Virgo New Moon: August 27

Believe it or not, the New Moon at 04°03′ Virgo that renews itself at 4:17AM ET on August 27, wants you to learn how to rest. Or at least to do less and not feel bad about it.

The skies are action packed and passions run high, which Virgo does not entirely approve of, due to the square between Venus at 18°55 Leo and the recently retrograde Uranus in Taurus. This aspect could inspire a radical declaration of love, or a less enjoyable but equally fervent expression. Either way, restraint is advised as Venus opposition with Saturn in Aquarius peaks on August 28. If there are to be consequences, they will be felt immediately.

Mercury just entered Libra on August 25, the sign of the mediator and great diplomat, presiding over everything from a vantage point of calm. The Sun in Virgo is in a square with Mars in Gemini, making us supremely curious but more inclined to argue. Mercury is in a trine with Mars in Gemini and moving into an opposition with Jupiter in Aries, so it can see the other side and appreciate why people have arrived at their differing conclusions. The happy news is that this isn’t a stalemate, compromise is possible if both parties are willing to listen. Mutable signs like move, so feel free to change your mind today.

In tarot, the earth sign Virgo is connected to the Hermit card of the Major Arcana. The Hermit withdraws from society not because it doesn’t care for people, but so that it can become a better conduit for divinity. The time spent in hermitage serves to deepen its connection with the light of truth. The lamp the Hermit carries to illuminate the solitary path contains a star. Our stars are guides for our travels. Their form and shape express the essence of our destiny. With Mercury in the social sign of Libra, we’re invited to embody the archetype of the Hermit who still lives in the village, just a little on the outskirts, and is available for consultation. Be in the world but not of the world this weekend.

Libra seeks balance above all. We’re invited to opt out of anything that feels out of alignment with our flow at the Virgo New Moon. We have less energy when Luna renews itself with the Sun. Play with what it feels like to do less in Virgo season. Pause to appreciate the effort it takes to keep your life running in an orderly fashion. Bringing presence to mundane tasks imbues them with a sacredness that is at the heart of Virgo magic.

This moment is one that will be revisited many times over the coming months. Mercury is at 01°17′ Libra, within a degree of where it will be at the peak of its next retrograde. Notice what unfolds in the Virgo area of life in the coming weeks, and see how that gets further refined in September before being finalized in October. Mercury stations retrograde at 8°55′ Libra on September 9, and will make its way back to where it was at the Virgo New Moon, going cazimi in the heart of the Sun at 01°17′ Libra on September 23. Mercury will station direct at 24°12′ Virgo on October 2, and will not Mercury depart its retrograde shadow until October 17.

Adopting a Hermit like attitude of loving detachment is a great way to approach the multiple retrogrades and eclipses that the Fall holds. Life is going to bring some big changes in the coming months. Taking a Virgo approach of focusing on the small manageable tasks is advisable, and if you ever feel the need to opt out, nature is always waiting to embrace you until you feel ready to join the world again.

“There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,

There is a rapture on the lonely shore,

There is society, where none intrudes,

By the deep Sea, and music in its roar:

I love not Man the less, but Nature more,

From these our interviews, in which I steal

From all I may be, or have been before,

To mingle with the Universe, and feel

What I can ne’er express, yet cannot all conceal.”

-Lord Byron, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage


Pisces Full Moon: September 10


Aquarius Full Moon: August 11