Libra Full Moon of Justice: April 6

The Moon waxes to full at the 16°07 Libra at 12:34AM ET on April 6, shining its wisdom down on the world. This lunation is ruled by Venus in Taurus, happily separating from a conjunction with Uranus, who would like to restore balance by affirming what is true and good.

Venus’s tarot card is the III Empress of the major arcana, depicting the goddess of love in her Taurean garden of delights. This is an invite only space, and when we’re granted entry we gain access to the creative and life giving powers of the Empress. We’re encouraged to dance, sing, and make music, art, and love while Venus is in Taurus. The dynamic joyful power that flows through when we open ourselves up to play will help us find that elusive balance the Libra Full Moon is pointing us towards. Venus moves into Gemini on April 11, so enjoy the power of pleasure for the next week wherever and whenever you can.

Libra corresponds to the XI Justice tarot card in the major arcana; and we’re encouraged to embody its virtues of fairness, discernment, and careful forethought under this Justice Moon. Libra is an air sign concerned with ideas and ideals. In the mental realm anything and everything is possible. But Libra doesn’t take thoughts or words lightly. It seeks to harmonize the inner life of emotions, thoughts, and desire, with the outer world of words, actions, and impact. It does this through engaging in a process of careful comparison and contrast. Juxtaposing all sides of an issue until it has landed in the place that feels most equitable.

Libra is the sign of Saturn’s exaltation, and is connected to education in its capacity to be instructive through application of the law. The role of the judge is to mete out sentences, but the higher purpose is to demonstrate what is true. The blindfolded figure of the Goddess of Justice, Themis, demonstrates the importance of an impartial mediator. The seat is an elevated position, denoting rank, but also providing the heightened perspective required for two warring parties to come to resolution. But Justice is not blind in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. It has its eyes wide open indicating an ability to hold the line no matter who it’s facing. The sword of truth cuts to the chase and forges a better path forward for people to follow. Artistic and imaginative Libra, with its study of forms and shapes, understands the power of example.

The Sun is exalted in Aries, granting us confidence to be ourselves, and is conjunct Chiron and Jupiter at the Libra Full Moon. These great sages are asking us to measure ourselves by rigorous standards. When our private and public life are in alignment, we can confidently and consistently show up as ourselves in all contexts. Within the core of Libra is the fire of Aries, burning with a passion to take action. Chiron and Jupiter opposite the Moon are illuminating the guiding principle at the heart of Libra that urges us to follow a righteous path. It is fitting that several high profile court cases have risen to prominence under this Justice Moon. Some comical in their triviality and waste of public and private resources, while others have serious implications for the future of our government and the highest position in politics.

The trine between Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces that peaked on March 30, is still in effect. Mars is the cosmic force of our inner will and capacity for self direction. During Aries season, we chase after inspiration. After all, work is much more satisfying when we desire to see the results. But motivation has been in short supply since Mars entered Cancer on March 25. The process of change that we’re embarking upon this Aries season is of an intimate nature. We don’t have to do the most and be the best all the time. In fact, we may find that we do things better when we do less. The Libra Full Moon is inviting you to honor the facts of how you feel. Trust that this too shall pass, but let yourself go slow for right now. Mars will be in Cancer until May 19, and when it enters Leo, things are going to start popping.

Mercury enters its retrograde shadow on April 7, and we move towards eclipse season as the Moon wanes. Notice what feels like its building up to be released over the next 2 weeks. Libra takes a minimalist approach, so find beauty in simplicity and let it be enough.


Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse: April 20


Ostara Aries New Moon: March 21