December 15: Gemini Full Moon
The Full Moon at 23°53 Gemini on December 15, is a lover, moving from a trine with Venus in Aquarius, and conjunction with Jupiter, to a square with Neptune in Pisces. This Gemini Full Moon weekend wants you to remember that what the world needs now is love, sweet, love, so go out and make merry. The convivial lunation wants you to collaborate with your consorts, cavort with holiday carolers, and cater to whimsy.
Gemini believes that strangers are just friends we haven't met yet and we're encouraged to get out there and connect with people on Saturday, December 14. This is a wonderful time for parties, playful plans, and chasing delight. The Sagittarius holiday season is a busy time, but we generally have less energy as the Sun wanes towards the Winter Solstice on December 21, and with Mars retrograde in Leo. It's easy to get overwhelmed with everything we feel like we should do, but this Moon invites us to prioritize the festivities that are going to make us feel good.
Gemini is the sign of the inquisitive individual and with this lunation being ruled by a retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius, we are questioning everything. The positive side of Gemini's fickle nature is that it reminds us we always have choices–reserve the right to change your mind if what you previously decided no longer sparks joy. Go and do something else or stay home instead. This curious bookworm energy may have you devouring that novel you've been meaning to read or buried in some random yet incredibly satisfying research hole.
The troubles of the world are hitting us on an emotional level, as indicated by the square from Saturn in Pisces, but we are reminded that in the midst of sorrow, there is a call for great love. Gemini is a sign of paradox and has the capacity to consider seemingly contradictory truths simultaneously. A great paradox of life is that we believe we are separate when we are all inherently connected. Another lesson, taught by Saturn, is that it is often in our most difficult moments that we open more deeply to the good of the world.
Jupiter is retrograde and moving back to square Saturn again. We can consider what has developed since the great benefic entered Gemini on May 25, opening a bigger window to our world that hadn't been explored for over a decade. The Gemini New Moon on June 6, invited us to our communication, connection, and community relations. We are halfway through Jupiter's journey through Mercury's air sign and this is the perfect moment to take stock of what has developed over the last 6 months in the Gemini area of life, what you need to let go, and what should be added in for optimal effect in the new year.
Just hours after the Full Moon, Mercury stations direct at 06°24 Sagittarius on December 15, ending the retrograde journey that began at 22°40 Sagittarius on November 25. The next several weeks will be an opportunity to sort through what you think you've discovered since then, with an eye towards what you might have missed. Mercury is the trickster God, and while Sagittarius thinks it knows, Jupiter in Gemini is instilling a good deal of doubt into our belief. This is a beautiful time to adopt a beginner's mind attitude towards life. Truly, there are so many changes coming in 2025, that practicing being open and agile will serve us well.
The big shifts include Uranus moving into Gemini on July 7, where it will stay until November 7, giving us a preview of the more permanent dynamics activated in 2026. Air signs have social awareness, they encourage involvement in groups and the exchange of ideas, and none more so than talkative Gemini. Aquarius has a humanitarian vision for a more ideal future. Although it can also skew towards totalitarianism as we are seeing now with current politics. Pluto in Aquarius is amplifying both of these impulses and we will experience quite a powerful inception when Uranus trines Pluto over the Summer.
Gemini corresponds to The Lovers card in the tarot Major Arcana which is about the balance of opposites. The card depicts a core drama of Creation: separation and reunion. We come from the One but believe we are a separate individual and we project our fears and insecurities on to our loved ones. They are the people we act out our dramas and those with whom we most desire true intimacy.
Gemini rules the lungs in astrology and has an affiliation with the nervous system. Its easy to get anxious right now thinking about the future. This conspiratorial Full Moon is winking in the direction of the nefarious plans being concocted behind the scenes that will be unveiled in the new year. But getting anxious won't help us–breathing will. Another meaning of conspire is to breathe together. When we are intimate and close, like we sleep together in bed at night, we are vulnerable and we are also linked at the most fundamental level of being–through our breath. Communion is an act of creation, but union isn't easy. When we come together in love, our shadows are naturally activated as well. Our relationships require that we commit to a faithful process of self-appraisal and ongoing development. We can do together what we could never do alone. We can make miracles happen.
The keyword for this weekend is connection–intellectual, romantic, conversational, and casual. Discover what it means for you and where it takes you.