Aries Full Moon: October 9


Libra season moves the action back in the cardinal realm before Jupiter departs Aries at the end of October for a final wrap up in Pisces. The Sun entered Libra on September 22, and Venus followed on September 29, elevating our experience of the cardinal air sign. 

Venus brings grace and beauty to whatever area of our life it's transiting in the chart. Connections naturally unfold when Venus is in good dignity (in a sign of rulership). Most people want life to deliver blessings to their doorstep. Venus in Libra is happy to set up a meet cute in the park while walking the dog that leads to romantic possibility or a new friendship. We trust things are meant to be when they happen without our machinations, and Venus delights in making our dreams come true. But the “lesser benefic” operates on the small scale of great dates, pleasurable outings, and improved aesthetics. Don't look to Venus to radically change your life with a single transit, but we can make the most of what's sent our way. At the minimum, it sure can help us feel pretty. 

Libra season is the perfect time to book that massage or facial you’ve been wanting, give your old friends a call, surprise your partner with flowers or their favorite dessert, and splurge on those shoes you’ve been stalking online. Venus wants you to feel good and look good so you can make good in the world. Take the time to invest in yourself and relationships while the Sun is in Libra until October 23

The sweet feeling of Venus in Libra only happens once a year for about a month. Venus enters Scorpio on October 23, so get in while the getting is good.

Our Libra season contemplation of beauty brings us into dialogue with pain when the Sun and then Venus oppose Chiron at the Aries Full Moon on October 9. In mythology, Chrion, the wise centaur, lived in a cave in the woods. His pupils were required to give up the comforts of home and enter into his space of natural wonders in the wilderness to study with him. Their departure from the world of refinement tested their ability to withstand the physical discomfort of simple living. But by leaving behind society’s strict codes of conduct, Chiron’s students tapped into a wildness within themselves. The longing for knowledge that led them to Chiron’s doorstep required an undressing. One was forced to undergo an initiation to study at Chiron’s feet. The Wounded Healer knows better than anyone that truth can not be acquired through mere academic study. It must be experienced in order to be understood. It must be lived to become real, and absorbed to become articulated. Only once knowlege has been assimilated, when its been taken in and allowed to change us, can it be transmitted to the next seeker. Chiron the teacher is always preparing us for the lesson plan that we too will be called to give. 

We’ll experience everything in threes this Libra season as all aspects with great Sol are repeated again and again over the next two weeks. We’re drawn into the raw wilderness of our hearts when the Sun at 14°09′ Libra opposes Chiron in Aries at 6:48AM ET on Friday, October 7. Venus is moving quickly, catching up to the Sun to make its superior conjunction on October 22, and Mercury lags not far behind. These oppositions are baked into the Aries Full Moon; illuminating all the places we’ve been cracked open over the last few months. Venus at 14°01′ Libra opposes Chiron in Aries at 9:15AM ET on Monday October 10.

The Full Moon at 16°33′ Aries at 4:55PM ET on Sunday, October 9, is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer. This lunation is ruled by Mars in Gemini, slowing down to station retrograde on October 30. There’s an emphasis on communication and the impact of what has transpired during the Mercury retrograde between Libra and Virgo from September 9-October 2.

This retrograde cycle brought a tremendous amount of loss. People and beloved pets passed behind the veil, and sacred objects slipped from our fingers never to be recovered. Things were said and done that could not be easily taken back or unseen. Chiron invites all those grappling with a brokenness to draw near. There is room around his hearth to restore yourself, rekindle the flame that has been wavering, and set a course to begin again. At this Full Moon, we’re invited to wrestle with the truth of what has transpired since the end of August. To bear our chest and allow those we trust to witness our vulnerability. Chiron isn’t afraid of our rawness, and neither should we fear it.

The power and potential of transformation is heightened this weekend when Pluto at 26°07′ Capricorn stations direct at 5:55PM ET on Saturday October 8, sending deep rumblings throughout cardinal earth. Pluto went retrograde at 28°36′ Capricorn on April 29. The God of the Underworld has traversed less than three degrees since then, but, similar to the Death card in tarot, it brings endings and the dawn of a new day everywhere it goes. The Sun will square Pluto on October 19, on the same day that Mercury makes the last Libra season opposition to Chiron.

We can prepare well for the final meeting with the wisest of teachers when Mercury re-enters Libra at 7:51PM ET on October 10. This is the final stage of the retrograde integration process, Mercury passes out of its shadow at 08°55′ Libra on October 17. Consider how you’d like your relationships to unfold after that and act accordingly.

The passion of this Aries Full Moon is tempered by the need for structure at the start of the week as the Sun in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius at 9:06PM ET on Monday October 11. Mercury in Libra is interested in mending fences. Communication is essential all week long as the Sun trines Mars in Gemini on October 17. We may find a temporary solution or uneasy truce, but Mars is preparing to go backwards. We should expect the impact of this Mercury retrograde cycle to echo into the new year. Mars will spend the next several months retracting its steps through Gemini, and will not station direct until January 12, 2023.

Full Moon blessings.


Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse: October 25


Blessed Mabon: Libra New Moon