon’s day, July 25, when Venus squares Jupiter at08°42 Aries. Cancer is loyal and Aries is bold, and together, they create a ride or die kind of energy that helps us start the week feeling like people don’t just love us, they like us too. How nice. 

This is a helpful balance to the square between Mercury at 14°41 Leo and Mars in Taurus on Tuesday, Mars’ day, July 26. We can talk a big game when the winged messenger is in the sign of the Sun because we’re being backed up by Helios, and who’s going to argue with the all seeing light of truth? However, while the singular vision of planets in Leo can be inspiring in their confidence, we as humans can not truly be omniscient. We're always missing a piece of the puzzle, but when Mercury’s in Leo, we often forget having blind spots is even possible. Mars in Taurus is making folks extra testy right now. In general, there’s a lack of patience going around. People are going to believe they’re right and be more than willing to show up for a fight this week. If things start feeling a little tense around Tuesday, the best course of action is to sit down, and be humble. A sextile to Mars from Venus in Cancer helps cool things down a bit in time for the Leo New Moon on July 28.

We’re filled with a sense of possibility and renewed hope when the Sun moves into a trine with Jupiter in Aries at the New Moon at 05°39 Leo on July 28. This lunation is a lamp signaling we’re at the end of the holding pattern we’ve been stuck in for the past two years. Jupiter in Aries has been bringing big changes and lots of possibilities. There’s a sense of just getting started with Jupiter stationing retrograde at 08°43 Aries a few hours later. The best is yet to come and the Sun in Leo trusts the unfolding will take place when the time is right. 

The collaboration between the fixed and fire signs seeks to be truly innovative with Mercury in Leo in a square with Uranus at 18° Taurus, filling our mind with inspiring visions. Leo knows that if we can see it, we can be it. The blessing from Jupiter ensures that we’re on the brink of a monumental personal breakthrough. Many of us have been unsure what life would look like when things finally did start to open up to change. Now that we’ve had a return to the new normal, there is a richness to our mundane activities because of how long we went without them. We’re getting a taste of glory this Summer. The sweetness of sunshine reminds us that we are entitled, in the best way, to a wonderful life. The power of dominion doesn’t come from having control over everything. It's a dignity we attain through being a righteous steward of our little parcel of the planet. Good governance of ourselves. 

Over the past two years, Saturn in Aquarius has blocked our shine, but it's also taught us to glow in the dark. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius and will soon reactivate the square with Uranus in Taurus. The cosmos isn’t done rearranging our lives yet, but we already know a greater freedom from surviving the great constriction. The Leo New Moon is an empowerment by the star of light. Revision is certainly called for as Saturn, Jupiter, and soon Mars will be retrograde. But that doesn’t dull the shine of what’s in the process of becoming. Jupiter stations direct at 05°39 Pisces on the Sagittarius New Moon on November 23. Take heart that you have the rest of the year to decide the right way forward. 

The New Moon is a time to set intentions for the Leo area of life (the house in your chart with this sign on the cusp). These topics will develop over the next six months. Jupiter reenters Aries on December 20, and will be in nearly the exact position where it is now at the Leo Full Moon on February 5. This will be the final Leo lunation with Saturn staring down the beautiful lioness. Jupiter at 07° Aries will be once again lending support to Leo, and this time it's for keeps. There is great growth this year, but it's also a warm up for 2023. A reminder that creation is continuing to unfold and your part is vital. Keep your eye on the prize because you’re developing greater faith, courage, and daring than you’ve ever known. 


Aquarius Full Moon: August 11


Capricorn Full Moon: July 13