Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse: November 8

The Taurus Full Moon lunar eclipse at 6:02AM on November 8, has moves and secret motivations we’ll never see coming. The Moon in conjunction with Uranus at 16° Taurus is cornering us into a familiar yet uncomfortable position to crack us open. We’ve spent too long in Plato’s cave and have taken the flickering shadows on the walls for facts of life. Mars retrograde in Gemini is leading our subconscious out into the blinding light of day to reveal the truth. Yet part of us prefers to stay in the dark. Eclipse season exposes these avoidant obscurations in our psyche.

The Taurus Full Moon is activating the fixed t-square between Saturn and Uranus that has been increasing tension and the impulse to tear things down for the last two years. This is the final hurrah in the clash of the Titans; Saturn departs Aquarius for Pisces in March 2023. Eclipse season may feel like we’re being dragged out of the cave with Venus in Scorpio ruling this lunation from between a rock and a stick of dynamite. 

Venus opposed Uranus at 17°03 Taurus on November 5, and squares Saturn at 18°47 Aquarius at 2:43AM on Monday, November 7. The cold touch of Saturn increases feelings of unlovability and adds an unhappy heaviness to the weight of life. When the fear that Saturn elicits meets the outrage of Uranus, we may seek to resist and destroy rather than sit and understand. There is a puzzle to solve with Mars in Gemini, but beware of projection. This riddle is about ourselves, and not anyone else.

Scorpio season is a plunge into the mysteries. A potion brewing period when we seek to heal our own soul through honoring the ancestors, connecting with the God/dess, experimenting with witchcraft, and developing the power of our innate psychic abilities. The emotional intensity that Scorpio is famous for has a mental component this year with Mars retrograde in Gemini. 

The Scorpio New Moon lunar eclipse on October 25, asked what if underneath the entrenched patterns, habits, and implacable preferences there was simply a story that needed to stop being told? A belief we had bought into many, many lifetimes ago. A thought that had been reinforced so frequently it was like an entity possessing us. The obsession of Scorpio feels like a takeover. Fixed signs (Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, and Leo) fixate: there is only that one thing and nothing else matters. The tenacious detective of Scorpio uncovers experiences so difficult to acknowledge we would rather spend the rest of our lives hiding than feel the associated emotions. The South Node is asking us to release these stories, face these facts, and be with the anxiety of events that left an indelible mark. To rest in the void in order to make way for the eventual rebirth.

Taurus is connected to money, banking systems, labor, and engagement of the 5 senses through art, culture, food, touch, and sensuality. The North Node in Venus sign can leave us starving for pleasure. The challenges of life over the last two years has increased our desire to frolic in the garden of earthly delights. Venus in Scorpio incites yearning, and we seek fulfillment through love and sex. There is a craving for security, stability, and assurance. Taurus will repeat behaviors if its guaranteed an outcome. The Taurus Full Moon lunar eclipse asks us to assess what we’re investing in. Where are our resources best spent? Do we believe we need people/places/things in order to be happy? Are we seeking to manipulate and control situations through what we will or won’t share with people?

The head of the dragon wants the elixir of immortality, and can taste it in its mouth, but the equisite torture is that it can not swallow. The excreting tail of the dragon reminds us that worldly things do not satisfy because they do not last. Everything gets composted eventually. We feel gratified for a moment when we get what we want, but eventually we begin to desire something new. That is the nature of the wheel of time. Fixed signs hold onto things, but Scorpio season is about passage. Allowing that what has run its course to release. The South Node is inviting us to surrender the fantasy that stuff is the solution. It's scary to let go into the emptiness as eclipse season requires. The mysteries of the dark require an engagement with different kinds of sensing. Opt out of the spinning of Mars in Gemini by dropping out of mind.

The great revelation comes just hours after the Full Moon when Mercury makes its Superior conjunction with the Sun at 16°15 Scorpio at 11:43AM on November 8. This is a moment of insight or emotional breakthrough with both planets in opposition to Uranus. Eclipse season reveals what has been obscured and shows us what is not usually visible. Look for a subtle flicker of consciousness as that intractable mark starts to shift. 

This sacred meeting marks the midway point between retrograde cycles. Mercury is transitioning from exploring air to earth. The last retrograde in September was between Libra and Virgo. Mercury will station retrograde at 24°21 Capricorn on December 29. This is the first retrograde cycle that stays solidly in the earth trigon, so we can expect big moves in terms of work and money in 2023.

The blessing of Scorpio season comes at the end from Jupiter in Pisces. Venus, Mercury, and the Sun will all trine Jupiter from November 16-20, on their way to Sagittarius. What was developed at the start of 2022, will come to fruition in a beautiful way now. This is a heart opening transit that moves us beyond the disillusionment of eclipse season towards the transcendence of Sagittarius. Jupiter in Pisces ruling Sag will bring true sustenance for our spirit. I look forward to meeting you there.


Sagittarius Temperance New Moon: November 23


Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse: October 25