July 5: Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon on July 5, 2024

The Moon renews itself in the heart of the Sun at 14°23 Cancer at 6:57PM ET on July 5, highlighting our relationship to home, nourishment, nurturing, and safety. These themes are highlighted by the Cancer New Moon’s partile opposition to the asteroid Ceres at 14°26 Capricorn. The Capricorn Blue Moon this Cancer season means we can’t escape the need to examine the foundations of our family and country. The Cancer New Moon asks whether you love where you live and how you can improve your experience of home.

Cancer New Moon on July 5, 2024

Ceres is an emanation of the ancient Earth mother and Roman Goddess of agriculture who taught people how to work with the land in order to sustainably feed themselves. For most of our existence, people believed knowledge was divinely inspired. Ceres instructed humans in the cultivation of grain and wheat necessary for the survival of their families. In return, they gave thanks and venerated her for the corn and grain berries that come from her body. Agriculture anchored people in a location and allowed them to develop complex social systems within a place. Culture is always a reflection of our history. Ceres’ transit through Capricorn from February-December, 2024, draws our awareness into what needs to change in order to feel more securely rooted in where you live, whether that be politically or interpersonally. 

Goddess Ceres

Venus at 22°57 Cancer is in a sextile with Uranus at 25°56 Taurus linking the people and places we love with the need to prioritize environmental justice. The Earth provides what we need as long as we attend to it well. Indigenous wisdom practices of living in harmony with the land ensures that people will always have a home to dwell on, fresh water to drink, and healthy food to eat. Nourishment and nurturing are Cancer priorities; it rules over the breasts and belly in astrology. Take this moment of rebirth to consider what your body needs to thrive over the next 3 months. 

In the Northern Hemisphere, we’re having record breaking high temperatures as a result of climate change. Heat impacts us immediately and intensely. This New Moon is a great time to reorganize your house to make it a more optimal space for you to chill out. The Moon rules over the ocean and we need water to live. Make sure you’re staying hydrated and have a plan to stay cool–physically, emotionally, and mentally–however you do that best. 

The myths of Ceres’ (who’s Greek counterpart is Goddess Demeter, from “da Mater”) explore the connection between safety, power, abuse, loss, and return. Ceres’ daughter, Kore, is taken to the Underworld by her brother Pluto, and goes on a journey to retrieve her. She mourns and causes the world to enter into a famine from her pain. Notice what grief arises from the people you’ve lost or the difficult dynamics that prevent the intimacy that Venus in Cancer seeks to create.

Persephone and Demeter

There is trauma in witnessing the suffering of others and feeling powerless to stop it. The Moon helps us connect with our community. Join together with like minded folks to affect the change you wish to see.

The Cancer New Moon happens within a day of the celebrated birth of the USA, July 4th, as Mars in Taurus moves into a conjunction with Uranus. We have entered into the election cycle and will hear many stories about what is necessary to protect some children and families at the expense of others. The Pluto return of the USA means that we’ve been reckoning with the shadow of our democratic ideals. The Mars-Uranus conjunction will peak at 26°19 Taurus on July 15, activating the ignorant and misguided energy of the insurrection from January 6, 2021.

Mars conjunct Uranus July 15, 2024

Cancers protect themselves by creating a shield around themselves. If you feel vulnerable during this time, encircle yourself in love and care. Go internal and get in touch with what you need. Collaborative communication is favored thanks to Mercury in Leo is making a sextile to Jupiter in Gemini. This is a great time to share from the heart and think creatively about the solutions needed to create a stronger network of care for everyone.

Cancer Full Moon on January 13, 2025

This lunation plants the seed that will bloom during Capricorn Season on January 13, 2025, at the Cancer Full Moon, which is conjunct a painful Mars retrograde. It may seem like a lifetime away but what happens between now and then will determine the quality of our lives for years to come. Cancer moves indirectly but it is guided by love. Take the path that leads to greater emotional safety within your home, community, and, ideally, country. Let us fortify ourselves for what's to come by bathing while we can in love.


August 4: Lammas Leo New Moon


June 21: Capricorn Full Moon