December 1: Sagittarius New Moon

Sagittarius New Moon on December 1, 2024

The philosophical Sagittarius New Moon on December 1, opens the month with the question of how to move forward into a future that feels dimmer than the past with respect to the Sag values of justice, unity, and human dignity. 

December 1, 2024 Sagittarius New Moon

Sagittarius takes the view of the broad picture. The divine perspective from the 10th dimension that perceives the fragile preciousness of our vast ecosystem: 8 billion people reliant on One earth, the sum of the parts, an unfathomable totality. The wisdom of Sagittarius knows that diversity is not the spice of life, it is an essential ingredient to the foundation of our being and health of the planet.

The centaur is the citizen of the world that belongs everywhere and is faithful to global ideals that promote common welfare. Ideals are ideas that resonate with our heart, mind, and spirit and inspire us to be better

However, the New Moon at 09°33 Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter in Gemini and in a square with Saturn in Pisces, speaks to experiences of dissolving and splitting apart. A small significant fracture that can topple the whole. In the final month of 2024, many of us are grappling with what it means to live in a period when political leaders don’t share values that are fundamental to ensuring the continuation of our species. 

Temperance Tarot Card XIV

The tarot Major Arcana card corresponding with Sagittarius, XIV Temperance, holds insight into how to face this moment of fear, doubt, and uncertainty. Temperance is about economy, moderation, and frugality. Sag dreams big and expects the best, but can overshoot or extend itself past the point of sustainability. Temperance teaches us how to deal with unfortunate situations, combinations that don’t gel, disunion, competing interests in which the corrupt prevail. When the going gets tough, the angel of Temperance seeks balance and patience. 

According to punk rock artist, Cristy C. Road, in the Next World Tarot deckWorking in tandem with land and sea, Temperance finds a sense of grounding when she listens to what nature asks of her. When it rains, we seek shelter; when it's sweltering, we drink water; when we hurt inside we face the sun and breathe deeper and faster. 

This is a beautiful reminder that when the world feels too much–out of control and scary– we can seek the simple gifts awe inspiring gifts of nature to bring us back home to ourselves, our bodies, and our truth. We can’t change our circumstances all at once, but we can respond intelligently to the conundrum before us. 

What that truth is may be in flux for you as the Sagittarius area of life is undergoing a massive overhaul with another Mercury retrograde to close out the year. Think back to where you were December 2023, when Mercury went retrograde on nearly the same degree of this Sagittarius New Moon. A process of changes began during that retrograde cycle that Mercury takes deeper now. Whatever the area of life that is for you, consult your local astrologer if you’re not sure, we’re wrapping up a process that has been about learning to live with less while cultivating gratitude for what is. 

Mercury direct Sagittarius

This year, Mercury entered its shadow at 06°24 Sagittarius on November 7, stationed retrograde at 22°40 Sagittarius on November 25, goes cazimi at 14°27 Sagittarius on December 5, and stations direct at the Gemini Full Moon on December 15. 

Sagittarius and Gemini are always in relationship to each other and both area of life are being reconsidered right now. Mercury in Sagittarius helps us perceive how we are all connected on the micro level. It can be easy to get lost in the big picture, or think that our small part doesn’t matter, but if we don’t all do what we can, and consider how everyone can live and thrive, then we will surely perish together. The Temperance card preaches humility above all. 

Sagittarius answers to an ultimate authority as they define it for themselves. They do not have to agree with others and will either allow for a great variety of belief. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius asks what do you Believe in? What is the nature of Divinity as you comprehend it? What is it guiding you towards? Are your actions in accordance with your ethics? 

As we close out an incredibly divisive and difficult year, it is imperative we consider what unites us. This fire Moon is teaching us how to find unity through diversity. May we each find our way to the path and what sustains us through the walk through the darkest night. 


December 15: Gemini Full Moon


November 15: Taurus Full Moon