Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse: October 25

The start of Scorpio season brings change throughout the cosmos. The Sun and Venus became one in the final moments of Libra season, and Saturn stationed direct at  18°35’ Aquarius at 12:07AM on October 22. Hours later, Venus and the Sun traveled together into Mars’ dark waters. 

Venus entered Scorpio at 3:52AM ET and the Sun followed at 6:35AM ET on October 23, ushering us into the peak of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. The pagan holiday of Samhain, known as the final harvest, is the final reaping before the trees let go of their leaves and stand stark for the first time since Spring. Corresponding to the Death card in tarot, lucky number 13, the cycle of change and rebirth. Scorpio represents the fulfillment of the promise of life and the mysteries that lie just beyond. We’re each granted a short time on earth and no one knows when their time is up. The beauty of Autumn reminds us of the glory of the process. We honor our beloved dead through mourning their loss. Grief is an expression of love. 

The veil between the worlds thins during Scorpio season, and it's easier for people to slip away to the other side. This is true for the entire lunar time of the year, Fall and Winter, which we’ve already seen with the Mercury retrograde in Libra. Just like the Earth, our lives are continually cycling through change, and no two seasons are alike. Especially not when you add in eclipses. The North Node in Taurus is increasing our need for security and comfort, and asking us to speak our desires into existence.

The South Node in Scorpio is flushing away emotional blockage. To release in order to make room for the new. Want creates vulnerability, but suppressing our neediness doesn’t make it go away. Fixed signs hold things in place. The Scorpio New Moon solar eclipse on October 25, asks you to release your avoidance and get honest about what you really want. The Taurus Full Moon lunar eclipse on November 8, helps you build towards creating the intimacy you crave.

Scorpio season is always an intense exploration, and the need to understand the emotional truth of our experiences is heightened when Jupiter returns to Pisces on October 28 and Mercury enters Scorpio on October 29. But all our feelings point back to the mind with Mars ruling three planets from Gemini, and Saturn stationing direct in Aquarius.

Mars stations retrograde at 25°37 Gemini on October 30. This is a timestamp that Mars will not return to until the end of Winter. There is a tightening between the forward motion of Saturn and the backward progression of Mars. This tension could result in conflict when the Sun at 18°54 Scorpio squares Saturn on November 11.  

Fall is connected to the element of air, and activates grief in the lungs. Air and water are not the easiest combination. Together they can whip up gale winds and fierce hurricanes. Venus and the Sun conjoin the South Node at 13°24 Scorpio from November 2-5, exposing the way we pop out of body and into mind to avoid feeling. We can toggle endlessly back and forth between stories. The left and right hemisphere of our brain hold different sides of the equation. Gemini constantly debates who’s right and wrong, what was said to whom and why, where we went astray, and how we should have stayed on course. We believe we’re getting somewhere, but unless it's the first time you’ve considered all the sides, you’ve just in a pattern of distraction. 

If there are bumps in the road towards actualizing the beautiful vision gifted at the Libra cazimi, you will feel it when Venus opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 5 and squares Saturn in Aquarius on November 7. The transition from Libra to Scorpio can be a difficult one for Venus, and this fixed t-square is hitting our tender spots. The good news is that loss is also liberating. When we’re set loose there’s no telling what direction we’ll roam.

Uranus has no interest in playing it safe. It would rather go for full freedom than compromise for an unfulfilling situation. The impulse to radically change is activated when the Moon conjoins Uranus at the Taurus Full Moon lunar eclipse on November 8. 

I’ll be back with more cosmic insight then. New Moon blessings.


Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse: November 8


Aries Full Moon: October 9