Aquarius Full Moon: August 11

The Sun at 21°54 Leo squares Uranus in Taurus at 8:53AM on August 11. This morning jolt of electricity is intended to wake us up so we don’t miss a thing at the Aquarius Full Moon. This is the second and final square between beloved Sol and the great Awakener in 2022. The first was from a position of disempowerment, when the Sun at 10°53 Aquarius squared Uranus on January 30. The Sun is in detriment in Aquarius, where it is forced to consider the collective, and what’s in the best interest for humanity as a whole. The push from Uranus in Taurus has been around climate change, labor rights, and financial systems. Now it's Leo season, and many of those theoretical concepts of heady Aquarius feel real and immediate. From the University of Hawaii’s recent study linking the aggravation of pathogenic disease with greenhouse gas emissions to Starbucks workers striking. This second square with Uranus is illuminating the personal nature of these global issues.

Connections between the Sun in Uranus bring startling revelations and sudden insight. We’ve seen this drama unfold in the legal realm with the trial of right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones when his attorney accidentally sent his cell phone data to the prosecutors. The transit of Mars in Taurus is coming to a close and we see the fall out from the last tour, which began January 6, with the F.B.I raid on Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago. The Sun opposes Saturn at 21°54 Aquarius on August 14, so what is revealed will quickly have its consequences. Saturn in Aquarius is the structure that Mars in Taurus has been railing against. We will see the strength and breadth of the legal system, and its capacity to hold people accountable, with this opposition from the Sun in the all seeing seat of truth.

It is appropriate this is all coming to light under the Aquarius Full Moon on August 11. Information wars are a crucial facet of the age of Aquarius, ushered in by the Saturn-Jupiter great conjunction in December 2020, that will play out over the next 20 years. The strategy involves attacking the truth and seeking to invalidate facts, elevating the personal perspective “I believed what I said was true,” as Jones said. Judge Maya Gamble responded that his statements must actually be true, but the illusory truth effect, the weaponing of spin and spreading of misinformation calls into doubt the ability to verifiably know truth. Jones and Trump are some of the original masterminds in the cyberage, but things will intensify once Uranus and then Saturn enters Gemini. The battlefield will be waged in the air sign realm over the next 200 years, and we'd all do well to consider the future of cybersecurity in this regard.

Venus enters Leo at 2:30PM ET on August 11, bringing sexy back into the summer. Venus in Leo is big cat energy that wants to play, pounce, and stalk its prey. We all get a little confidence boost, an increase in swagger over the next 3 weeks. You’re invited to be the diva of your dreams. Creative expression, glamor, and pageantry are the ways Venus in Leo loves to flex. Treat the world as your runway and strut your stuff, especially as Venus moves into a spicy trine with Jupiter in Aries on August 18.

Luna at 19°21 Aquarius is in conjunction with Saturn at the Full Moon on August 11. The proximity can be experienced as a cold touch or sense of emotional isolation. Saturn throws up barriers to the connections we wish to make. This lunation is a great time to focus on your relationship to community care. How are you giving back to your local neighborhood? What is the volunteer work you’re passionate about? August is not a month where things go smoothly, and this Moon gives us an opportunity to get free from the desire to have things our way through selfless service. Boundaries are protected areas, and Saturn serves as guardian for what’s inside. Attend to your bones and teeth–make dentist and chiropractic appointments. Practice showing up for your side of responsibilities. Including being honest about what kind of structure works best for you.

In the pagan wheel of the year, this is the Lammas Full Moon of the first harvest, that comes 6 months after the Imbolc Moon at mid-Winter. Think back to the New Moon at 12°20 Aquarius on February 1, which was also in a square with Uranus and a conjunction with Saturn.

How much has grown and developed in your life since February? What is coming into full bloom right now that you can give thanks for and be proud of? Leo and Aquarius are always working together to balance each other. We’re halfway through Summer and reveling in the bounty and the beauty of life fully alive. Leo season challenges us to be the great artist of our lives. What wants to come through you that can only be expressed by you? In what way is this offering your unique gift to the world? Marry yourself to what you love. Let your pride come from the way you joyfully give all of yourself in devotion. Full Moon Blessings.


Virgo New Moon: August 27


Leo New Moon: July 28