December 30: Capricorn New Moon

Capricorn New Moon on December 30, 2024

The New Moon at 09°44 Capricorn at 5:27PM ET on December 30, wants you to consider what structure will best support the container of your life in 2025. This lunation coinciding with New Years invites us to be thoughtful about our commitments as we move into a future where the only certainty is a tremendous amount of change is coming. 

Capricorn New Moon on December 30, 2024

Capricorn is known for its seriousness and reliability. The intentions you set under this New Moon are the ones you should intend to keep, so consider them carefully. Cap has a strong sense of responsibility for itself and the environment. The seagoat enjoys managing what is under its domain and takes tremendous satisfaction from a job well done. But the need to uphold integrity and produce the very best possible can create a lot of pressure. 

The ruling planet, Saturn, brings challenges and limitations that trigger our control issues, but no one is going to be able to pretend they have it all together in the coming months—not with three retrogrades from Mars, Venus, and Mercury over the first three months of the year! 

If you'd like to weave your New Moon ritual into your New Year celebration, consider your long term goals for 2025 and leave lots of room for the unknown. There's so much upheaval and opportunity hitting cardinal signs: Neptune and Saturn move into Aries in the Spring for several months, and Jupiter enters Cancer for its year long transit starting June 9th. The next several years are going to be massive for people with planets or points in these signs. 

There's also a ton of mutable action with the nodes moving into Virgo and Pisces on January 11, giving us a full eclipse cycle along this axis for the first time in a decade. As if that wasn't enough, Uranus pops into Gemini from July 7-November 7, to scramble our signal and upgrade our communication system.

We're going to see massive technological advances over the next decade with all the air sign action and it's starting this summer when Uranus trines Pluto in Aquarius. Saturn has been inspiring our dreams and creative visions since it entered Pisces in 2023, but the burst of fire will give us a scalding dose of reality.

Saturn conjunct Neptune in Aries 2025

Neptune was last in Aries during the US Civil War, as was Uranus in Gemini. Uranus in Gemini has historically brought conflict and the persecution of unique individuals, such as during the Salem Witch Trials and World War 2. It was also present during the American Revolution.

Salem Witch Trials in 1692

Uranus is at 08°55 Gemini in the US Birth Chart and liberatory ferment is stirred up each time the country goes through its Uranus return. Winter is truly coming with the incoming political agenda seeking to attack human rights and erode basic human dignity of choice, access, and movement. It feels quite ominous, but there are many factors at play and we shouldn't assume the future will be the same as the past. 

USA Birthday Chart

What to do when considering all this new new? Make like a Capricorn and get real. We have the power to create our reality and truly, hard times are what Capricorn was built for; the grounded goat can withstand the long haul because it has planned carefully to make sure it has enough trail mix for the journey up the mountain. If your chart is getting activated by any of these transits, you're in for a big year (consult your local astrologer if you're not sure). 

Saturn is the realest planet because it brings the truth. As the principle of cause and effect, Saturn balances the multiplicity of possibilities that Jupiter offers. The Lord of Karma moves slowly and operates in 30 year cycles. Those born in the late 90s will enter into their Saturn return next year. Anyone who's lived through their Saturn return has a different perspective on adulthood than those who have not. Before then, there is the hope for what we believe life will bring. During, we are sobered by the struggles we face when seeking to manifest. Afterwards, we are matured by the reality of how things actually went down. 

Sagittarius season need us to remember the importance of belief, hope, and optimism, but Capricorn knows that success often involves realistic planning and dedication. It's an ambitious forward thinking energy, but it can tend towards pessimism in order to keep our expectations in check. The New Moon is an opportunity to take an accurate appraisal of what's actually happening in the areas of life that will be impacted by cosmic changes. The outcome of our efforts are a mixture of factors. 

At the Capricorn New Moon, consider what you want to happen and what you need to happen to feel successful in 2025. Obviously, we prioritize our needs and take what is left over to apply to our wants. Ask yourself, what resources do I have available without stretching myself too thin. We need to have a prudent reserve–emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually–to deal with all thats waiting in the wings. 

Power feels amorphous but it can be broken down by qualities.  Consider each of your goals against four key factors: opportunity, desire, ability and time. If we lack any of these four factors, have a think about whether its possible to change them through effort. If not, we may need to accept our limitations and give up.

Releasing specific ambitions can trigger a sense of failure, but it can also be quite liberating. Sometimes giving up can actually feel like freedom. Don't overload yourself in the new year. Be a good friend to future you and plan well, but be sure to budget in time for fun, play, and spontaneity because we all know what happens to the Capricorn that works too hard...

New Moon blessings.


January 13: Cancer Full Moon


December 15: Gemini Full Moon