November 15: Taurus Full Moon
The Full Moon at 24° Taurus on November 15, arriving at the end of two exhausting and chaotic weeks, reminds us that we need rest. The Moon conjunct Uranus, has a shattering and destabilizing energy. Taurus is the exaltation home of Luna, a place where we usually feel abundantly supported and sensuously satisfied from good food, soft touch, melodious music, and soft cloth. The discord between what we want, and certainly deserve, and the world around us is heightened by Uranus’ conjunction with the fixed star Mother Algol.
Algol is a fearsome blinking fixed star in the constellation of Perseus, symbolzing Medusa’s severed head and the feminine rage of all abused and mistreated women, transgender, and LGBTQAI folks. Algol has a fierce reputation and its malefic energy is popular for protection talismans; acting like a mirror and reflecting all negative spiritual influences back on the sender. If you need protection, or want to learn more, check out Sphere and Sundry’s offering here.
Known as the Mischief Maker, Algol will not go quietly into the night. In the myth of the slaying of Medusa, she was attacked by Poisedon in Athena’s temple, and for this offense, she was punished, not him. Medusa retreated to a cave to heal, but was hunted and killed by Perseus, using a shield Athena had lent him. This attack was cruel and all the more devastating because it was ordered by a goddess who was seeking to maintain her own power, but Medusa could not be erased. Her power persisted even in death, just as we all persevere during times of great injustice. From Medusa’s severed head sprang children, including the winged horse Pegasus, symbol of poetry. Drops of her blood fell to the ground as Pegasus flew away, and great oases grew in the desert.
According to Demetra George in Mysteries of the Dark Moon: The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess, the myth of the slaying of Medusa represents the actual events during the reign of King Perseus around 1290 BC, when the early Moon goddess powers were usurped by patriarchally dominated invaders of mainland Greece. They overran the shrines, stripped the priestess of their powers, and took possession of their sacred symbols. The sociological trauma was recorded in Medusa’s legend.
For thousands of years, Medusa’s severed head has symbolized the collective horror at the crimes of the patriarchy. Her rage is present whenever those who commit acts of violence against women and sexual violence go unpunished. In a complex move, Athena emblazoned Medusa’s head on her breastplate in honor of her power, and as a reminder to us all of what had been lost to patriarchal conquest–the veneration of the dark moon and snake goddess magic. The medicine of Medusa and Athena is present when we seek to make amends for a betrayal, and the collective grief at the recent election has certainly elicited such energy.
Medusa has been speaking to us strongly since the advent of the civil rights movement and has emerged prominently in the collective consciousness since the Me Too movement as an alleged monster who is actually a victim/survivor, whose power and poignancy lives on long after those who harmed her have faded to dust. You can read more about the healing invocation of Medusa in the collaborative zine by Maria Molteni, Vin Caponigro, and myself: MEDUSA ~ MYTH, MEMORY, ANTI-MONUMENT (more info below).
The Taurus Full Moon is highlighting the abuse in our society that once again seeks to scapegoat vulnerable populations so those in power can profit and maintain control. But while there is much justifiable outrage, there is no need to do anything just yet. In order to tap into the wisdom of the body, we must be able to breathe into our cells and witness what arises. Many people are wondering what changes they must make to be safe in the coming months and years. While there are some things that we can and must do right away, the truth is that we also need to take a pause because when we go through a trauma, the system needs time to process before we can fully understand how to respond well.
As yoga teacher and social justice activist Michelle C. Johnson recently suggested, perhaps rest in the answer:
“I urge you to rest if you feel tired. My friend Octavia Raheem shared with me the other day that productivity, frenzy, and overworking aren't the answer. Maybe they are why we are here now. Perhaps rest is the answer. Maybe resourcing ourselves through rest is the only way we will be able to birth sweetness during this time's pervading darkness.”
No one naps like a Taurus and this weekend is a wonderful time to catch up on sleep, or deep cuddles with lovers and friends. We need comfort and consolation because we are human animals and this is the time to hunker down, take it easy, and treat ourselves and dear ones with gentleness. Feel the rage, but let the joy be present at the same time.
The moment to act will come and we will know what to do if we are present and open to seeing what we are shown. Love you.