Sagittarius Full Moon: June 3

Gemini season is too much information. Focus feels impossible as data flows in from all directions, overloading the senses. My brain has felt like one of those 90s computer screensavers that never stops moving and is endlessly dissolving. The mutable nature of Gemini begins at one point, but quickly then extends out in all directions at once. The circumference will never be reached because there is no limit. Gemini season is a time of discoveries and quandaries that feel incredible, fascinating, and a little maddening. If everything is important then nothing is significant so perhaps life is meaningless after all? Thankfully, the Sagittarius Full Moon arrives at 11:42PM ET on June 3, to help us find significance in the small and spaciousness in the specific.

The Sagittarius Full Moon has a special relationship with Earth because both the ruling planets of this lunation, Jupiter and Mercury, are currently in Taurus. Sagittarius corresponds to the Temperance tarot card in the Major Arcana, which teaches us to anchor our dreams in reality. The Temperance card depicts the power of accessing all four elements at once with the angel hovering between earth and water, its wings floating in air, and the Sun bursting brightly over the horizon. The swift nature of wind that Gemini moves along makes grounding into Gaia even more important right now. We can’t forget our bodies in our quest for spiritual realization or the achievement of lofty goals. Indeed, our physical form is the vehicle through this terrestrial adventure.

Gemini season has brought us back to some cellular fundamentals. The conditioning of our physicality determines how we process experiences in real time. The Mercury retrograde in Taurus from April 21-May 14, revealed how past imprinting around scarcity and unworthiness is distorting our perception of the present and hindering movement towards the future. The Sun’s square with Saturn in Pisces on May 28, showed us the limits of our imagination. The past informs the present and shapes what we believe is possible for the future, but Sagittarius believes in hope. In fact, Sag is a betting sign and counts on big change coming through. 

The Sagittarius Full Moon wants us to let go of expectations–good, bad, ugly, and unrealistic. Fire signs are independent and like to go it alone, but Jupiter in Taurus is conservative with its wagers. The Full Moon at13°18 Sagittarius acknowledges what has been but doesn’t believe that's how it always has to be. This lunation is a dynamic interplay between what we can believe is possible and what the universe can envision for us. The Moon in Sagittarius wants us to choose differently and aim high.

Venus is still in Cancer until June 5, softening the spray of fire across the sky at this lunation. Both Jupiter and Mercury are constrained in Taurus, which is a more hands in the dirt type of thinker. Pontification is fine, but Taurus is only interested in listening to speculation for so long. The most important question is does it function in practice? The Sagittarius Full Moon wants us to acknowledge what isn’t working so that we can find solutions that do. The dual nature of Gemini can resist synthesis and doesn’t like being pinned down, but Mercury just passed out of its retrograde shadow on May 31, encouraging us to tie up the disparate pieces that have been in play since early April. All the possibilities we’re considering right now should have a practical application.

As discussed in the 3 Faces of Gemini decans walk post, Gemini is a verbose sign that has a lot to say and enjoys using many words to say it. Discernment is challenging in Gemini season, but the influence of earth makes it easier to prioritize. Mercury is the student and Jupiter the teacher. Gemini questions and Sagittarius answers. Or, at least, beckons us down a meaningful path. Mercury is a trickster God because it plays with the reflection of light. Consciousness is described as divinity reflecting back on itself. In that witnessing, we discover deeper truths. You may not be able to solve this riddle on your own, so don’t hesitate to seek out wise counsel.

Taurus corresponds to the Hierophant in the tarot Major Arcana and Mercury and Jupiter are currently embodying both sides of the archetype: the seeker who asks and the sage who answers. Jupiter is currently in a square with Mars in Leo, which can amplify our desire for debate. Mercury is moving into a conjunction with Uranus at 20°24 Taurus that peaks at 3:49PM ET on June 4. Discourse can become heated during the Full Moon due to all this fixed energy, with people digging into their positions rather than seeking creative solutions. It may not be possible to find middle ground but we can agree to disagree. Sagittarius believes in personal freedom and grants everyone the privilege of the Wiccan Rede: as ye harm ye none, do as ye will.

In graduate school I was told that while there are no stupid questions, there are more intelligent ones. We don’t need to be ashamed about the limits of our knowledge, but we should consider whether our queries benefit a larger audience before we take up space and other’s valuable time. Gemini season is an excellent time to THINK before we talk: Is what I’m about to say, Truthful, Honest, Intelligent, Necessary, and Kind?


Gemini New Moon Mirror


Taurus New Moon: May 19