Gemini New Moon Mirror

The Sun is in a square with Neptune in Pisces at the Gemini New Moon on June 18, inspiring us to change the way we operate on the small scale to reflect the unmanifested potential of all of Creation. Neptune activates our longing to merge with Divinity and can inspire a yearning for our immortal beloved. Gemini as the Lovers card in the Major Arcana tarot reminds us that the sacred bond of partnership can reveal more than we are able to see on our own.

In many stories of creation, Divinity arises as an emanation of light that contains qualities of beingness, love, and awareness. Being all that is, Divinity has no way to comprehend itself, so it creates an experience, some ancient peoples called it a game, to be able to interact with itself.

Divinity transformed Awareness into Consciousness, which is like a shadow that reflects the light of Awareness but is not the true source. Consciousness contains qualities of space, time, memory, and self; and becomes the grand stage for all of Creation. The multiverse is a wondrous evolution of unmanifested potential that we all get to be part of, which can keep us circling through experiences for eons. But there is something within each of us that remembers we were once intimately connected to All That Is. A place deep within us that recalls being One with Divinity. The hole in our heart that longs for home.

In the big picture, we seek to satisfy that ache with holy quests to discover the truth, unravel the mysteries of creation and the nature of time, and reconnect with Awareness so we can inhabit our natural state of Being/Light/Love. Ric Weinman writes about this eloquently in his book Awakening Through the Veils: A Seeker's Guide. The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3, was an opportunity to explore the macro perspective, but we can’t live in full screen all the time. Mostly life is made up of mundane moments and Gemini knows the small is sacred too.

Gemini season asks us to investigate the micro because it contains the key we’ve been seeking to unlock our heart. We long for partnership because it allows us to access different parts of ourselves than we can when we’re solitary. Our communication patterns are external reflections of our inner consciousness. Relationships hold up a mirror in order for us to see ourselves more clearly. We can get lost in this play of shadow of light and forget to reflect on what we’re actually doing. The language we use, expectations we hold, and narratives we continuously reaffirm are all up for examination when the Sun moves through Mercury’s mutable air sign from May 21-June 21. Consider how the feedback loop has unfolded over the past several weeks between thoughts, speech, actions, and reactions. It takes two to tango and Gemini can show us where we need to improve our posture and take a more open stance to see ourselves without agenda or projection.

Mercury moved into Gemini on June 11, opening up fresh possibilities after months of restraint in Taurus. The pragmatic bull builds fences to keep out neighbors and prioritizes self-protection. We were all inclined to play it safe and stick to our side of the road with Mercury in Taurus from April 3, but no such boundaries exist in Gemini. Now Mercury is sailing through vast skies over broad pastures. Mercury in Gemini has access to a wider range of possibilities, which can feel like freedom. But with an endless amount of landscape to explore, we need to be deliberate about where our attention is focused. This is especially important as Mercury comes into a hard aspect with Saturn in Pisces.

Mercury is moving fast and will transit Gemini quickly from June 11-26, encouraging connections with new friends and unfamiliar faces. Gemini loves to share information, but can struggle with synthesis and resist conclusion. Rumors fly during Gemini season but not everything other people believe is worth repeating. The technological age has brought more information to our fingertips than at any point in human history. The gift of the internet has democratized learning and made it possible to educate oneself as never before. But mixed in with all of the accurate and useful information are opinions and falsehoods masquerading as facts. The equal opportunity mouthpiece of online mass media has amplified the need for analytical discernment and a personal connection with truth. When facts are publicly in dispute, returning to a daily reaffirmation of our inner values is a necessary practice.

Gemini is a master in the art of deflection, and the square with Mercury and Saturn at 07°13 Pisces on June 15, could go a couple of ways. The martyr mentality of Pisces can serve as a way to sidestep taking responsibility for one’s mistakes. If people have a story of how they have been wronged, often by structural systems such as Saturn rules, they can have a difficult time admitting when they have done wrong. The ego may prefer to create a counter-narrative rather than own up to the harm they’ve caused. However, if this either-or binary thinking gets too rigid, Saturn will step in to destroy illusions.

We all have more to learn. There’s always room to grow. if we refuse to accept what is revealed in the mirror, the weight of Saturn will put cracks in our sense of self until we can no longer accept the fragmented pieces as our whole. The Mercury-Saturn square snaps our attention to the underlying emotional component of why people are telling such stories. Saturn stations retrograde at 1:27PM on June 17, and begins working its way back through the first decan of Pisces from now until November 3. Saturn will return back to this exact degree around Valentine's Day in February 2024, so you can expect these themes to be continuously explored over the next year.

The New Moon at 26°43 Gemini at 12:37AM ET on June 18, peaking on Saturday night, invites us to gaze into the mirror and consider accepting, and even loving, the visage that peers back. For most of us, the idea that we are divinity in form is just a sweet story designed to make us feel better. But how then do we explain falling in love? The inexplicable experience of getting swept up in something grand, that transcends our sense of self, and helps us connect more deeply with everything around us. Venus in Leo is sextiling Mercury in Gemini, inciting passion for a different experience of ourselves and partnerships.

The Gemini New Moon reminds us that we have choices in how we talk to ourselves and what narrative we choose to accept. It's easy to get discouraged about all the misinformation circulating like so much stale air, and wonder where humanity is ultimately headed. Gemini lives in the mental realm, but Saturn in Pisces is encouraging us to expand our imagination past the limits of where our mind runs out of road. The Sun’s square with Neptune in Pisces can bring us into contact with something we can’t logically comprehend but that catapults us into a higher vibrational dimension.


Capricorn Full Moon: July 3


Sagittarius Full Moon: June 3