Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse: April 20

If Aries is the alpha and Pisces the omega, then the two new moons bookending Aries season are essential beginnings and endings in their own right. The second New Moon at 29°50 Aries at 12:12AM ET on April 20, is a solar eclipse and the first of its kind.

The Lunar North Node is at 04° Taurus, and will not change signs until July 17, but this New Moon eclipse begins a new cycle along the Libra-Aries axis that will not conclude until March 2025. What is activated now will continue to be explored and expressed through unexpected happenstance for the next two years. Buckle up, because eclipses are acceleration points in which the universe takes the wheel.

Normally new moons invite us into a collaborative process, similar to the planting of a garden in Spring. We get inspired, map out a plan, select our seeds, and begin the cultivation. The full moon, 6 months later, shows us what has grown and developed from our efforts. The Ostara New Moon at 00°49 Aries on March 21, at the Equinox point on the first full day of Aries season, invited us to set intentions for harmony and balance. Jupiter was present at this New Moon, as it is with the second, adding a power and strength to our initiations. Jupiter feels comfortable in fire signs. Its at home in Sagittarius and has triplicity rulership by night in Aries. What’s more, it rules the 3rd Decan of Aries where the second new moon occurs.

These lunations at the start of the first Decan and the end of the last, create a portal with the associated 2 and 4 of Wands tarot cards. The 1st Decan of Aries is associated with the 2 of Wands, which is the card of Dominion in the Thoth deck. Mars ambition is the achievement of sovereignty. Aries season asks us to take responsibility for what's ours–no matter how big or small. In the Rider Waite Smith, the 2 of Wands depicts a figure dressed all in red holding a tiny globe in his right hand. The right side of our body is the energy of initiation, taking, action, and stepping into the new.

Jupiter has been transiting Aries since May 2022, encouraging us to innovate and experiment. The 2 of Wands is an aspirational card representing the desire to achieve more than your predecessor, to exceed the context you were born into, and to carve your own way in the world. As with all fire signs, things may start out well, but that spark can flame out. Aries gives a mighty burst, but it takes stamina and endurance to finish strong. Just ask the Boston Marathon winners who heroically ran to victory at the end of Aries season. Jupiter as the wise sage has been teaching us to have patience and to see things through, even when the going gets rough, which it can easily do with eclipses. We’ve had a full year of growth and expansion, and over the next 2 years the eclipses are going to show us what the universe wants to wield from the passion Jove has ignited.

Although Jupiter has helped us start fresh, it’s present at this eclipse in the anaretic degree, supporting us in letting go. The last degree of every sign is a place of completion, which is the name of the 4 of Wands Thoth card. There can be a sense of bitterness or being over it, been there and done that, but Jupiter wants us to celebrate ourselves, as in the joyful scene of the 4 of Wands card. The 4 of Wands in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, is a joyful image of festivity. Two victorious figures, crowned with laurel, hold hands outside the castle walls. The four wands are arranged as two pillars, with a garland strung between them, creating an archway that the people might pass through.

Eclipses are portals that bring us through to the other side of an experience. Mostly, we fear these kinds of cosmic interventions, but Jupiter in Aries promises the worst is behind us. We’ve been through a lot since 2020, but we were also born anew last year. Commemorate yourself and your accomplishments. Eclipses are not always the most joyful time, but Jupiter in Aries wants us to frolic and make merry like the 4 of Wands. Jupiter departs for Taurus on May 16, so you’ve got a month left to wrap up your work with the bigger benefic. The nightlight triplicity ruler will not return to Aries until April 2034.

Mars was finishing up its 7 month, ugh, stay in Gemini at the start of Aries season, and is mid-way through Cancer at the end. The Moon and Mars have an uneasy relationship, but they’re in mutual reception at this lunation, encouraging us to use this energy of release to let go of any of the early childhood pain Mars has activated. Mars’ role in the sky drama becomes more minor when the Sun enters Taurus at 4:13AM ET on April 20, just hours after the eclipse.

Taurus season is eclipse season and the intensity gets activated immediately as the Sun squares Pluto in Aquarius at 12:27PM ET on April 20. Pluto is going deeper with Saturn’s plans for Aquarius and will most likely try pull us in a direction we’re not fully comfortable in going. Mercury stations retrograde at 15°08 Taurus at 4:35AM ET on April 21, further exacerbating this feeling of moving forward and backwards at the same time. Notice if people try to prioritize your time for you, and remember to stand strong in your own space, a la the 2 of Wands.

Eclipse season is not going to be gentle, but it will be dynamic. Work with the joyful energy of the 4 of Wands in observing your triumphs and laughing at your defeats. Ideally, with friends. Beltane is coming and its never too early to start getting your maypole ready.

I hope it all goes with grace. Take care and let me know how you fair.


Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse: May 5


Libra Full Moon of Justice: April 6